• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

Sent my orders.

So I take it next update tomorrow? Huh.
orders sent!
Whoah... Check out my country, haha. I will stick with the Emperor's China.

From: Emperor Longyu

I gave you more than lenient terms with our peace agreement, and this is how I am repayed? What is the reason for aiding the enemies of prosperity in our region? Your actions have destroyed the peace of the Chinese people. Remember, that you have signed a 10 year NAP with us, 2 years ago. We will expect you to at least hold true to that.

To:The Union of Commonwealth States
From:Emperor Longyu

I have 2 options before me. Abandon China and make a new empire in India, or we can make peace, and sign a NAP for the future, and the lands that have been taken from you will be given back.

To:General Kai-Shek
From:Emperor Longyu

Good thing you have taken control of the region. The reds are on the rise. You are now entitled with the fiefs currently under your control,and the title "General Who Protects the South" and you will be recognised with any fiefs taken from the reds.

orders to be sent after diplo is answered.

To:Siam, Vietnam, and Mongolia
From:Emperor Longyu

It is either because of me, or my mother, that you are sovereign over your own nation. I would hope that, in our time of need, you would come to show your respect for that fact. Your military support would come in most useful at this point.
To: China
From: Siam

At this time it behooves us once more to reiterate our request for Malaya. We do respect your initial assistance for our nation, and we would like the rest of it back. At that point we'll consider the economic and political aspects to intervening in the conflict.

To: China
From: Vietnam

We would remind you that we won our freedom from the French and Germans by our own accord and revolution. At this time we do not wish to anger our new trading partners and we urge you to search for a diplomatic solution.

To: China
From: Mongolia

You have attempted to interfere with our politics since the formation of our government. You are getting what you deserve for your meddlesome ways.

To: China
From: Guangxi

Deadline for orders is 10 hours.
Who still hasn't sent in?

Count the Diplomatic Pouch I sent now, I got another diplo and I wanted to make sure that nothing in there had to be changed. I don't really need responses, since most of them should be fairly obvious by now.
Well we're hitting the deadline now, and I'm making preparations to take my materials to work. Update will be posted at approximately 6-6:30 US Eastern Time.
Update incoming; propagandist, I'm sorry but your orders were not in time to affect the update.
Global News Report

WAR IN CHINA CONTINUES. The Chinese Civil War continues as the Reds continue fighting against the Emperor and the rebel warlords in the south fight for independance. As differing Chinese factions battle for control of government, the Qing Dynasty finds itself once more fighting several old enemies as well on all sides. From the north, the old enemy of Nippon has once more invaded Manchuria, proclaiming that a Chinese democracy must be established. From the south, the Commonwealth has at last cleared the Chinese out of India and has reoccupied Burma with the Chinese withdrawal. From the east American ships still occasionally hit Chinese ports, though problems at home have prevented a more complete action by the United States. From the west, the Muslims have attacked once more, making dubious territorial claims against Chinese Sinkiang. See insert below for complete details on the Asian situation.

STOCK MARKET CRASH HERALDS GREAT DEPRESSION. New York, USA. The world has been hit by the most brutal recession to have ever occured in the modern world. The crash of the stock market in the world's finiancial capital of New York City was only the obvious symbol of the crash. From the United States, the recession spread to Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia. Only a few lucky nations have avoided the ramifications of the economic crash across the globe. But what caused the Great Depression to begin? Certainly the unethical tradings and dealings of the stock exchange which directly caused the market crash were part of it. However, economists also point to the Hawley-Smoot Embargo, the European League counter-embargo, the economic collapse of China, the end of the Caribbean Land Boom in 1926, the rise of a multitude of communist nations, the aftereffects of the reparations paid due to the Second Global War, and finally the neverending wars of the South America. The majority of communist and Islamic fundamentalist nations have evaded the worst problems of the Depression due to the nature and organization of their governments. To detail the effect that this catastrophe has had on the world, a special insert has been prepared in the section below.

North/Central American News Report

South American News Report

ARGENTINA LAUNCHES RENEWED OFFENSIVE. With no response from Brazil on the potential for a treaty, the Argentinan government has ordered one last offensive against the nation. Due to a lack of naval superiority the generals of Argentina have concluded that only a massive overland assualt could win the war. In a brutal frontal offensive overwhelming Argentinan numbers have poured through Brazillian lines as breakthroughs occur across the front. The American Accord, and surprisingly Bolivia, have all failed to send any support to Argentina in their campaign as the Depression hits and hits hard. Casualties have been incredibly harsh has Argentine military forces strike well prepared positions and the Brazillian army retreats in good order.
Casualty List
Argentina: 6 Militia Divisions, 4 Infantry Divisions
Brazil: 2 Militia Divisions, 2 Infantry Divisions

European News Report

THE END OF FRANCE. Cherbourg, Irish Occupation Zone. In combination with the chaos caused by the Depression, a major uprising has broken into Petain's headquarters at Versailles and hung him from the rafters. Petain's death signalled the end of any organized leadership in France. With no one to rally behind, the remnants of the French nation has collapsed into anarchy. In every city and village it seems that a new warlord has risen and proclaimed themselves as "President of France". The French military apparatus has effectively destroyed itself through infighting and mutinies with a single notable exception. Charles de Gualle, a long time French patriot and military leader, led his armored division to the port city of Brest from where he departed to form the nation of New France (see Depression insert for more information). Irish divisions have remained in their distribution base at Cherbourg, a city virtually depopulated of French civilians, and have managed to hold back the occasional raiding parties which have attacked the Irish encampment. Several other French divisions have defected to Spain, one of the nations which in the past has welcomed French immigrants. (+2 Infantry, 1 Cavalry Divisions for Spain; France ceases to exist)

RETURN OF THE KING. Madrid, Spain. With a roaring welcome from the Spanish Carlist Party, the dominating factor in Spanish politics since the end of the Communist War, King Alfonso XIII has returned to the vacant throne. Claiming heritage to the Bourbons and the traditional throne, he has gained great support from the influx of French immigrants as well as native Spanish. Principle to the monarch's new campaign and the promises his government has given to the people are the oath to restore the Spanish Empire and the support for domestic economic reform. Called the "People's King", Alfonso XIII has become the world's most popular monarch. (-5% Dissent for Spain)

COMMUNIST COUP IN GREECE. See Depression Insert for more details including the effect of the Depression on Greece.

REFORM IN GERMANY. Berlin, Germany. In a stunning move, the Kaiser has opened up the Riechstag for free elections once more. Though the nation was not ready for such a move when previously attempted in 1916, the German people, stunned by the loss of the Second Global War and the effects of the Depression, held a much contested election in mid-October. The conservatives, allies of the Kaiser and representative of most of the German people, won the elections with a slim 51% majority. The new Chancellor is therefore is the popular conservative Helmar Schact. However several new parties have been introduced into German politics including the newly relegalized Communist Party headed by Austrian Adolf Hitler, and the National Socialist Party headed by Anton Drexler. The Communists managed to gain 34% of the vote while the remaining 15% went to the National Socialists. (-5% Dissent for Germany)

USSR INTRODUCES FOUR YEAR PLAN. St. Petersburg, USSR. In a move to enforce communist rule on the nation, Leon Trotsky has announced several new programs to help build up the Soviet Union. First and foremost is the new Four Year Plan, the first of several economic programs to build Soviet industry. This plan, scheduled to end in 1933, has the main objective of putting the unemployed to productive work. Military units have begun rounding up the unemployed for this and have met with mostly easy success and little resistance. Furthermore Trotsky has announced the Young Communist Organization, an activity club for helping educate and occupy the young of the Soviet Union.

ITALY INTRODUCES NEW DOMESTIC PROGRAMS. Rome, Italy. In response to American claims of inactivity towards domestic issues, the Italian government has enforced several new policies and programs designed to assist the people. The Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro, an after-work recreation program for adults, is the first of the Fascist programs announced by Mussolini. Combined with the modernization of the railroad network and other developments of public transit, the programs have made a good start, but need more public spending funding to succeed. Italian military forces, in an ultrasecret move, launched a rapid campaign against the well-entrenched Mafia of Sicily. Though some of the ringleaders still remain at large, the Italian government has expressed confidence of their inevitable apprehension. One final movement is the formation of the Industrial Reconstruction Institute, designed to cope with the effects of the 1928 American embargo and business pullout as well as the ensuing Global Depression. This new organization is in its birth throes and many believe it will remain ineffective as late as 1931.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

NEW AFGHAN KING. Kabul, Afghanistan. In a lavishly decorated ceremony, King Habibullah Khan was laid to rest in a masoleum in the mountains outside Kabul. Reknown for his acceptance of Islam into everyday Afghan life and his propency of Dar-al-Islam's restoration of the old Caliphate, his new successor has vowed to continue his policies. The new King Nadir Shah has announced to all the hope that Dar-al-Islam will unify all Islamic nations under one banner and has promised to put forward such a proposal at the 2nd International Islamic Conference in 1930.

SOUTH AFRICA BUYS CAPE OF AFRICA. See Depression Insert for more details including the effect of the Depression on the Republic of South Africa.

UPRISING IN PALESTINE. In a major blow to Italian colonial rule, the region of Palestine has risen up against their de facto rulers from Rome. Though Italy had decentralized rule of Africa from Rome before the Second Global War, the effects of the war were far reaching as Italy demanded more and more from the region to fuel the industry of war. Now in an organized effort, both Muslims and Jews have united in the region to throw out the Italians. Much of the region has been secured around Jerusalem and many Italian soldiers firmly believe that the rebels are recieving aid from foriegn sources. Two events seem to prove this fact. A Spanish ship was seized in Damasacus as soon as the uprising started and it was revealled to be carrying a large shipment of arms. Furthermore a caravan was shot up along the border with Dar-al-Islam when its members attempted to resist an Italian border check. Weapons have turned up as an unusual collection including types from Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, and the Muslim nations. However the weapons arrived, the fact remains that the rebels are very well armed and not to be underestimated.

Asian/Pacific News Report

SOCIALISTS WIN IN VIETNAM. Saigon, Vietnam. In a surprising development for Asian politics, the Vietnamese Socialist Party has won the elections, sealing the fate for any Chinese hopes of aid in their civil war. Sparked partially by the Depression, Vietnam's new government has promised political reform and the nationalization of industry. Furthermore Vietnam has vowed to reestablish ties cut with both Nippon and the Soviet Union during the first part of the Second Global War.

NEW ELECTIONS ONCE MORE IN MONGOLIA. Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia. For the second time in as many years, the Mongolian government has held elections once more without Chinese influence. Monitored by Nipponese and Council of Nations diplomats, Mongolia has announced the surprising victory of the Socialist Party. The new regime has announced its support for Mao Zedong's Red Army and claims that "Zedong is the best hope for democracy in China."

Global News Ticker


SPECIAL: Chaos In China

QING DYNASTY CALLS ON CONSCRIPTION. As rebels and mutineers fight against the Emperor on all fronts and Commonwealth and Nipponese push on the Empire, the Imperial Court has once more called upon conscripts for service. However, unlike in the Second Global War he no longer has support like he once did. The amount of conscripted irregulars is far smaller as much of the territory now resides under rebel control. Furthermore, in some regions people have actually decided to fight rather than be conscripted for duty. China will recieve 8 Irregular Divisions a year for three years.

SIAMESE SEIZE MALAYA. Breaking the bonds with which the Emperor attempted to hold the King of Siam subordinate, the armies of Siam have crossed the border into Malaya, taking the penninsula back into their kingdom. Rama VI has proclaimed that with the restoration of the Siamese state comes a new era free of Chinese influence. Rama's speech was met with much rejoicing. The new territory has also helped Siam's economy to break free of Chinese nessecity and unlike many nations this year, the Siamese economy has actually grown. (+1 Private Enterprise for Siam)

CHINESE DRIVEN OUT OF COMMONWEALTH. Overwhelming Commonwealth forces, combined with open revolt back home have forced the Chinese out of India and Burma. However, the war has cost the UCS government and nation dearly. Chinese gas retaliations against partisans and the occupation of much of India has left the economy of the region in ruins. An estimated seven million Indians died as result of Chinese atrocities and twice as many have been left homeless or wounded. Combined with the massive conscription effort, casualties have been incredibly high throughout the course of the war, devastating an already worn down nation. See the Depression insert for more details on the economic effects of both the economic recession and the end of the war in India.

MUSLIMS INVADE WEST CHINA. Quoting the Treaty of Vladiostock, the agreement to divide China made in 1919 by the Brotherhood of Islamic Nations and the Common Front International, Dar-al-Islam has once more pressed claims on China. Using superior aircraft and newly produced bombers, the Muslims have easily moved into the territory they are calling Sinkiang. The region's Muslims are certainly in the minority, but nonetheless, the Islamic governments are demanding that the Emperor recognize the region as an independant Islamic theocracy.

NIPPONESE INVADE MANCHURIA (AGAIN). Once more, Nipponese mechanized forces have crossed the Korean border into Manchuria. This time, instead of being met by tough resistance, they have been welcomed as liberators as the Chinese peasants rise in favor of the communists. Already most of Manchuria has revolted to the Nipponese in hopes of being united with Mao's Red China further south. By the end of the year, Nipponese had already begun a major push on Peking against minor resistance.

KAI-SHIEK BUYS OFF YUNNAN. Faced with possible resistance from the mountain divisions of the Emperor, General Kai-Shiek paid off the local defense to join his side and turn over the region to his control. His ragtag army has been greatly bolstered by this addition and his power swells with each passing month. General Kai-SHiek has promised to mantain peace with the Union of Commonwealth States in return for recognition of his territorial claims taken from the Emperor.

QING FORCES DRIVE SOUTH. With the return of the shattered military forces from India and Burma, the Qing Dynasty has ordered their forces to hit the communists hard. Though badly outnumbered the Imperial forces managed to force the Reds across the riverline, though a lack of a bridgehead prevented any further advance. The hard-fought battle for air superiority proved fruitless when Nipponese planes arrived to assist the Red Army's battered air corps. Fortunately the Imperial Chinese have managed to retain enough air power to prevent the Nipponese fleet from making sorties against the northern coast.
Casualty List
China: 2 Infantry Divisions, 5 Fighter Squadrons
Red China: 5 Militia Divisions, 4 Fighter Squadrons
Nippon: 1 Fighter Squadron

SPECIAL: Global Depression

US ECONOMY IN COLLAPSE. New York, USA. The powerhouse economy of the United States of America has been put to the test. With hundreds of thousands out of work due to the loss of jobs with Edgis-Ford and other large employers, the American people have hit an all-time low in the economy. Major industries have almost shut down almost entirely while the Americans turn towards unions and radicalist groups in this hour of peril. President Smith has appealled to the populace for calm, but naturally they aren't listening. (-14 Base IC; +10% Dissent)

CENTRAL AMERICA DECLINING. Guatemala City, UPCA. The United Provinces of Central America, a nation torn by war in the past decade, has been increasingly reliant on American trade and industry to keep it supported in tough times. With the collapse of the North American economy, the UPCA soon followed. The economy of the region relied on extensive trade with the American-held Caribbean and the loss of the trading in that area caused by the Depression has severely crippled the UPCA. Many call for a movement against the United States while other call for a movement to join the USA. Further south from the UPCA is the fledgling monarchy of Nicaragua. Having avoided the worst effects of the Depression due to a lack of any trading ties with the United States, Nicaragua has felt a national revitalization of its people, military, and economy. Trade with Argentina has kept the economy afloat with no national loss. (-3 Base IC for UPCA; -5% Dissent for Nicaragua)

SOUTH AMERICAN RECESSION. Sucre, Bolivia. Though the Depression has not hit the southern part of the Western Hemisphere as hard as the north, much of South America has still economically declined in this difficult time. Particularly the nations of Chile, Venezuela, and Ecuador have been hit hardest as all three nations still possessed partial ties to the United States economy even after the decaying relations between the USA and the American Accord. By the domino effect, the nations of Peru and Bolivia were affected to a lesser degree than the aforementioned three nations. Brazil and Argentina were the only two South American nations to remain mostly unaffected by the recession. Brazil has mantained its economy as new elections bring the Liberals back into power, who have squelched attempted communist manipulation of industry. The war effort has also kept both industry and the unions firmly behind the Brazillian government, although many believe that the Brazillian economy may follow the way of the USA should Argentina win the war. Argentina on the other hand has actually prospered from the economic collapse of much of the world. With the end of US trading in certain regions, Argentina has become a popular trading partner with Europe and Nicaragua. Time will tell whether or not this will stand. (-2 Base IC for Chile, Venezuela, and Ecuador; -1 Base IC for Peru and Bolivia; +2 Private Enterprise for Argentina)

COMMUNISTS SEIZE POWER IN GREECE. Athens, Greece. In a startling move by many, the communists, loosely backed by the military and the ruling Socialist Party have thrown out the King's regime and declared a People's Republic. Though the communists did gain strength in the aftermath of the Second Global War, this move has been met with shock by most Greek citizens. Many conservatives and the wealthy have fled the new government and have emigrated to Italy, where the economic effect has been felt by the influx of the rich. Needless to say the rise of the new government has exacerbated the effects of the Depression on Greece and this has left many rather dissatisfied with the communist regime. (+1 Private Enterprise for Italy; -2 Base IC for Greece, +15% Dissent for Greece)

EUROPEAN LEAGUE MANTAINS STABILITY. Rome, Italy. The Hawley-Smoot Embargo, though a devastating blow which made the Depression far worse, may well have provided much of the European League protection against the worst effects of the recession. Those who cut ties with the United States were mostly nations with no trade links to them, with the exceptions of Belguim and Italy. Nonetheless, the economies of Eastern Europe and the Italian Empire have managed to mantain their production at status quo. In contrast the economies of the British Islands have found themselves in deep trouble due to their extensive trade links with the United States. Eire, Scotland, Holland, and Wales have all been hit almost as hard as the United States of America itself. (-1 Base IC for Belguim; -2 Base IC for Eire; -2 Base IC for Holand; -1 Base IC for Scotland; -1 Base IC for Wales)

THE BALTIC SEA RECESSION. Berlin, Germany. American trade negiotiations and diplomacy since the end of the Second Global War brought Germany and the United States closer together. Now American entreprenuers have pulled out of German investments as the economy collapses at home. The German economy, having turned from Russian sources of goods to American ones, has stumbled with the Depression, though it certainly has not been hit nearly as hard as the British Isles or Africa. Scandinavia has also been hit slightly by the Depression due to its own trade relations with the United States and the European League. (-3 Base IC for Germany; -2 Base IC for Scandinavia)

ANARCHY IN PORTUGAL. Lisbon, Portugal. With the collapse of the global economy, the long standing democratic Republican movement of the Portuguese finally made their bid for power. A popular uprising stormed the palace in Lisbon and lynched King Manuel II. However a heavy mechanized armor force arrived and soon crushed the rebellion. With no clear leadership or organization of government, the Portuguese nation is in complete disarray. Elements of the military have already appealled to the resurgent monarchy in Madrid to help aid in the nation's recovery.

SOUTH AFRICA BUYS CAPE. Pretoria, South Africa. In a rather expected move by most foriegn diplomats, the government of South Africa purchased the Cape of Africa in early February of 1929 from the Union of Commonwealth States. The Commonwealth is still allowed to retain a single naval facility on the cape, but the territory itself has finally been secured by the Boer nation. Despite the rich aquisition now controlled by South Africa, the Depression has prevented the trade hub from being exploited properly. With a massive decline in international trade and the collapse of several South African companies due to the stock market crash in New York, the South African economy has actually declined following the new acquisition. However, many analysists believe that once trade is restored and renewed the South African economy may manage to regain strength. (-1 Base IC for South Africa)

COLLAPSE OF LIBERIA. Monrovia, Liberia. For over a decade the nation of Liberia has been completely ruled by the Edgis-Ford Corporation through the whims of the True Whig Party. However, Edgis-Ford was one of the biggest losers when the stock market collapsed in New York in June 1929. With the end of Edgis-Ford came the end of government in Liberia. The entire nation quickly collapsed into anarchy as factions vied for power and freedom. Most stunning of these factions as mentioned above was the amazing exodus of French conservatives and fascists under the leadership of the charismatic Charles de Gaulle. De Gaulle has founded the new nation of New France and has proclaimed it a new refuge and homeland for French people across the world. Using his veteran French armored division to keep raiders and the rulers of other factions away, de Gaulle hopes the best for New France. Deep inland of Liberia, Mexican laborers slaved away following their expulsion from North America by the United States. Now under the leadership of Lazaro Cardenas the Mexicans have revolted from the control of the government at Monrovia and seized control of the inland mines and factories along the Niger river. The Mexican Free State has been recognized by both the nations of Abyssinia and New France. Another nation which has arisen following the collapse of the main government is a collection of African tribes which have rallied to King Ademola II, the rightful ruler of Sokoto. A new African kingdom has been proclaimed in Central Liberia, coming into conflict with both New France and the Mexican Free State. A final new nation was created along the coast as former European colonists rally to a new liberal republican government at Banjul. Spanish, French, British, and Portuguese colonists have met together and formed the turbulent new African democracy, the West African Union. Meanwhile, in Monrovia, Edwin Barclay, temporary President of a provisional government, declared martial law with support of the military. He has claimed this to be emergency measures while the crisis is resolved.

UCS IN TURMOIL. Winchester, UCS. The Union of Commonwealth States, though victorious in their war against China, have found themselves much worse off from the Depression. Drastically increased trade with the United States and the Chinese occupation of much of India's industry and raw materials have horribly affected the economy of the Commonwealth. Though it has not been wrecked as badly as the United States' industry, they are not far behind. Many also believe that when things demobilize from the war, the recession could hit even worse than it already has. (-5 Base IC for UCS)

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Chinese Empire
From: Dar-al-Islam

We demand you recognize the region we've siezed as the Islamic nation of Sinkiang. Should you refuse our armies will continue marching east until we reach Peking.

To: Argentina
From: Nicaragua

We would like to apply to join the American Accord.

To: European League
From: Spain

The Portuguese military has asked us to step in and help restore order. We will do this in the following year.


@nuclear kid, the collapse of France nullifies part of your production orders, so those IC have been put into your research.

I have changed the color of Red China to something less like the Nipponese Empire.

@Charles Li, If you dont send orders for next update you will be kicked out.

A note on the Liberian factions, their colors are as below:
bluish along the German border: New France
yellow: Mexican Free State
brownish in the middle: Sokoto
original color: Liberia

@Human-slaughter, i recieved no confirmation of any tech arrival from anyone, so that did not occur.

World Map

Spoiler :
Sorry Human, I rushed my orders and it was past the deadline by the time I remembered.

EDIT: It seems Hitler did get into that Art School. I'm not sure whether or not him in charge of German Communism is good or bad, but it's interesting.

EDIT2: If you meant Al Smith, he would properly be a Socialist, or at least Liberal. I'm probably wrong, but I can't think of any US politicans named Smith other than him.
Great update. So, I should see more IC in 1933?

Cool :cool:
Adolf Hitler is Communist? Oh dear, that I find highly amusing.
@Shadowbound: I know what you mean, but he's been forced to run on conservative platforms by the party, like he probably would have in RL should he have won.
GAH! BRAZIL! The phony war is not phony! We had the peace treaty. If you want me to formalize one, I will. This is getting annoying.

From Argentina

We will do all we can to help you in this time of need. (Especially if brazil were to agree to peace that we agreed on a while ago...)

EDIT: To Nicaragua
From Argentina

We see no reason why not, but will have to bring it up to a vote. Argentina votes YES on Nicaraguan membership.
NPCs and Bolivia?
ooc: you said i got +1 ic from the greeks, yet my base ic remains at 11 from last turn.
I said 1 IC; thought i increased it. No worries will fix.
TerrisH, if you're still around, I'd recommend Spain. Seeing as France doesn't exist.

To Vietnam, Siam, Mongolia
From Nippon

The People of Nippon are pleased to see that the work we tried to do ten years ago is now complete, with the liberation of Southeast Asia from Qing Puppetry. We look forward to a long and excellent relationship with all of you, as one sovereign nation to another.
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