To those with d3dx9_32.dll problems

I know this is a old problem to you guys but i could really use your help. I think I have found the directx file to download to fix this problem, but where do you save and open the file to. Or if there is another file that will fix this issue. can anyone help me fix this d3dx9_32.dll problem
I know this is a old problem to you guys but i could really use your help. I think I have found the directx file to download to fix this problem, but where do you save and open the file to. Or if there is another file that will fix this issue. can anyone help me fix this d3dx9_32.dll problem

Take a look at my exhchange with Ori on the last page; that should help you out.

Welcome to the forums, btw. :)
ok this is my problem when I downloaded it I got this message

setup has detected one or more DirectX component files are in use by an application. Please exit all applications before running DirectX setup again.

I have looked and I cant tell what programs are using DirectX and im not sure what to do next
ok this is my problem when I downloaded it I got this message

setup has detected one or more DirectX component files are in use by an application. Please exit all applications before running DirectX setup again.

I have looked and I cant tell what programs are using DirectX and im not sure what to do next

This is the same thing that happened to me back in November. I'd recently rebooted my entire system (Windows Vista at the time), and updated Vista before I tried to install Civ. The only way I was able to solve the problem was to reboot my system again, and install civ prior to updating vista.

If noone else can give you a better answer soon, PM Ori.
thats going to be a pain i just did that and it takes solong to get it back to the way i like. I cant remember 100% if I updated vista before I installed this game. my factory install for vista is the priemium home edition. Is that what you have and does it even matter.
thats going to be a pain i just did that and it takes solong to get it back to the way i like. I cant remember 100% if I updated vista before I installed this game. my factory install for vista is the priemium home edition. Is that what you have and does it even matter.

Yeah, that's what I had. My factory version was April 07. Apparently, one of the updates after that breaks it. If you install civ before updating you should be good.

Or you could do what I did, and just say the heck with it and get a top-end hardcore gaming laptop that eats civ for breakfast on Windows 7. :cool:
I still havint been able to fix my problem but let me ask you a question. Does Civilization 5 require the same files.
Followed Drew's first post and it works now. Thanks a lot. Mine had stopped working after dl the update, but now it works. Thank you.
Hi, I had this problem and I downloaded the directx file and installed it. When I opened civ 4 it started loading and said it couldn't find the cd which was in the drive. I was trying to delete civ to reinstall it but it wouldn't let me but I don't know if it deleted something important. I know this is an old game, but I have only started playing it again after having lots of trouble with different computers. Please help me. Should I start a new thread? To get seen.
You should state what your problem is. 291 posts into the thread, people can only guess what you mean by "this problem". You also need to say what OS you are using or no one will be able to help.
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