Trump Serves McDonald's food at White House

Back when I was still doing typing for college/university students, I could tell exactly which of my clients were smokers. The smell permeated the paper their rough drafts were written on.
ha reminds me of my days as a mail clerk, opening up envelopes and gagging. cigarette burns on some of the paper.
good lord, some people...
Here's your own, @Kyriakos :

You liked Sommers' so well, I thought you'd like your own.
That's nice of you to say, Kyr. And your first reaction was a thumbs-up. But the eek in your post made me worry that you weren't thrilled with it. Not everyone wants to imagine themselves dead.

I thought about starting a thread (it would have to be opt-in) where we write one anothers' epitaphs. But I played it through in my mind. You and Sommer are two of only a handful I could do this for. Quirky enough online persona.
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How long until someone trains chatgpt to haunt their motion-activated tombstone?

Some people are predictable enough to have a simulation spout things. :crazyeye:
How long until someone trains chatgpt to haunt their motion-activated tombstone?

Some people are predictable enough to have a simulation spout things. :crazyeye:
I bet augmented reality will be able to created changeable epitaphs.
And then there will be no epitaphs at all.
Rest in peace,
Chatbot's got
The final laugh.
I appreciate that resting on something that this "sign of the times" is entirely incapable of.
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