Turn Chat Instructions: 1400 BC: Feb 7 20:00 GMT = Feb 7 14:00 CST

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12,000 Suns
May 13, 2003
This Turn Chat will be held:
GMT = Saturday February 7, 20:00 (8 PM)
CST = Saturday February 7, 14:00 (2 PM)

The 1400 BC save game will be used.

This thread shall only contain Turn Chat Instructions from the relevent officials.

If specific tiles around a city need to be referenced, here is a guide so that we are all speaking the same language:

This is not a discussion thread.
Current Armed Forces:
4 Warriors
3 Spearmen

Tasks of the Armed forces:

1 Spearmen in Deux Rivières
1 Spearmen in Vo Mimbre
1 Spearmen in Groton

1 Warrior Far to the south exploring around India
1 Warrior W of DR, Take goody hut, then proceed SE beyond Babylon
1 Warrior near Russa, to explore area south.
1 Warrior between Vo Mimbre and Montipellier, garrison at Montipellier

No current missions

Currently No Barracks have been made
1 Spearman in production at DR, 3 turns. To garrison there
1 Spearman in production at Mont., 20 turns.

1 Spearman at Deux Rivières to attack barbarian, then to proceed to Vandelay

No current offensives against other civs, at this point we are to explore the region and begin a slow military buildup. We will likely need to produce more troops as our armed forces have decreased since the last turnchat. I request that the governor of Berry take note to put military units in the build orders.

The designated player also may improvise if plans do not suceed.
Province Capitale d'Berry

Build Queues
Deux Rivières: Spearman[3]->Settler(10)
Vandelay: Settler[29]->Warrior(10)->Spearman(30)
Vo Mimbre: Temple[11]->Spearman(5)
Groton: Warrior[10]->Spearman(20)
Montpellier: Temple[55]
Please make the following deals:

[b]We want...		We offer...
Deal #1-------------------------------[/b]
Mysticism		Contact w/ Russia

Deal #2-------------------------------[/b]
The Wheel		Contact w/ Russia

Thank you. :)

~Minister Octavian X
VP reporting in with the following slider instructions:

Instruction 1: The DP should set the slider to 10% Science, 0% Luxury for the upcoming (1400 BC) chat. If the addition of cities or population enables us to reduce the number of turns by 5+ turns without putting the treasury in a deficit position greater than 10 gp per turn the slider value should be changed accordingly. No luxury slider value is supported at this time.

Instruction 2: The slider may be changed during the trunchat if the current tech can be researched in the same amount of time as leaving the slider where it is
Treaties: None this chat.

Embassies: No construction of embassies this chat.

War Declarations: None this chat, and if war is declared on us, please stop the chat.

Tribute Demands: Reject all tribute demands from Russia unless the demand is trivial (10 gold or less). From Babylon or India, pay all tribute demands that do not exceed 40 gold or 2 gpt or that include technologies, cities, or contacts. If the demand exceeds 40 gold, 2 gpt, or includes contacts, techs, or cities, reject the demand.

Territory incursions: Do not request or demand that any nation move its troops from our territory during this turnchat. If what appears to be a possible invasion force arrives near a city, please stop the chat and we can determine what to do in the forums.

New contacts: It is not mandatory that the chat be stopped if we make a new contact. I would recommend, however, that the chat be stopped if a new contact provides a good trading possibility.
Here is the summary of the second turn chat of Term 2. The major event of this chat were:
  • Barbarians pillaged Vandelay and killed our citizens (Size 3 to 2).
  • We popped a goody hut which gave us a free Warrior.
  • We saw a Babylonian Warrior between Babylon and Russia.
  • We traded with India: We gave contact with Russia in exchange for Mysticism and 57 gold.
  • The trade with Babylon specified by Minister Octavian X was unacceptable to the Babylonians.
  • This turn chat lasted 4 turns. At that point I ended the chat. It appeared to me that Minister Plexus made an error in his posted instructions that switched the build queues for Mont and Groton. Groton was switched from a Temple to a Warrior. If I continued the chat, Groton would complete the Warrior. If Groton was meant to build a Temple, this would have wasted 10 turns of production towards that Temple. I therefore ended the chat so that the build queues could be confirmed in the forums.


Set build queues:
Deux Rivières (DR): Spearman -> Settler
Vandelay: Settler -> Warrior -> Spearman
Vo Mimbre (VM): Temple -> Spearman
Groton: Warrior -> Spearman
Montpellier (Mont): Temple

Moved units:
Warrior near Russia (War1) moved SW
Warrior near Deux Rivières (War2) moved E
Warrior near Inida (War3) moved SE
Warrior near Mont moved to Mont and fortified
Worker Gang near Mont moved N, N, W

Made trade with India: We give contact with Russia in exchange for Mysticism and 57 gold.
The trade requested from Minister Octavian X with Babylon was not accepted.

End of Turn 0 1400 BC
Taxes 90, Science 10
Treasury 369, +17 per turn
Reasearching Currency due in 36

Russians request an audience: they want contact with Babylon and 70 gold in exchange for contact with Germany. I laugh and throw out the emissary.
Barb warrior attacks DR, we win taking one damage
Barb horse shows up 2 tiles west of Vandelay

Turn 1:
Moved units:
Worker near VM (VM Worker) completes road, moves NW, NW, W
Worker Gang moves W, NW, NW
War1 moves W
War3 moves S
War2 moves S

Sliders changed per Senate instructions.

End of turn 1 1375 BC
Science 100
Treasury 386, +0 per turn
Currency due in 29

Vandelay pillaged by Gepid Horseman, kills citizens (size 3 -> 2)
DR: Spearman -> Settler (6)

Turn 2:
Moved units:
New DR Spear moves NE, N, N (towards Vandelay)
VM Worker starts mine
Worker Gang moves W, SW, starts irrigation (due in 2)
War1 moves SW onto Iron
War3 moves E
War2 moves SE into Vandal village and inspires their youth to join up with us: we gain 1 conscript Warrior (War5)
War5 moves E

End of turn 2 1350 BC
Science 100
Treasury 386, +0 per turn
Currency due in 28

Marcomanni Barbarian Horseman appears 2 tiles N of Mont
Gepid Barbarian Horsemen appear NNW and W of Vandelay (2 separate units)

Turn 3:
Moved units:
War1 moves W and sees a barb camp, a goody hut, and a Babylonian Warrior (this is West of known Russian cities)
War5 moves S
War2 moves S
War3 Moves E, hits the coast (this is South of India)
Spearman from DR arrives in Vandelay and fortifies

End of turn 3 1325 BC
Science 100
Treasury 386, +0 per turn
Currency due in 25

Babylonian Warrior west of Russia moves S
Sarbadar Horseman from the barb camp attacks War1. War1 wins, taking 1 damage.
Marcomanni Horse attacks Mont, we win taking 1 damage
Marcomanni Horse appears 2 tiles N of Mont
2 Gepid Horse attack Vandelay. We win both, taking 1 damage. I promote the unit to Veteran status.
Gepid Horse appears 2 tiles W of Vandelay

Turn 4:
Move units:
War1 moves W to be able to enter goody hut next turn
War5 moves E
War2 moves SE
War3 moves E
Worker Group moves NW, NW, and W to help mine near DR

End of turn 4 1300 BC
Science 100
Treasury 386, +0 per turn
Currency due in 24

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