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UAW Strike


March to the Sea
May 17, 2003
73,000 workers walk in nationwide GM strike


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The United Auto Workers union launched a nationwide strike against General Motors on Monday as 73,000 UAW members walked off the job and hit the picket lines at the nation's largest automaker.

Here's the plan, tell the workers if they do not show up for work tomorrow they will have forfeited their jobs. Then, for the ultimate payback, hire immigrants from Mexico at minimum wage.
Just make sure they're illegal, this will help strike the right tone of righteous indignation.

:lol: Preferably with no benefits either!
73,000 workers walk in nationwide GM strike


Here's the plan, tell the workers if they do not show up for work tomorrow they will have forfeited their jobs. Then, for the ultimate payback, hire immigrants from Mexico at minimum wage.

Before you hire Mexicans ( which I would love to see just to spite the union) Offer the jobs to the masses of unemployed in the area at a lower rate, not the minimum but a reasonable one ( unlike what is being demanded now). Sure it would be a few month hick up. Or hell even scrape the 08 year all together and retool for 09. GM would save a lot of money that way.
Why would hiring illegals spite the unions? The unions these days are actually against stopping illegal immigration.
Amasing. There was a strike, therefore unions bad is the assumption. This may or may not be the case, but from the post this isnt debate or discussion but an astonishingly prejudged case.

Is there any value to this thread other than to say that the labour market should be one big walmart or macky D's?
The Teamsters refuse to cross the picket lines in defense of the UAW.

Amasing. There was a strike, therefore unions bad is the assumption. This may or may not be the case, but from the post this isnt debate or discussion but an astonishingly prejudged case.

Is there any value to this thread other than to say that the labour market should be one big walmart or macky D's?

The union is only hurting themselves. Toyota has overtaken GM for the largest market share in the United States.

Since the start of 2005, GM has taken a hit in its core North American auto unit, which posted nearly $13 billion in net losses in 2005 and 2006 combined. Losses continued in the first quarter of 2007 before the unit posted a narrow profit in the second quarter, but it was likely to report continued losses this year even without the costs associated with a strike.

Since they are an evil corporation this should've been expected before I created this thread.
The strike is basically over healthcare benefits. The insurance companies are killing business in the U.S. If GM thought that hiring illegals or welfare kings and queens was the solution, they would do it, but the article suggests they are still working with the UAW to resolve the matter.
I'm pretty sure the GM workers are not going on strike because they're pampered . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. They fully know what is at stake here.

I'm not saying they're right or anything, I'm just saying they didn't went on strike on a whim.
I'm pretty sure the GM workers are not going on strike because they're pampered . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. They fully know what is at stake here.

I'm not saying they're right or anything, I'm just saying they didn't went on strike on a whim.

The workers don't call the strike. The union bosses do ( who make a lot more money then the members but thats a different story). Under union contract if you work during a strike you are no longer in the union. And you will be black listed. I'm sure the workers would rather be getting paid and working but its not up to them.
The workers don't call the strike. The union bosses do ( who make a lot more money then the members but thats a different story). Under union contract if you work during a strike you are no longer in the union. And you will be black listed. I'm sure the workers would rather be getting paid and working but its not up to them.

Errr? Don't they usually put strike decisions to a vote?
You can't just hire an migrant for this type of job. Some of these jobs require 100s of hours of experience. I suppose you could get people working in the John
Deere factories in Mexico or something like that thou. ..... maybe the ones that make those mini bikes and gocarts too.

..... I wonder if I pick on up at the factory in Tijuana if there will be tarrifs *strokes chin*
Errr? Don't they usually put strike decisions to a vote?

Nope. The unions also are trying to eliminate secret voting.

You can't just hire an migrant for this type of job. Some of these jobs require 100s of hours of experience. I suppose you could get people working in the John
Deere factories in Mexico or something like that thou. ..... maybe the ones that make those mini bikes and gocarts too.

..... I wonder if I pick on up at the factory in Tijuana if there will be tarrifs *strokes chin*
Actually any one can do the jobs on a line just fine after a week or two. Its not hard work or complicated. Any idiot can use a specially designed machine to put 5 lug nuts and a tire on all at the same time. They don't even lift the tire its all done with machine help.
Nope. The unions also are trying to eliminate secret voting.

Actually any one can do the jobs on a line just fine after a week or two. Its not hard work or complicated. Any idiot can use a specially designed machine to put 5 lug nuts and a tire on all at the same time. They don't even lift the tire its all done with machine help.


IIRC Ford said the reason they are moving plants down to Brazil in the Future because a engineer down there will do a 80k$ job for 25$K.

That is probably not standard pay at all thou. I wonder how long it takes to train an engineer for this type of job. A 4 year degree is probably expected right?

IIRC Ford said the reason they are moving plants down to Brazil in the Future because a engineer down there will do a 80k$ job for 25$K.

That is probably not standard pay at all thou. I wonder how long it takes to train an engineer for this type of job. A 4 year degree is probably expected right?

An engineer isn't working on an assembly line. Nor would one fall under the union umbrella. They are a totally different section. And it would depend on what they are engineering. A drive drain engineer would need at least a 4 year or equivalent. And maybe a year or two in a dedicated automotive design. Multi-national auto makers have different markets. Ford for instance builds and sells cars in Brazil,Asia, Europe and AUS that you just can't get in North America. So the market there is better served by the designers being in the area. That Brazilian isn't designing the same Ford Focus that the guy in a Ford plant in Spain is. The biggest reason Ford is looking to Brazil is for a new bigger market share down there. They are setting up remote bases of operation. They all are. Toyota America is an example of the Japs setting up base in America. BMW has done it too along with Korea's Hyundia. These companies are doing great in America with non-union workers. Sure its cheaper to pay a lower wage but thats only a small portion of whats going on. The "Big 3" are looking to cut costs all over the place. Its the UAW thats giving them the most grief. In other places world wide labour costs aren't a problem like it is here.
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