• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


check the website in his sig
Wow, all I can say is wow. You are truly a master :king:. Thank you so much for being so generous to just post these on here instead of publishing them
Doesn't matter if it's a word, this deserves it.

(It isn't, but neither is thirded or fifthed, so who cares?
Wow, what a great story. The best I've read out of three or four short ones.

I "Sixth" the motion, this was a true masterpiece, believe me, because I'm an insatiable reader, and this story has kept me in it right from the beginning. Great thought, those about power, amazing and incredibly human contradictions along with with that mad "superbeing" of the main character, above time and space and anything beyond.

I'm going to read now the Philosopher King, this work has left me completely intrigued.
Finished reading The Philosopher King. It ain't great. It's more than that is.. GRAND
Is it ironic that I stopped reading the philosopher kings, because I thought this was more interesting? :lol:
It's a bit discouraging that you can't make a living (purely) with this level of writing in a country of 300 million people. In fact I find it hard to believe. Then again maybe you don't normally start your books by cutting straight to the heart of the matter, so to speak. :D And it's all about marketing in today's world (probably always was). I'll be sure to read some of the stories on your website when I have the time.

Btw, I too started reading the new Philosopher King, then switched over to this one as I thought this more interesting. Guess that says something of my disposition re: love/power. :king: Now that I've finished them both, though, it's only the awesome opening (pardon the pun) that tips the scales towards this one. I doubt this story will ever be topped on this forum, unless of course you'll take us up on the challenge. ;)
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