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[UXP] Legends of Revolutions

The Known bug list, found in the first post describing the mod is pretty clear on this:

MP being broken is caused by the BUG mod, specifically the BULL part of it (the human player attacking any unit instantly caused the game to go out of sync). Fortunatly this bug was recently found and squashed the other day; according to the developers of the BUG mod, BUG will be updated sometime this weekend. Those of us on the RevDCM team will use this upcoming official release of BUG to update RevDCM, and incorporate some of glider's multiplayer fixes into RevDCM and release a new official version: RevDCM 2.7. After that's done I'll update LoR to version 0.9.8d with the new RevDCM gamecore (with some tweaks to keep it version 0.9.8 save game compatible); so MP should be working for LoR in about a week. Glider hasn't totally fixed some issues with MP and revolutions though, so most likely with this upcoming 0.9.8d version it will be recommended to turn of Revolutions in MP games, but otherwise it should be playable. So expect an update and a multiplayer playable version in about a week.

...2 weeks later...
what about this update ?

Regards, Buchcik.
Most of the 2.7 changes are already included in the current version of LoR, 0.9.8c. The only thing that I want to update is MP fixes, and these are not done, and in fact may not make it into RevDCM 2.7, as glider still hasn't gotten RevDCM 2.7 to connect properly. It may be sometime before MP is supported, porting over the RevolutionMP fixes into RevDCM has proven to be a much more complex task at this time, and may in fact be impossible, RevDCM may in fact need to be entirely rebuilt from RevolutionMP, and if that's the case it will unfortunately be many months before a fix for this. And, again, most changes and improvements in RevDCM 2.7 (like the BUG 4.3 components), are already in LoR 0.9.8c, so there isn't much reason I see to updating until MP is in a better state.
2) If RevDCM 2.7 pre-release is still broken in MP, then I'll update this mod to the latest revolutions and do this:
A) Positively disable any chance that the autoplay and changeplayer mechanisms might fire up for whatever reason.
B) Kill off the interface options that are tempting to select but flawed.
C) Update to the latest Revolutions with the latest bug fixes

You are much more versed in the whole thing than any of us here so can you tell me what this means? Is this some form of Limited 50%/60/70% Rev where only some of the features don't work.

If so, and he choses to release it could you create a merge/update titled for MP only so that we can have some limited MP functionality so I can get my brother and friends adicted to your mod and wolfRev?
If the revolutions function doesn't work correctly, I simply don't want to worry about MP using LOR. There are some great aspects of LOR besides that, but its existence really makes the package seem complete, and without it I'd just rather play base BTS tailored to multiplayer than have to deal with the hassle of updating LOR and worrying about whether it will play correctly without bugs.
Trust me guys, I would really love to have multiplayer fixed. It is the only bug known in Legends of Revolution, and so it sticks out like a sore thumb. But it's not a simple fix, we don't even know what's breaking, and it seems to break differently on some computers. For instance glider can't even get RevDCM 2.7 to connect in MP. Yet someone has reported that they were able to play a full game with Revolutions off yesterday using it with no problems.

I really want multiplayer fixed so I can say unequivocally that "There are no known bugs in Legends of Revolution", but for now I must add the "In single player" qualifier to that statement.
Phungus, I wasn't trying to criticize you for the unfortunate state of multiplayer in LOR. I'm just trying to support the idea of not going through the hassle of releasing a new version of LOR for small multiplayer "fixes" that won't really fix the whole thing anyway.
And, again, most changes and improvements in RevDCM 2.7 (like the BUG 4.3 components), are already in LoR 0.9.8c, so there isn't much reason I see to updating until MP is in a better state.

Fixed MP is only thing I'm waiting for :)
LoR 0.9.8c still generate sync error when human attacks AI.
I had to downgrade to 0.9.6c where this error doesn't exist.

Regards, Buchcik.
The state of Multiplayer in the upcoming 0.9.8d update will rely completely on what glider decides to do with the RevDCM 2.7 update. If he chooses to release now, then MP will probably "work" as the instant out of sync bug will be fixed, but Revolutions and barbarian civs will definitely cause mutliplayer issues later on (and thus would absolutely need to be turned off), pretty much it's state in MP will be the same as the 0.9.6 build buchcik mentions above. The second thing he may do is wait a bit and get the code fixes in the RevolutionMP build ported over to RevDCM 2.7, in which case Revolutions and Barbarian civ should work in MP, but there will probably be a couple important bugs to note and it would also be in an early beta state. The latter was the original intent, but as stated things just haven't gone as smoothly as originally hoped, so we aren't sure at this point, it's simply up to glider what he wants to do with 2.7 at this point.

All issues regarding multiplayer aside, LoR is by far the most stable and polished modpack of it's type available in single player play, nothing else even comes close really. I really think I screwed up on the name though, as not many people seem to know it exists, or have tried it at least. I should really rename the modpack if a version 1.0 is ever released, but it's impossible to get to a version 1.0 unless a graphics artist rejoins the project.
You're building a brand; changing the name would be counterproductive and confusing. "LoR" has a ring to it, and it pops up in the forums enough to where people know what it refers to. I say leave it be.
Just to let you know I played a couple of games on huge maps, with 18 civs, Prince level, I tried Japanese and Mayan civs, both games up to Future Tech 7+, huge empires, great playability with Revolutions. Game stable, only one strange CTD: I had many cities very late in the game, with lots of fighters circling over them. I pressed for Next Turn, and the game crashed. I had saved the game. When I reloaded, all my fighters where "sleeping", not one was patrolling. I guess there are issues with graphics with that many fighters in motion, on huge maps. But I had never reached this point in the game with Future Tech 9, if I remember correctly, on a huge map; it inevitably crashed. Unfortunately I overwrote that save.
I'm off the next few days, and in firing up a new game, I drew the Romans. I'm interested in the changes made to The Forum; extra specialist slots, and a significant maintenance reduction? That's pretty juiced. Why was it changed from BTS? It was already one of the stronger UBs there, and it would match up well with Constantine's PHI. I'm curious as to the thinking here, or was it just a holdover from Wolf? In any event, I'll let you know how it goes in case you haven't gotten much feedback on how this plays, but it seems pretty potent.

I like the changes to the Praet/Legion, although I'd probably tack on Formation as well (they did seem to do it all).
Just to let you know I played a couple of games on huge maps, with 18 civs, Prince level, I tried Japanese and Mayan civs, both games up to Future Tech 7+, huge empires, great playability with Revolutions. Game stable, only one strange CTD: I had many cities very late in the game, with lots of fighters circling over them. I pressed for Next Turn, and the game crashed. I had saved the game. When I reloaded, all my fighters where "sleeping", not one was patrolling. I guess there are issues with graphics with that many fighters in motion, on huge maps. But I had never reached this point in the game with Future Tech 9, if I remember correctly, on a huge map; it inevitably crashed. Unfortunately I overwrote that save.
BtS itself will crash on occasion if you play multiple games on a huge map and take them into the Future Tech 7+ level. Hell my compute will sometimes just crash or freeze up for no apparent reason, it's just part of software. One can only worry about crashes that are reproduceable, or occur regularly; otherwise who knows what caused it, it's possible the BtS engine didn't even cause that crash. What's impressive though is that it took you playing half a dozen games on a huge map well into the future tech stages before you got a random crash that couldn't be reproduced. Not only does that say something about the stability of this mod, but it also demonstrates the stability and robustness of the BtS 3.19 engine.
I used to get repeated MAF's playing LOR on larger maps. But I used a Christmas gift card to get a RAM upgrade, and when I opened the computer up and installed it I realized that this computer, which was secondhand, was absolutely laughable in the RAM department. My laptop, purchased in 2006, had twice as much RAM than this newer desktop.

I realized then that the problem was clearly a computer issue, not with LoR.
really. I really think I screwed up on the name though, as not many people seem to know it exists, or have tried it at least. I should really rename the modpack if a version 1.0 is ever released, but it's impossible to get to a version 1.0 unless a graphics artist rejoins the project.

Hmm I admit I thought it was a Lord Of the Rings mod first... might be confusing.

Legends of Revolution might have a nice sound to it, but I had no idea what it was about before you advertised it in the WWwolf scenario thread.

I don't know what kind of name would fit though... hmm. BtR? Beyond the Revolution?

BtM... Breaking the Mold? I don't know. As said, devoted civfanatics will probably know about this mod already, even if they don't know what it's all about.
Lord of the Rings is not LOR, its LOTR.
You are honestly the first one not to know that. ;)
He knows that, but I see what he's saying. The short name LoR makes it sound like a fantasy game, which it isn't. Yeah, I really think Legends of Revolution could use a better name, so that new users who don't know about it will take a look when they are looking for an expansion pack themed mod, right now I think alot of casual users just don't even bother taking a look at this mod. Haven't been able to come up with anything though.
I downloaded this mod yesterday, I had to go out and rebuy the game due to missing one of the cd's. I played revolutionsdcm and saw this one with added units that fill in gaps which I have been looking for since the game came out. However, I noticed stack attack and ranged attack for archers is missing, I was led to believe this had revdcm on it, if its something I missed or misread let me know.
I intentionally hid a couple options because they are known to cause Crash to Desktops and are unstable, so I did not want casual users enabling those options; archer bombard is still there and accessible in the RevDCM tab normally. All the RevDCM options are still there though, you just need to enter debug mod to enable them. To enable debug mod, open up your BtS config file (you can find it by going into the BtS folder and there will be a shortcut in there to it, the name of the file is CivilizationIV.ini, and should be in your ...\My Games\Byeond the Sword\ folder), open it up with notepad and find the line
cheatmode = 0
change that to
cheatmode = chipotle
Now when you play LoR press ctrl + z and you will enter debug mode (this also exposes the map) and all RevDCM options will be exposed.
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