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Very quick noob SG

Turn 0
I change research of Writing to Monothesim. We really need the OR boost to help our buildings.
Northern worker is retasked to roading from Madrid to our City of Much Whipping (TBF)

Turn 1: 675 BC
Our northern Warrior defeats the enemy barb.
The souther barb decides to pick on JCs warriors instead of our archer. I'll leave the archer down south to pick off barbs and keep an eye on the city.

Turn 2: 650 BC

Turn 3: 625 BC
Madrid completes an Axeman and begins on another. I note we're at the happiness limit in Madrid and :whipped: would take up 2 population.

Turn 4: 600 BC
Barcelona completes Baracks and starts on a much needed worker
Moses is born in Madrid:goodjob: . He helps us complete the shrine as that will go a long way towards spreading us some religion!
Research has to drop to 70% as we've run out of a treasury (actually 60% prior to founding the shrine, but the extra gold from it lets me push research back up a notch).
I (foolishly in hindsight) decided to :whipped: the axe in madrid as it will now only take 1 pop point and will get us an attack force for the south sooner.
I also note that Louis is heading north to settle somewhere.... french expansion.JPG We'll need to check that out if our religion spread doesn't show us first.

Turn 5: 575 BC
Madrid completes the Axeman... and slips into unhappy. I reduced crowding by 1... but increased due to whipping. stupid!!
JC does choose this turn to convert to Buddhism tho. No need for open borders with him now!
Cordoba is founded in the west (in our selected spot even tho AI likes one SW = foolish AI)
Not a lot of growth here yet, but once we get irrigated and the ocean working it will be awesome. I start Cordoba on a granary, but its going to be a while as hammers are not real abundant right now.

Turn 6: 550 BC
Pyramids BIFAL
Seville completes granary and begins work on a second archer since this will be a contested city. I almost went with city walls but decided a unit would be a better deterent.

Turn 7: 525 BC
Madrid completes an Archer (sent west to protect Cordoba) and begins work on a Forge to help it eek out a few more hammers.
Louis adopts Hereditary Rule.. those civs are getting some real research going...

Turn 8: 500 BC
Monotheism research is completed and we begin to look into the mystery of ink on paper (Writing). It is due in 7 turns.
I immeadiatly revolt to OR!!

Turn 9: 475 BC
Barcelona completes a worker and begins on a lighthouse in preparation of either Great Lighthouse or at least some more growth.
Budhism spreads to Seville and Barcelona so both cities begin producing a bit faster. Only Cordoba is missing the one true faith (for now). We need to slip a missionary build in here somewhere if Bud doesn't spread to Louis soon.

Turn 10: 450 BC

Post Turn wrapup:
Out world:
worls at end.JPG
and the cultural view
culture at end.JPG

You can see that Seville will be in a culture war for a while. Louis does not have any tension about close borders yet. With the Archer set to complete next turn, a temple and then library would be huge in the culture push here.

Madrid will come out of :whipped: unhappy in 5 turns, but we need to make sure that it doesn't grow any more until we can increase the happy limit.

Cordoba will expand its borders in 5 turns. I've got it working the (unimproved) wheat to get growth going. Once the road connecting Cordoba and Madrid completes the next person can either improve the wheat or hook up the iron. If our southern barb sorty doesn't work out (2 unpromoted axe in route to join the archer) then iron will be needed for swordsmen to break it down.

Barcelona can pop out a workboat to help Cordoba with the clams or a galley to begin exploring.

I've sent our northern warrior east to find Louis new city. Saw one wandering french warrior up that away, but no borders yet.

Next research... Alphabet or Math. Its really up to you. Both have pros and cons.

Save in next post.


  • archer.JPG
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And the save file:

View attachment 113604

Almost forgot!!! The southern archer has a movement available if the next player wants to move into the barb city border. Our two Axes are a turn away from joining the archer (and are unpromoted)
So far so good. I would try and found red dot to seal off our territory, and then proceed to strengthen ourselves economically and martially before taking the barbarian city. It seems to me that if we found red dot and succeed in avoiding war and holding our lands, we will then be able to relatively quickly strengthen ourselves and shoot into the lead in many areas.

Anyways, it seems so far so good. I imagine that one or two of the incredibly strong scores we saw on that screen was from a rival overseas. I can't imagine Louis or JC are doing better than us at the moment, but perhaps it's just wishful thinking.
I think we can capture the barb city now (depends on if they've "hooked up" the copper there) and if we do capture it ... that will be pretty close to our growth limit financially for a few centurys!

If we *really* want to found another city, I'd think that blue benefits us more. Seville and Madrid will join cultural borders when Seville expands next so closing off with red (imo) isn't a real big priority.

and someone shoot me... I switched to OR... but didn't adopt a state religion!!! Next player needs to get over to buddhism for the bonus hammers (and relationship bonus with JC)
Nice set of turns, bobrath... but my firing squad is ready ...

:sniper: :ar15: :ack:

Well, you did ask for someone to shoot you, didn;t you? :lol:

I think it doesn't matter if we attack barb city sooner or later, we could do either, don't think there is gonna to be anybody reaching yellow dot or barb city once we seal up Spain.

To seal up the spannish border, however, requires two things:
(1) I don't think red dot is crucial. As long as Pink City cuture grows by one more, the SE border is complete. So, Pink needs one more cultural growth.
(2) I think the more important is the huge gap between Serville and Barcelona. We could find one more city between them (perhaps 1 tile SW of the sheep) to seal the border.

Research, going any direction would be okay. Perhaps heading towards the tech for working the spices?

Land-grab wise, I think we are doing great, forcing JC and the French to have very tight borders. Two things we could do:
(1) build yet another cithy to seal off the NW portion of the continent, that will really give the French and Romans very little space (unless there is more land to the east of the french).
(2) Allow them to settle on the northen lands, while we consolidate and build up our infrastructure. This will force the French or JC to pay high upkeep, thereby strengthening our research lead (are we leading??)

Infrastructure-wsie, we really need to build some cottages, and connect up the ivory. This will help with the happiness limit as well.

Exploration wise, its about time for a Galley or two!

Overall, I think we are doing well (definitely better than my earlier sp noble games)!

player 1: Maquis ----- UP
player 2: bpierfy ----- On Deck
player 3: nitroduckie -
player 4: GreyFox ---
player 5: bobrath ---- Just Played

Hope this is correct.
Yup, I'm up. Consider this my "got it" I'll be playing a little later today.

Some of my goals are:

1) adopt BUD as state religion. Don't worry bobrath that you didn't adpot right away. No big loss.

2) From the screenshot, it looks like no one has peeked at the barb city yet. I want to see if it has grown to 2. When we attack it I don't want it to autoraze. I wouldn't want any of the AI to take it either (looks like Ceasar has a warrior nearby?)

3) I agree we should try to seal off our border by putting a city NW of Seville. I'll have to look closer to see how big the gap is, and if we can get a decent city placement that can seal the border after one expansion.
I agree with the NW option, but isn't the barb city reachable via galley even with one more culture expand? In that case we do need to get to that city sooner than later. Its hard to prioritize this - but we should come to some consensus. My thinking is this. If we don't have a settler available (can't remember and can't look at save right now) - go for the barb city first. Either way, I would both take the barbs and found the NW city. We'll get some pillage income I think and they are both very important locations to seal up. If JC has a coastal city, don't be surprised if you see an axe and a sword on a galley to take that barb city - IF they know its there. We could also try to have a settler/archer ready and in place but hold off on fouding until we see movement by louis/JC or until we decide we can handle it economically.
There are no settlers currently built.

We're ahead of JC and Louis in all the charts (and well ahead at that).

I'm not 100% certain Seville's border expansion will or won't close off access to red and blue dots... if it doesn't: a city between Barcelona and Seville isn't going to do much growing as it will have a ton of desert tiles. I can see the desire to shut off the corridor. Maybe Red dot accomplishes the same. If JC or Louis wants to found by the sheep... let em. I just can't see a city going there doing much beside draining anyone's coffers and we'll be exerting some immense cultural pressure on that city.

We haven't *fully* explored the far nw (that narrow band of land). There is some iron up there. It might be more optimal to found a city just NE of Barcelona and make sure its placed to close off the north.

Tech for spices would be Calendar and that would obsolete our stonehenge... when we really need the free culture its giving our cities. I'd hold off on Calendar for a bit.

I had not yet peeked at the barb city (but the archer at the border has movement left so you can). I didn't want to draw fire and possibly lose the archer.

I'd be *real* suprised if JC pushed a galley across that small inland lake to the east of the barb city. The biggest reason I'd like to take the barb city is so that we can find out what's south of there. (yes, building our own galleys will help in this too) Is it the end of the land or is there a whole unexplored wilderness down that way? Remember, we need to road to the barb city, otherwise it takes *forever* to walk there through the jungle.

OH and I'm taking myself off the firing squad, because someone else :mischief: didn't choose to adopt a state religion when we founded it...:D
Turn 0, 450BC: I move the archer next to the barb city... and it is size 1. Damn... not sure how long it will take to grow. We don't want it to autoraze!

IBT: Great Lighthouse completed in a distant land. Well, hopefully we didn't feel we needed it?

Turn 1, 425BC: We have (finally!) converted to BUD for our state religion. See a +1 with Ceasar right away. Some MM for commerce.

Turn 2, 400BC: :coffee:

Turn 3, 375BC: I notice our trapped warrior appeared at Seville. Loius' borders must have finally pushed him out.

Turn 4, 350BC: Missionary in Seville. I dial up Louis for OB.... or not. :lol: It would help to wait for Writing to come in to get the ability first. Barcelona: Lighthouse -> Worker

Turn 5, 325BC: I keep checking on the Barb city... still size 1. :mad:
Writing comes in, so I dial up Louis for real this time to get OB. Missionary heads out. Research Alphabet.

Turn 6, 300BC: Confusionism FIADL. Well, that's good... one less chance of our neighbors founding a different religion.
I whip the grainary in Cordoba (it's about to grow anyways)
Missionary arrives in Lyons, and spreads the love of Budda.

Turn 7, 275BC: Ceasar asks for OB... I tell him where to toss his salad.
Check barb central... still size 1. :wallbash: I want to :ar15: those barbs!

Turn 8, 250BC:
Madrid: Forge -> Settler
Barcelona: Worker -> Galley

Turn 9, 225BC: BUD spreads to Cordoba. We now have all our cities in our religion. Some MM for $$, turn the slider up to 80% research.

Turn 10, 200BC: So I check the barbs one last time... they have not grown! [pissed] Oh well, the next person can lay the :hammer: down.

Somewhat uneventful turnset. I did a lot of management, workers were toiling away. Cordoba will finish mining the Iron next turn, and needs to be hooked up. I started the sheep north of Barcelona, and there is a warrioir there to guard the worker. The new worker went to Madrid, since there are SO few improved tiles there. I have been building some cotteges, so that we can keep up with cashflow as we continue to expand.

I also found where Louis plopped his city, to get the stone it looks like. The whole eastern half of that city is waste.

Here's the save, bperify is up:
Since we've got religion spread to at least one of Louis' cities... should OB be canceled to keep our backyard free of Frogs?

and looks like a good turnset, too bad the barbs are drinking too much to grow!
Got it.

What are we planning on using that settler for again? We could always raze the barb city and rebuild. That may sound like a waste, but I've seen barb cities stay at 1 for quite awhile and we could use that city down there for production. Feel free to chime in while I play (hopefully tonight) because I check the forums (on my laptop) while I play (on my desktop).

I wouldn't necesarily recommend closing borders just yet. We have a settler, we could take the next best spot and the need for closing wouldn't be as bad. This way we could load the french with missionaries, thus ensuring they stay ours. If a coastal city of theirs has no religion and something spreads, we lose our friends. We could have a real 3-way powerhouse here if we wanted.
I wanted to cancel OB with Louis, but was not able to yet... there must be a 10-turn limit?

I was also using one of our warriors to scout his territory. I found where Paris is, (straight E of Seville.) It has the Pyramids.
The settler was meant to to settler where that new French city was (or somewhere close by). Alternative is to settle NE of Barcelona, keeping the NW strip of land to ourself. Although it is mostly tundra, there are some useful resources up there. Of-course there is also the red-dot as yet another option. (Although I am pretty sure Serville's border expansion will seal off the SE pass into Spain, with the peaks forming the natural blockage).

Would barb city be autorazed? I have never had a barb city I conquered that is autorazed before, although I am not sure I note the city size.

I need to check the map again, but I am on a non-windows OS. Wondering how the world currently looks like now.

One more thing, when the event says "Confucianism is FIADL", does it mean that it must be by a civ we have yet met? I have never seen an event that says "Religion X is founded by Hatty" or something like that, so I wonder.

I MM Madrid to get settler in 6, had to stop a specialist. I'll reevaluate when settler is finished.

Time to press enter and get it on!

Turn 1 (175BC):

I start the warrior in seville heading down to the barb city. Not to fight, but to explore below. I also see an opportunity to connect roads with the Frenchies...

Turn 2 (150BC):

Barc: Galley -> Bud Missionary - at this point, that means 1g/turn and less chance of losing them...

I start the galley south, since the north is probably a waste to explore.

Found Orlean on the coast south of france's capital.

Turn 3 (125BC):

Worker finished connecting iron, decide to chop a nearby hill outside city radius to speed prod...

My whipping finger gets itchy.... I decide to whip barc for one pop to finish missionary. With two 5-food plots, we can safely whip this city. I plan on doing a forge next, and I would recommend whipping that when unhappy wears off. I then MM barc to grow back in 1 turn and get more commerce.

Turn 4 (100BC):

Bud missionary done in barc, decide on temple for happy - with this much food, they'll need it. I also slow their growth, as this city is flexible - can do hammers or food... Growth and temple in 3 turns.
Doh! Buddhism spreads to paris. Well I guess between that and the missionary I made, we can safely call them buddhists.

Ooh! I just realized that Hurrian (barb town) is now size 2!!!! Time for the :hammer:

The question is, do I road with the worker in Madrid? I guess we'll need one sometime or other - but I won't autoroad so he can be diverted if need be.

Well should I attack with two axes and an archer? A city promoted axe will probably be 60-70%. I decide to go for it because, we don't have any reinforcements started at all (i'll change this if we lose) and because we have the archer, so one win and the other injured will still probably go our way.

The first battle of Hurrian:

Victory #1!!!

The second battle of Hurrian:

Bigtime WIN!!! - Hurrian is ours (and 42 gold):

Turn 5 (75BC):

Seville: Forge -> Barracks - lots of options but with good prod in this city and being on a frontier, we could use the xp. Especially if the frenchies get tired of of their borders...

Axes healing in our new city.

Even though there is an archer outside of paris, there are no french settlers in sight. I decide not to cancel borders yet, but I'm keeping my eyes open. I know the french are pleased with JC, and ticking them both off at this point would not be good. I will cancel at the first sign of settlers.

Turn 6 (50BC):

Settler finishes but has no escort. I decide to use the warrior that had been going south to serve temporarily - but this means I'll set madrid on an archer (2 turns). I don't recall seeing the groups ideas on this next settler, but I'm going for a site southwest of seville. First of all, the NW site isn't as great now because of Rheims which is already generating culture. We don't want to get too close to paris and there is only one FP and possibly iron (but that puts it close to paris).

The southern city site has two sugars, plenty of hills, fish, and corn. Thats one heck of a city that I don't want to lose and seville doesn't expand for 20 turns yet. Thats plenty of time for JC to get a city in. Hopefully you all agree.

Cordoba: lighthouse finished, workboat started for clams.

Rheims gets Buddhism from our missionary...

Possible city site in north with two deer and copper, but I wouldn't rush for it.

Turn 7 (25BC):

Barb warrior attacks our Hurrian, no damage done at all...

Temple done in Barc, go to forge (may want to produce some units here soon.

Work boat done in ... start temple, but only till clams are online, then I'd do a worker there.

Hurrian can now produce, start granary.

I have the worker that was doing roads start a cottage at Madrid because it needs some tile improve.

We should build another worker soon because we are so big.

Turn 8 (1AD):

Were finally in AD!!!

Madrid finishes archer and starts a library for some beakers.

Seville finishes barracks, and I can get a worker in one turn. I opt for that with the idea of that being our heroic epic city - near the frontier, lots of prod.

French archer/settler pair spotted - dang. He will probably (but not definite) settle between seville and rheims. My only consolation is that we may not have beat him anyway, so I hope you aren't all mad. With luck, we may overtake with culture if he goes too close. BTW, canceling OB won't help us here, anything he would want isn't blocked by our borders. If the situation arises (or he enters our borders, we could cancel and try to slow him down, but I don't think we should build another city for a while because of our economy. Were at -5 80% and the south city hasn't been founded yet!

I also whip cordoba to finish temple - it will have two bonus food sources soon and will regrow fast.

Turn 9 (25AD):

Alphabet -> Math - I decide on this over literature because of what it opens up...

Worker trained in seville, Spear started.
Temple in cordoba -> galley - for faster explore (feel free to change).
Clams fished...

Don't forget the archer on its way to the new south city (to be founded next turn).
JC has math but won't trade - our two neighbors hold no other tech over us...
There also looks to be some good land down here...

Turn 10 (50AD):

Galley find clam on western island - could be a city site or two over there. Axes explore south.

I really hope I didn't mess up on that city, I did the best I could. We may want to go north next and block, but we really need to sure up our economy...

Some pics...

Were doing good with most things. For the next person - I would recommend getting our economy in a stronger position, and maybe crank a few units. Just something to think about...

player 1: Maquis -----
player 2: bpierfy ----- Just Played
player 3: nitroduckie - Up NOW!
player 4: GreyFox --- On deck...
player 5: bobrath ----
Great job, bpierfy (BTW, thought you wanted to change alias? Don't worry, I don't really want to know your social security # and all that :lol:), we now have the yellow dot. What a stroke of luck the barb city pop up where we had wanted our city.

The western isle seems quite big, I saw a hint of its land (maybe one big isle) west of the barb city. May or may not be connected to the isle the galley is exploring.

The southern tip of the barb penisula seems to have lots of peaks. The Romans may be tempted to put a city there, being squeezed at the south completely blocked off by french.

We must really get some cottages running! We are 5th in GNP!

I wanted to look at the world, but ... the save, bpierfy? ;)
Argh!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Its my ISP's fault, they refuse to install two-way cable (i've been on one-way for 5.5 years!!!!) - therefore it took so long to upload the pictures that I forgot what I was doing!!

View attachment 113822

Anyway, can I change my alias, or do I have to create a new account?
Some dot-maps I have prepared, for considerations. Not that I am suggesting we continue to settle. We need to bring our commerce up as first priority.



Pink dot - To deny AI of the red dot. Could move pink dot 1 tile north to change it into a coastal city, but that require either Barcelona or pink dot city to have culutr border of 3 before it can server as a bloackage to red-dot.

Red dot - There is crab and fish, and iron, although the land tiles are tundra, I thing the seafood more than made up for it. Plus it servers as a bridging city to the west sea and the north sea.

Green and brown dots are space fillers. Could move brown dot one tile north though.

Yellow dot - is great. Can gain all the happiness resources.
Lurker Input: The problem with the pink dot is that you could lose your land access to the northern area. Louis XIV is Creative and that means his base Culture growth is equal to your Stonehedge. But once you get Calendar that changes. Rhimes already has a religion in it so that gives him an edge in culture growth. You either need to make that pink dot focus on culture early on or you need to get a Great Artist into it for a culture boom. The alternative, of course, is to simple take Rhimes for your own. Barcelona should have significant culture to prevent this from evening happening but it is something to take into consideration.

You might even consider building the city one down and one to the right of the pink dot. It WILL cause culture clash and when you do go after France, raze Rhimes. Later you can put up a coastal city to grab the stone and copper.

Anyway, I'm a newbie myself that just moved into Noble difficulty setting. :)
Good observation, Recca!

Right, so perhaps we should teach the french some lessons soon ...

Then on retrospect, Turnis is indeed needed, because even if Serville's cultural border expands, it may not be able to hold the opening between the SE peaks (the tile with the sugar) against the french's cultural pressure for long.
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