Viva Trópico 2: A Pure Politics NES!

Blessed countrymen!

Our beautiful island paradise has long lived in peace and relative seclusion, but this has come to an abrupt end. We are vulnerable, poor, and backwards...and now is the time for that to change.

Tropico needs a larger army, first and foremost. Without it, how can we Tropicans sleep safely while hungry, foreign sharks circle us. A larger army and new military facilities will not only protect Tropico, but will provide vital jobs to both the educated and uneducated of the unemployed. This brings up the second thing Tropico needs, jobs. Without money in our pockets we Tropicans are unable to afford the basic things every human needs: food, shelter, and medical care. Once more Tropicans are employed, the nation's economy will grow. The third major thing Tropico needs is the ability for our countrymen to properly exercise our faith. This means the construction of a church, with which we can properly connect with the Lord, is a priority.

In short, we Tropicans need three things above all else: safety (a stronger army), money (lower unemployment), and God (a new church). And I, César Oleastro, would make sure Tropico gets what it needs!

Viva Tropico!!
"People of Tropico! My so-called opponent of the election wants nothing more than this; the complete enslavement of the proletariat in favor for the bourgeois swine he and his people are! As I stated earlier, and the heroes of the revolution Lenin and Marx also said, the church exists to feed you lies. Lies, to keep the noble worker down into what he thinks will bring 'eternal salvation'.

Tropicans, think of it this way. Do you honestly believe around 2000 years ago, some Jew magically turned water into wine? That he walked on water? That he rose from the dead? Is there any actual proof these things happen, outside of the book itself? So, clearly, if what supposedly made Jesus a holy figure can not actually be proven, would faith in this man truly bring you salvation? No! The church is nothing but an institution of lies.

I challenge those faithful to stand forth in front of me. Then, I shall ask them if they think Jesus would save them. If so, I shall kill them, and give them three days to rise. When they obviously will fail to rise, Tropicans, you will note that I, Lopez, was right.

A worker's paradise needs schools, not churches. We will defend ourselves with guns, not crucifixes, Any free person can clearly see that with their own two eyes. So, let us put the institution on their cross, pull out the united hammer of the eternal revolution, and nail on them reason, understanding, and logic! VOTE FOR YOUR BROTHER OF THE REVOLUTION!


OOC: I know Spanish is your first language, but I still think its cool making your IC posts bilingual.
Blessed countrymen!

It is not for a raving lunatic, who would rather kill innocent Tropicans at the drop of a hat to prove a point, to decide what we want! Its is us, the Tropican people alone, who decide on our own! The construction of a church is not one pushing religion on many, but one giving believers, such as I, the ability to attend mass and worship as they see fit. All Tropicans have a God given right to have access to the clergy just as they have right to make a living, have a family, and to ensure their health and happiness is secure! To deny the access of these or any rights is not just to deviate from one of the main points of Socialism, but to show inhumanity and the lack of compassion.

Do not elect this madman and hypocrite to be our leader.

Viva Tropico!
Jorge Diaz listens to the speakers, immediately refusing the polices of those evil red commies, who will simply hurt his plans to grow and help Tropico, and was almost tempted to run himself until he heard another speaker then Jorge made up his mind, he votes for Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez.

While he himself never really followed God, he knew God needed to be a part of life for these Tropicans, who suffer great hardships.
César Oleostro
+1 Nationalists
+1 Capitalists
+1 Religious
+1 Militarists

Miguel López
-1 Nationalists
+1 Communists
-1 Religious

OK, guys, I think that, with three candidates, it is more than enough. We are only missing two votes, Ernesto Peron Chavez's and Nedim Kahrimanović, which I hope are there in less than ten hours. Tonight (Spain time) I hope to have the numbers of votes and then state who is has become El Presidente.
Bruno Garza
Player Occupation: Construction Worker
Player Education: None
Player Nationality: Tropico
Intellectuals: 1
Environmentalists: 1
Religious: 1
Militarists: 1

While not particularly nationalistic or communistic, Bruno cannot help but notice at least two of his fellow construction workers are not from Tropico. Why should they get jobs when his new-born son probably would not? So, on election day, he votes for César Oleastro.
An unassuming, thin man, dressed with an impeccably black suit and shoes, short black hair and dark grey eyes, steps into the Presidential Palace's balcony, where he is acclaimed by all sorts of people... the one hundred or so inhabitants of Trópico. He wonders how can a nation survive with so few people, given that it is very impractical and probably even dangerous. He also wonders how, being so few, they believe that they can be a great nation. It must be something in the air, he thinks. He makes plans to immediately leave the island as soon as his task is fulfilled.

"Inhabitants of Tropico," he shouts, but only a few people shut up. He mentally curses the others for their ignorance of English, and switches to Spanish. "!Habitantes de Trópico!" he shouts again, and now everyone finally shuts up. Since his knowledge of Spanish is not very high, he discreetly touches a few buttons in his belt, so that he can speak in English but the locals think he is speaking in their language.

"I have with me the results of the voting for the election of El Presidente," he says, and all the people cheer at the same time. He pulls at his tie, irritated at the fact they are interrupting him (and silently wishing that a certain man he knows could teach them how to be silent) and awaits for the people to shut up. He opens the envelope he is carrying, and everybody looks at him intently.

"107 votes have been counted," he says, "out of the 109 inhabitants of Trópico. The winner, with 59 votes, accounting for 55.14% of the population, is Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez."

More than half of the people are now cheering again, while the rest look sullenly at them, and two are even looking hateful at the recently chosen El Presidente, a local farmer with the pretension to become a priest for the people. Well, he will not be a priest for the moment, he now has to rule the nation.

The aforementioned Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez advances, stepping into the Presidential Palace that is now his house and the seat of government of Trópico, while he picks up his favourite suitcase, the one where he holds all those contracts he has "signed" with a lot of people, and apparently vanishes into the nothing, travelling to find about his favorite tool, and cursing, this time at the man who had blackmailed him into doing this stupid thing.

OOC: Congratulations, Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez/Popcornlord! Thanks to the support of the people, especially the Nationalists, you became El Presidente with 55 votes! In second place comes César Oleostro/DarthNader with 33 votes and whose bigger support base came from the Militarists, and in third place comes Miguel López/Omega124 with 15 votes and mostly supported by the Communists.

Now, the next update will be up as soon as Popcornlord sends me his orders for the first update and I manage to make the thing in the game to show you a screen capture.

Vásquez, now El Presidente, smiled down towards the crowd, to the applause of around half of them.

"My brethren.

"I thank you for your votes. I hope only to use this position for the glory of God and our beautiful island.

"Among my first acts will be the construction of our first church, as well as an emphasis on exports that will create jobs and money for our nation.

"I also wish to remove foreign influences through laws against immigration and imports. Trópico may now be poor, but we will quickly grow in strength!

"I wish only the best for my opponents, and hope that one day they may see the errors in their ways of communism, a Godless path that can only lead to destruction. We must pray for their enlightenment.

"Peace to men, hope for Tropico, glory for God!"

OOC: Orders are on their way!
Congratulations Senor Vasquez, or should I say El Presidente, on your electoral victory. I wish you luck in your endeavors and hope your policies bring peace and prosperity to Tropico.
Late to the party. I'm here though.

What I would have done (original post I had here):

Spoiler :
Ernesto Peron Chavez finds many of César Oleastro's ideas compelling, as a Corporal he understands the need for a strong defense.

But this issue of a church, he cannot resolve himself with religion. Religion is antithetical to liberty, shake off the chains of the Christian Patriarchy and find true freedom. If we defend this land, it is good, and if we help the poor find jobs, but if we shed such blood and treasure to defend a land while simultaneously chaining it to the folly of the church. If we should fight for our freedom, and if me and my men are to defend this land with our lives, then it is right that we should master the course of our own souls, and not be condemned to the indignity of a state sponsored church.

And if I were to join in a coalition, and try to seek concessions from the Oleastro regime on the issue of religion, even as I fought against the tyranny of a state sponsored church, I would be called a heretic and a rebel. When my votes were no longer needed, I would be discarded, and that damned church would get built.

I vote Miguel Lopez.

May the proletariat remember, although our spirits are inflamed from years of exploitation, our revolution means nothing if we must shed blood or exile patriots. If we do these things then our revolution is incomplete and the workers will not have taken control. We would only have managed to replace the capitalist exploiters as the bane of the working man, if we act as they do, then we will become as they are. We will have our victories by election, because our policies will bring prosperity and unity to the people of Tropico.
Down with the Church!

Our people wallow in poverty and you offer them nothing but these lies of an afterlife. If there is an afterlife let it be so, but I won't see it used as an excuse to condemn this life to poverty and serfdom.

Forget this construction of a church, instead let us build a farm or provide for the housing of our people. Take care of the real problems before we spend times telling each other make believe stories.

Help the poor, and leave the Christianity to the priests. Religion should not be the responsibility of the state.
An Open Letter to President Pablo Vasquez:

I congratulate you upon your victory to become our island's new el Presidente. As a supporter of your cause in the latest elections, I hope to continue said support in the future, but I have some concerns about your proposed policies. I support you calls over the godless communists to establish true religion upon the shores of Tropico, but your rabid anti-immigration speeches are becoming very tiresome. As an immigrant to these shores myself, I am concerned that your hate-mongering will make life more difficult for people like me, who would otherwise support you as President for life as the true choice over the immoral communists. Please, step back from anti-immigrant postures, and allow us to live as true Tropicans as well.

Furthermore, I hope that you will soon provide new industry, and believe that you can help all of us by establishing a means of commerce and productivity. Not only will this stop the inane mewling of the communists by providing more jobs, it will help make our island richer and more prosperous. Logging, Mining, or even drilling for oil, we need to diversify our economy and build new economic ties with the world.


Dovah Kin.

The first year of work of El Presidente, Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez, was a hard one. His promises during the campaign had been many, and he started to work as soon as he was able to.

With the good of the people in his mind, one of the first things he did was to order the construction of a Tenement, so that more people could find refuge from the inclemency of weather. However, it would not be enough, because there were still many people awaiting to enter. Also, two prospectors from the United States were asked to come to Trópico as soon as possible, so that they could tell him whether the nation had any natural mineral resources. He decided that he should also start to put up tariffs so that those things the nation could make were not bought from other countries: he expected that this would help the economy to improve.

When the building was finished on March, he decided to fulfill one of his promises, as well as managing to put one over those blasted Communists that had been giving him so much grief over the idea of religion: the construction of a church, which would surely gain him many points between the religious community of Trópico.

While the First Church of Trópico was being built, the two prospectors arrived. El Presidente sent them on their task, while he observed dismayed that several people had come with the prospectors, with the obvious intention of staying in Trópico. He published an edict to clearly state that, from now on, Trópico would receive no immigrants, ever, as they would be taxing to the people's jobs and housing.

The two prospectors came back some time before the First Church was built. They showed him a series of maps, with the many natural resources found in the Tropican subsoil drawn on them. They also made several insinuations that, if El Presidente allowed it, they would be more than helpful in asking a corporation they had worked with a few times to come to Trópico and start the exploitation of those resources. El Presidente heard their argumentations, and soon had his soldiers "escort" the prospectors back to the Docks, where they would have to take the ship back to the United States.

Soon came the day when the Church was finally built. El Presidente was there, in its first Mass, and prayed with the rest of the Tropicans - save for those few that believed religions were nothing but lies used to control the people - as the priests gave them the host. It was on the steps of the church that he announced a new policy: from now on, all contraceptives would be banned, as God did not like it when people had sex if it was not for just procreation. Several cheers were heard, but also some booing from what could be construed a small infringement on their liberty.

El Presidente paid no attention to them, of course: after all, he was El Presidente, and he knew better than those idiots that dared to boo at him.

Using the maps the prospectors had given him, he saw that there were several oil deposits in some parts of the island, as well as many ore deposits of many kinds. There were also many trees that could be cut down. He had one of his friends travel to the United States to steal the plans for the construction of an oil well, while he also ordered the construction of a logging camp to cut down trees for their potential use in the future for anything. There was much one could do with those logs.

As he walked by the place where the logging camp was being built, he noticed with some disgust how some people were not being very tidy and had dropped papers and other things on the floor, right next to where he was. He decided that this was enough for him to pass an Anti-Littering Ordinance, which would fine anyone caught not dropping any rubbish on a bin.

The friend he had sent to the United States had been lucky, and had brought with him a set of plans that could be used to build a working oil well. As soon as the camp was finished, the builders were sent to a place that was quite far away from the city, but where the prospectors had marked as having a huge oil deposit. It was not until late November that the well was up and running, allowing for the export of crude oil to other countries, thus starting to push the trading balance towards the green numbers.

December ended without any problem, and El Presidente happily started to make plans for the next year.

4 immigrants + 6 new adults = +10 Population
+2 Nationalists, +1 Capitalist, +2 Communists, +1 Environmentalist, +1 Intellectual, +2 Religious, +1 Militarists
New Buildings: 1 Tenement (+10 Housing), 1 Church (+4 Jobs), 1 Logging Camp (+4 Jobs), 1 Oil Well (+2 Jobs)
Available Buildings: Sawmill (transforms the logs into wood that can be used in factories), Oil Refinery (transforms Crude into Refined Oil), Cathedral (bigger church)
New Exports: Logs, Crude
New Imports: Refined Oil

United States: -2 ("We do not like your closing the borders to our products")
Soviet Union: -1 ("We do not like your insults towards Communism")

Pablo Lorenzo Vásquez
+1 Nationalists
-1 Capitalists
-1 Communists
-2 Intellectuals
-1 Environmentalists
+2 Religious

Ernesto Peron Chavez
+1 Communists
-1 Religious

Dovah Kin
-1 Nationalists
+1 Capitalists
-1 Communists
+1 Religious

OOC: First of all, with the oil well, switching to be an engineer.

An Open Letter to El Presidente Pablo Vasquez:

El Presidente, I commend you on your accomplishments for the year, and all good Tropicans should admire you for the efforts you have made on their behalf. I have recently become employed on the new oil rig, and I can assure you that black gold is an avenue for greater wealth than Tropico has ever seen. We need an oil refinery to properly exploit this resource however, otherwise most of the profits would go to the Americans or whoever we sell the crude oil to. Furthermore, the construction of a new logging camp will help put the masses to work, as well as make us even richer!

As you know, El Presidente, a rich Tropico means a prosperous Tropico! The closing of borders to immigrants and the raising of tariffs does little to protect our industry and damages our international relationships. Restore free trade with the Americans so that they can pay us even more money for our products and resources. Our goods are not so fine that they can afford to look elsewhere for similar resources. You worked with the Americans to develop our new resources, and we should build upon this relationship. We cannot allow the pain and suffering of communism to afflict itself upon our nation.


Dovah Kin

An Open Letter to Tropican Capitalists:

I implore all right thinking Tropicans, namely, the capitalists, to consider the achievements of El Presidente. He has done much in little time to foster the growth of our economy and state, providing new jobs in highly lucrative fields. I am sure that he will see reason after constant persausion in establishing new ties with the United States of America. Regardless, we must stand united behind El Presidente against the communist scourge. The servants of Stalin must NEVER be allowed to control our beloved nation.


Dovah Kin.
"Banning Condoms? Banning condoms? There is a host of hundreds of issues throughout this nation, and El Presidente chose to ban condoms? I am shocked beyond belief. I don't even know exactly what he hopes to achieve by doing this. I mean, what do you hope to accomplish? That some mystical being that doesn't exist smiles a little favorably? Increase the population of this island? Curry favor with the church? Enact a petty law so something major and sinister goes unseen?

Tropico, what is certain, however, is that obviously the church's lies is infiltrating the base of our government. Not only that, but El Presidente wants you to be brainwashed by these lies. Notice that we still have a huge housing crisis on our hands; there has only been enough housing to keep the current homeless line in proportion to what it was a year ago. Truly, he thinks that spreading his milk and honey will cull the minds of Tropicans that they live in makeshift shacks.

I am ashamed of El Presidente, and you should be too. No one has gained anything, except the church, and we are slowly losing our worker's freedom. We need homes and schools, not churches! Our military resorts on throwing vulgar words at our enemies! Had the bourgeois not rigged the polls, and I was in power, none of this would have ever happened! In one year, I could do more progress than he could in 4!"
"You are a hypocritical voice of the people, Mr. Lopez! Speaking of housing is all well and good, but employment should come first! With a productive state, comes the means and wealth to provide stable homes for the people. El Presidente could build us as many homes as he chooses, but that is hardly very good for Tropico. Furthermore, better we have a religious state than an immoral and corrupt one, featuring those two finest elements of communism. Employment is the way forward, not tenements and laziness!"
"How can anyone hope to get a job without any place to call home? How can any native Tropican hope to work this well without an education? Everything comes full circle, and it starts with the lack of housing. From there, we can then build a propsperous worker's paradise. But the idiot in power wants to do is throw away the nation to the church. Besides, a true nation gives homes for free; there is no rent to pay! Every man an apartment, and every man a diploma!"
"Workers are not quite scarce, jobs are! When more places of employment are made available, workers will have an easier time of finding a job. Jobs will allow the Tropican people to help invest in better homes than the bleak and dismal tenements that you communists are so fond of. Jobs are the root of progress and prosperity, not those ugly excuses for personal living and homes. To every man what he has earned, through his labor and own production!"
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