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War with Spaniards

So we got peace offer from Spaniards

Subject: Peace

oh yea. Our leader is fine, thanks for asking. Its getting better
since we had stop giving him grass cutted in his daily dosis, its had
been a terrible idea... I thinks he and your esteemed leaders would be
good friends as he also like drinking, and weight lifting (if you mean
lifting gallons of beers as weight) and of course beautiful women, but
in fact last weeks he had been going to his rooms with a sheep to whom
he call it in a very loving way...

Do you have any other friendly nation to make a hangout and go for
same extra slaves and sheeps?

a bit too hardcore for me to reply in-kind, not digging this sheep angle :yuck:

@2metra, they seem to offend you a bit, saying you seem very similar to their leader - the guy who spends quality time with his sheep, talking lovingly to her :yuck:

Do we react in any way to the peace offer? Probably best to ignore it, at least at the moment.
@2metra, they seem to offend you a bit, saying you seem very similar to their leader - the guy who spends quality time with his sheep, talking lovingly to her :yuck:

LOL, that is "so women" - always looking to find and make some intrigue even when there is no such to be found at all :D

As I read it, actually it is quite the opposite - they are saying that our tastes normally are alike, BUT lately they start to doubt in the tastes of their own leader because he is being kind to a sheep.

If I was to read the Gospel as the devil reads it, I could have said that actually it is insult to the women, because the Spanish leader prefers the company of a sheep? :cringe:
LOL, that is "so women" - always looking to find and make some intrigue even when there is no such to be found at all :D

As I read it, actually it is quite the opposite - they are saying that our tastes normally are alike, BUT lately they start to doubt in the tastes of their own leader because he is being kind to a sheep.

If I was to read the Gospel as the devil reads it, I could have said that actually it is insult to the women, because the Spanish leader prefers the company of a sheep? :cringe:

I mainly wanted to say that after my brief stint at diplomacy with these guys I am out of it. Even reading this sheep stuff :(
As for the message itself, there is not much of a matter said. If we are to answer them, it will be only for the lulz. I will definitely miss those guys, they are interesting and spirited. If it was not such a competitive game as the ISDG, I would have left them alive and trying to befriend them. For me personally ut is not always for what makes most sense game-wise and playing perfect what makes me happy. Way better I like the human aspect of the game.

One idea of an answer to them can be when we invade them to send something in the lines of "So long! And thanks for all the fun."
I mainly wanted to say that after my brief stint at diplomacy with these guys I am out of it. Even reading this sheep stuff :(

Haha, well, diplomacy is dealing with people. I've heard men some like sheeps and some women likes horses or whatever.

In my opinion the whole sheep thing is attempt to make the conversation ridiculous and out of the normal flow. Which normal flow is: "You ba$tards attacked us and now we are going to kill you for this."

It is common to make yourself seems unreasonable and even crazy if you are to deal and boasting with other guys. Sexual jokes are also common in this.
It is impossible to have reasonable army on 2 fronts at the same time. Otherwise, I said to Bistrita we need 1-2 chariots to go in RB territory to look the situation and what is going on there.
It is impossible to have reasonable army on 2 fronts at the same time. Otherwise, I said to Bistrita we need 1-2 chariots to go in RB territory to look the situation and what is going on there.
I like the idea very much of having 2 chariots to go scout what RB is doing with their troop movements. I actually like this much better than a spy, because then THEY KNOW we are watching them, whereas with a Spy, we will know if they are plotting, but this will do nothing to deter them, because they are unaware that we are keeping watch. They probably intend to respect the NAP but you know... Trust but verify;)

As for SpAp, I think that their Cats movement show that they are not fooled by our friendly banter. They expect us to attack and soon. So if nobody feels like talking about the "ins-and-outs":yuck: of sheep with them then I think we can focus our energies on something more beneficial.

About women who "like" horses:lol:
Spoiler :

And 2metra (or anyone who played DoE) will remember this one;):

Looks like their leader is starting to sober up. This just arrived an hour ago:

Dont ask me... but our leader has weak up shouting for my services....
Really dont know why, but he urge me to offer you a 25 turns NAP.
well, that is quite too late. Actually I find it hard to sign a NAP when we are attending, organizing AND celebrating their burial while dansing on their graves

Did they offer anything beside a NAP? 2500 gold could do. 100 gold for each turn
Heh, 25 turns... Suspiciously close to t175. RB shines beneath this I think.
Heh, 25 turns... Suspiciously close to t175. RB shines beneath this I think.
Agreed. This is another RB test... "Those CFC guys refuse to make a NAP with us, you go check to see if they will refuse you too or if they only refuse us"

We should not extend our NAP with anyone right now. Not without a open an willing commitment to help take RB down.
Chats from yesterday:

I was way too sleepy last night and was wondering why you whipped only 3 times where there were more whips to be done I think
so I went forward and made some math and whipped
Bistrita: good
i had to go
because of that i didnt whipped
2metraninja aha, so you did not finished whips for this?
:) good that I whipped then

Bistrita: i think we need to road that forest
2metraninja aha, ok
the north?
:) yes, I kept workers there for it
Bistrita: or at least chop
2metraninja road
Bistrita: lets chop the forest
2metraninja but chop will be good too
Bistrita: will not gave big hint
2metraninja not give away we intend to road
:) exactly
ok, chop with 3 workers
Bistrita: we have 3 there to move?
2metraninja even 4
Bistrita: i think we should whip knight too
in maoi
2metraninja it is possible that we catch their catapults in the open :)
this one was hard decision
Bistrita: better then drafting Lana
2metraninja I did not drafted it
after actually looking at the game
Bistrita: and will not
2metraninja will not, read the signs :)
Bistrita: well we could draft before switching to representation
and we lose nothing
same turn
if we need extra mace
2metraninja that is OK

Bistrita: we have alitle problem
we loose that hill
because of zulu culture
so i will not whip longbow
and when convert will go caste again
perhaps we can gain back
this suck big time
2metraninja the desert hill?
no problem, lets road the other hill
will be the same
we will come from the jungle
Bistrita: no man
forested hill
2metraninja you think we will lose it until we are ready to act?
Bistrita: yes
2metraninja it was like 66/33
Bistrita: maybe next turn
hope at least we chop
2metraninja how much shows this turn?
Bistrita: 54 45
2metraninja damn
next turn
we will have less
Bistrita: so we will chop it
2metraninja and the turn after it we will lose it
Bistrita: yes
2metraninja yes, we will have time to chop it
Bistrita: and will see if 2 turns 3 specialists
2metraninja this is very interesting
Bistrita: will get it back
if not brute force
2metraninja why we are losing it at all?
it is in our second ring
Bistrita: he has third ring there
2metraninja and third for them
Bistrita: making more culture
2metraninja yes, but our bonus is greater than theirs
Bistrita: not big enough looks like
2metraninja they must have big culture per turn in that city
Bistrita: yes
2metraninja so our bigger bonus is not enough
we actually make 1 culture in Baraha
:) I hope we will be able to get it back
with our big bonus percent
investing 12 cpt
will push it back
Bistrita: yes we do
thye do 4 or 6 culture turn
2metraninja this will be in 3 turns
switching back to caste
no, in 2
this is third turn of slavery
:) I will say it again - SPI does wonders for us
Bistrita: indeed
and until we gather force
lets hope
we will get back
2metraninja :) best will be if they dont notice
and feel safe
Bistrita: if not brute force
2metraninja and we log in and attack
yes, if not, we bruteforce them
Bistrita: we still can dance with their cats
2metraninja if they keep their cats the way they are and no axes/impis nearby, it will be piece of cake
we enter, they move catapults, but cant reach us, we take the city, culture colapse and we kill catapults in open
where are their axes and impis? how you think?
I dont see them
Bistrita: spread in cities

2metraninja I checked about culture
2metraninja according to this thread, the forested hill square being third ring for Spaniards and being second ring for us, gives the same bonus for us and for them, because it is most outside ring for both teams
i.e. only the normal culture generated by each city applies there
no other bonuses to interfere
so we just need to figure out how much culture they make per turn and see how we can counter that
Bistrita: they get 4
or 6
dont know when they got library
2metraninja if we pop to third ring our culture and the forested hill being in second ring for us, this will almost immediately give us ownership, as this will add 20 cpt to our culture there
Bistrita: well that will be hard
2metraninja "Think of the city's potential cultural area as a series of rings. The first ring consists of the city and the 8 surrounding squares. The second ring contains the other 12 squares of the city's production area, and so on. When the city's cultural level is 1, only the first ring gets the points from the city's CPT. When the city's cultural level reaches 2, both first and second ring get the base CPT and the first ring also gets and additional 20 points a turn, even if the city isn't generating any culture at that time. When the city reaches it's third cultural expansion, The inner 9 squares get an extra 40 points, the next ring gets 20 points and so on. At the highest level of culture, the inner ring gets a whopping 100 extra points of plot culture per turn."

yes, I think our specialists culture will be enough
for 3-4 turns
Bistrita: we can hire 3
with starvation
2metraninja that is 12 culture, no?
Bistrita: 12
because we have 1 from religion
and they cant get that much
they will just flip it
and we will get our specealist to work
2metraninja yes, so in 2-3 turns it will be again ours
and being deforested, we can road it quick
the very same turn

2metraninja if we get lucky, we will win the war solely with knights
who could suspect
btw, RB are doing absolutely the same
finished Guilds last turn
2metraninja now switched to Engineering
Bistrita: they learn it
i never joke with war
2metraninja heheh
thats the way to go
Bistrita: well they have more pop to whip
2metraninja and ally
another 30 units from WPC
Bistrita: so will see loads of knights
will be imposible for germas to survive
2metraninja yes, but I want them to die with honor
Bistrita: because they didnot started to do something
and whip whip
to the ground
OK guys, I have a plan. And not even one, but two plans. :)

Here they are:

South front:
Spoiler :

My plan for the South is straight forwarded. If Spaniards do not reinforce Bulawaio next turn, we attack after they are done with turn, taking the second slot of timer. The filled arrows show our knights moves, the hollow arrows mark our infantry move. We take that city and reinforce. We can draft one more mace this turn and move him to the assembly point to have stronger group when we attack.

North war theater:

Spoiler :

Here is a bit more complicated, but still quite straight-forwarded. We assembly this turn in Baraha, marked with AP. Then next turn if Spaniards are not moved their catapults or other stack from somewhere, we move our first North stack consisting of

3 knights
2 maces
2 xbows
7 axes
3 catapults
2 spears
2 chariots

total 21 units, on the route marked with green arrows. We have 4 workers to road the forested hill and the jungle tile. Hopefully Spaniards cant reinforce KwaDukuza and just move units towards it, so we take the city and hopefully catch their catapult stack in the open and annihilate it.

We should not be afraid of Zulu units we dont see much, because in the next 2 and 3 turns we will get reinforcements consisting of:

1 catapult
5 maces
1 axe
4 knights

those are new 11 units to add to our North Group, totaling to about 30 units strong.

From there, we asses the situation and act accordingly.

What you guys think? Did we waited enough? Are there bloodthirsty ones amongst us? :ninja::trouble::ar15:


  • SouthLegions.jpg
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  • North_Legions.jpg
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For the southern front, do we have a couple of workers to road the tundra tile 1NE of the knight stack? Otherwise we won't be able to take the city in one turn.

And if you and the other military minds think we're ready to go, I think we should begin our payback, especially before the Spaniards obtain horseback riding.
Of course we do have workers to road in the south. And not couple, but 3 of them, since the diagonal tile is tundra and needs 3 workers to be roaded in a single turn. They are shown in the screenshot right under the military units on our AP near Abhi.

Since I dont see any objections and I do believe those are good plans, I am moving units accordingly. Only possible drawback is Spaniards will see some of our concentration of armies in Baraha and can go on and react moving units to KwaDukuza, but we lose nothing really. They must know we are coming for them and this is really tiny window of opportunity - just 1 turn. Otherwise, we will have to wait for like 5 turns more to be able to flip the forested hill tile again to our culture before we can do operation with the same effect, or bring overwhelming force of knights there (which will take again some 4-5 turns).
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