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What Are You Reading, Again?

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Breakthrough Rapid Reading, by Peter Kump. It's a quick read.
I'm reading the Riverworld Saga by Phillip José Farmer. It's quite interesting, especially the premise.
Consider Phlebas by Ian Banks
I just picked up an assload of manga from the local library.

I am also reading Cry, The Beloved Country.
I'm also finishing up the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
GoodSarmatian said:
Consider Phlebas by Ian Banks

Good book. :thumbsup: I enjoy his Culture books.

Just read Old Twentyth, by Joe Haldeman. Sadly, I had this idea fifteen years ago...should have written it then. Not to brag, but I think my premise had more potential than his. But it was a good read.

Reading Singularity, by Bill DeSmedt. In this fictional book, the premise is that the 1908 Tunguska Event was caused by a black hole, and that the reason there was no exit event was because the hole was small enough to be captured by Earth's gravitiational field. Kinda hard to get into, but interesting in places.
Turner said:
Good book. :thumbsup: I enjoy his Culture books.

Yep. I'm reading Player of Games again at the moment.

Reading Singularity, by Bill DeSmedt. In this fictional book, the premise is that the 1908 Tunguska Event was caused by a black hole, and that the reason there was no exit event was because the hole was small enough to be captured by Earth's gravitiational field. Kinda hard to get into, but interesting in places.

Sounds interesting. But Tunguska was really caused by a Nikola Tesla experimental death ray overshooting the North Pole. At least according to one of Spider Robinson's books anyway. Lady sings the blues? I think. Might have been Callahan's Key. Good books.
Yeah, I read about Tesla's experiments when I was looking up Tunguska on Wiki. Who knows what it really was....could have been a Borg Sphere for all I know. :borg:
I finished The Archer's Tale - Bernard Cornwell
Now I'm reading Vagabond - Bernard Cornwell, which is part of the same series. I'm also reading a little bit of The Know-It-All - A.J. Jacobs for some light humorous reading.
Mao Zedong On Diplomacy by Mao Zedong.

Reading this book really helps one to appreciate what a man of peace Mao was.
Has anyone read Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke? If so, what did you think of it?
Really throwing myself into learning about the Russian front in the Second World War again:

Just got Barbarossa: The Russian-German Conflict 1941-1945 by Alan Clark. Let's see how it goes.
Turner said:
Yeah, I read about Tesla's experiments when I was looking up Tunguska on Wiki. Who knows what it really was....could have been a Borg Sphere for all I know. :borg:

Maybe Marvin adapted the POV gun to work on trees, and a swathe of forest spontaneously suicided?

And to stay on topic, currently reading Neil Gaiman's American Gods
Ooh, I've read American Gods. Fun fun.

Currently just finished reading Dune and will begin on either 2061 (Odyssey Three) or Slaktehus-5. (That's Slaughterhouse Five, only in Norwegian. *mumbles something about the library*)
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