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What do you think of Halloween?

What do you think of Halloween?

  • I really like it

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • It's a good excuse for a party

    Votes: 16 32.0%
  • It's fun for kids

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • It's a good excuse to annoy people

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • I've grown out of it

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • I don't care either way

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • I really don't like it

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • It's just a commercial thing

    Votes: 19 38.0%
  • I disapprove on religious grounds

    Votes: 5 10.0%
  • I just disapprove (please say why)

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • What is this Halloween of which you speak?

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think the Catholic church must care about Halloween, or at least "All Hallows Eve", because in medieval times it was their focus on the dead at this time of year that is at the root of Halloween as we know it today.

Read "A Heretical History of Halloween".
halloween isn't big here in sweden, but some exchange students are going to arrange a halloween party. i'm looking forward to that.

btw, does anyone know any good halloween music?
Originally posted by Lefty Scaevola
A riciculous waste of time, money, effort, and teeth, with very little return to me in the way of entertainment.

Surely being a surly curmudgeon to passing youngsters raises some scintilla of a spark in the cockles of your black heart? :D
Originally posted by animepornstar
btw, does anyone know any good halloween music?
My favourite Halloween album is "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo.
Oingo who? What do you think Danny Elfman was doing in the mid-80s?

Or take one of these live internet radio feeds.
I think the Catholic church must care about Halloween, or at least "All Hallows Eve", because in medieval times it was their focus on the dead at this time of year that is at the root of Halloween as we know it today.
I thought Halloween was a Pagan festival started in Ireland.
Halloween YAY!! an excusee for another party another headache and more excusses to make to my g/f for my behaviour lol
I think it is great for kids. But like many other things, some americans go way overboard, Halloween Decorations? I still am not hip on Christmas ones, Halloween? And the parties, An excuse for guys to dress up like women.

Overall I think it is fun, but getting out of hand, becoming very cheezy.
Originally posted by HotDog Fish
I'm still disapointed that Canadians don't celebrate Guy Fawks day....I really want to sit in front of a big burning effigy of a guy and get drunk

We could start one of our own! How about Brian Mulroney day!

Halloween is great! Candy for the kids, Booze & Babes for
the adults. Better than christmas.
Originally posted by Ozz
We could start one of our own! How about Brian Mulroney day!

Halloween is great! Candy for the kids, Booze & Babes for
the adults. Better than christmas.

I agree, Xmas sucks. It was fun as a kid - barely, but now just seems to depress people; too much pressure to do certain things instead of a bunch of drunk bloated people singing carols. Halloween is a party atmosphere without all the b.s. expectations that come with christmas. Must have family over. Must buy them certain things. Must eat turkey only. Must go to midnight mass. Must conform if from another culture. Must have santa suits in malls...

But why pick on Brian alone? Maybe we could give all those idiots from the Dominion Institute and so on the "Prime Ministers Day" they always wanted - only it's Guy Fawkes day too! So different houses or neighborhoods could choose a different PM to burn every year!

[dance] :flamedevi

Originally posted by MrPresident
I thought Halloween was a Pagan festival started in Ireland.
That's one of many common misunderstandings. If you read this link which sets the record straight, all will become clear.
Originally posted by Richard III

But why pick on Brian alone? Maybe we could give all those idiots from the Dominion Institute and so on the "Prime Ministers Day" they always wanted - only it's Guy Fawkes day too! So different houses or neighborhoods could choose a different PM to burn every year!

Works for me! Who should we start off with? Borden? Mulroney? Or we can celebrate the future today and burn Martin!
There is no halloween in Australia.
One year, a couple of kids new to the area came to our house saying trick or treat. We told them to bugger off. Aaah memories.
Is it a public holiday tho? We could always bring it in if it means a day off... No actually, come to think of it. It just wouldn't be worth it.

We do get those American "comedy" shows doing their halloween specials, but that's about the extent of it.
I voted that it's a good excuse to party and it's fun for kids. Back where I come from in Massachusetts they don't have the door-to-door trick or treat anymore but kids still go to parties or go to their friends houses to do trick or treating.

I'm not really sure what they do in this area for halloween yet as I've only been here a year and didn't do anything for the occasion last year.
Originally posted by MrPresident

Halloween sucks compares to Bonfire night. A huge fire, burning anything in sight and fireworks - what more could you want from a holiday?
'Cept its not a holiday :p

I plan on makiung a citizens arrest on any little bu##er who knocks on my door. "Demanding Candy with Menaces" and "Blackmail" seem fitting charges to press.... :)
'Cept its not a holiday
It is to me. It is a celebration and that is my definition of a holiday. Sure you don't get a day off work but that is because the holiday doesn't start until the nightfall (and because the British government have this thing about not giving us too many public holidays). Christmas you celebrate the end of the worst of winter (or some people celebrate because of something to do with Jesus. I forget. I didn't really pay much attention when they were explaining it). Bonfire night you celebrate the capture of Guy Fawkes before he could blow up the King and Parliament. What's the difference?
Tell it to my boss. Or for even more amusement, tell it to yours.
A holiday doesn't mean that you get a day off. Hell, we don't St. George's day off here in England. But that doesn't mean that it is not a national holiday. And I don't have a boss, I'm a lazy, tax-dodging student.
Originally posted by bobgote
There is no halloween in Australia.
One year, a couple of kids new to the area came to our house saying trick or treat. We told them to bugger off. Aaah memories.

Miss a chance to dress up & party? It isn't just about handing
candy to kids. New year's comes off second best to halloween.

They should (rightfully) have played a trick of you. In light of
yer attitude in believe the old turned on garden hose down
the chimney would be approprate.
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