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What hidden segments of society do you interact with?

Sounds like most of your "hidden segments" of society are quite overt and not quite so covert.

I didn't really mean "hidden" as "secret", but more like "hidden" as "not readily visible to people who are not a member."
"Alternative lifestyle" folks. And gun-nuts.

I remain convinced that if I could get some of both together for a party it'd be the most fantastic thing ever and I'd win the Nobel Peace Prize on the first ballot.

The gun nuts I know would shoot the alternative lifestylers I know and the alternative lifestylers I know would love nothing more than to hone up on their more sadistic skills with an unwilling gun nut. You would deserve a Nobel Peace Prize if you could get those groups to peacefully party togther.
Well maybe I've won the Nobel Peace Prize. I've brought together the limosine liberals and financial conservatives (along with Cubs fans and Sox fans) and we like each other. Tomorrow and Saturday I'll be going to the Sox/Cubs game and we will hate each other for a few hours. Afterwards we'll kiss and make up.
What's wrong with "Ki" users? Ki is an important part of most martial arts, and is very real...
For the value of Ki you're talking about, sure, I guess. For 'ki' appearing in quotation marks next to astral travel, umm, nope, I'm thinking about the people who talk about making balls of energy in your hand. I don't acknowledge this.
Gospel choir religious nuts - I love the singing. I have to bite my tongue about the religion. sometimes I want to break into a really inappropriate song just to see what would happen...
Heavy drug takers, that also happen to be semi-professional snowboarders. they are a lot of fun and I learn lots of snowboard stuff, but I spend most of my time turning down drugs and being shocked!!! such a goodytwoshoes.
Judging from the bad teeth I see on some folks I have to see at work, I am either working in the UK, or we get a lot of meth users.
Judging from the bad teeth I see on some folks I have to see at work, I am either working in the UK, or we get a lot of meth users.

Everyone knows you yanks just wear false teeth to hide the damage from all the coca-cola abuse.

Theater people (I occasionally partake in the local community theater), stoners, drunkards, stoners and drunkards, gun nuts, biking nuts, tennis players, meth heads, ex-drug users, and Oregonians in general.
I interact with the top 1%.
I am a hidden segment of society. :D People interract with me.
I dunno man, I used to hang out with a lot of small time criminals and drug people. Probably because being big and scary scores a lot of points with those people, while with middle class people its who makes more money, or something.

I knew a guy who was stabbed in the head (with a screwdriver), my friend went on and on telling me not to mention the scar to him since he was such a scary guy and would kill us both, so naturally thats the first thing I said when I met the guy. :D

I dont hang out with those people any more, but I know about a thousand of them in my town, which is a good thing.

EDIT: I missed this bit 1st time I read the OP:
My wife and I have discussed at times that we have all of these little segments of society. For example, we are "theatre geeks" and try out for plays and musicals. There is a small group of people that do this, so we run into the same people all the time, and there is a protocol associated with doing this: things you are supposed to do and not supposed to do, how you dress and speak, a jargon associated with this segment, etc.

My wife and I have discussed at times that we have all of these little segments of society. For example, we are "theatre geeks" and try out for plays and musicals. There is a small group of people that do this, so we run into the same people all the time, and there is a protocol associated with doing this: things you are supposed to do and not supposed to do, how you dress and speak, a jargon associated with this segment, etc.

Arrg, high-school theater geeks annoy me so much. Over-dramatic, weak, lazy, pompous, and chick-magnets. Well, in twenty years I'll probably have a job and a life while they'll be in a rat-hole of an apartment still trying to break into the business. Nothing against you, of course, Veritass, I just can't stand drama majors at all.
Arrg, high-school theater geeks annoy me so much. Over-dramatic, weak, lazy, pompous, and chick-magnets. Well, in twenty years I'll probably have a job and a life while they'll be in a rat-hole of an apartment still trying to break into the business. Nothing against you, of course, Veritass, I just can't stand drama majors at all.

With all due respect, having hung around both high-school "theater" kids and adult, community theater people, there is an AMAZING difference. high school theater geeks are pretty much exactly as you describe them (except for the chick magnet part, and hey, how is that a bad thing?:lol:), but older actors are much better. Hard-working, fun loving, mature, funny, interesting people.
I know one guy who is a honorary member of the Hells Angels and an aspiring Freemason and one guy who's with the Bandidos crowd, two of my best friends. Then I know some stoners, some Anarchists, commies, Royalists, computer geeks, gun nuts, WW2 reenactment freaks, feminists, university choir geeks, I know one bare knuckle fighting dude, one jesusfreak and a part of my family are in the damn Opus Dei. Oh yes , I also hang out with this total hardcore Republican who's both parents and grandparents are communists, imagine how upset his dad is...
Tech geeks (IT pros)
Military pros (some Lts, capn's and a Major), spec ops to HQ
Water engineers :coffee:
DJs (techno and funk, no trance please)

i know quite a few of the local punks, homeless hobos, drug dealers, late night bozos, drunkards, etc.
i blame it all on my wild years.
people with the area code "9-0-5"

thats right, OUTSIDE of TO

I also associate with the sports (amateur and proffessional) scene.
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