[GRAPHICS] What If Unit Thread: Matsuda123, Kine100, and Mattem's Latest Additions

For a start no wheels as the south and central american civilizations did not use them.
But by that time you DID research The Wheel tech. So it's both accurate and inaccurate :mischief:
But... Why not? Wheelless catapults would be unique for sure :goodjob:
Chances are high that I will still be giving the Meso and South American civs wheeled units. I've never liked the dragging around still unit things lol...

I'll try to be more frequent with stuff. @MightyToad , I finally got a ship done and ready for you. It's drastically different than what has been done before. A ship from Avatar the Last Airbender. It is the Fire Nation Ironclad warship. Most of the time, they used trebuchets aboard their ships for long range bombardment. That never really made sense to me. The Fire Nation are shown to have gunpowder, as they have grenadiers and later use bombs that can also be fired from cannons aboard airships, so it never made sense to me why they wouldn't be using cannons instead. So instead I put cannons aboard the ship.

Please feel free to modify the unit if needed for animations and such. :)


Chances are high that I will still be giving the Meso and South American civs wheeled units. I've never liked the dragging around still unit things lol...

I'll try to be more frequent with stuff. @MightyToad , I finally got a ship done and ready for you. It's drastically different than what has been done before. A ship from Avatar the Last Airbender. It is the Fire Nation Ironclad warship. Most of the time, they used trebuchets aboard their ships for long range bombardment. That never really made sense to me. The Fire Nation are shown to have gunpowder, as they have grenadiers and later use bombs that can also be fired from cannons aboard airships, so it never made sense to me why they wouldn't be using cannons instead. So instead I put cannons aboard the ship.

Please feel free to modify the unit if needed for animations and such. :)

I've never seen this show/movie. I used the stealth destroyer animations because the guns nearly perfectly lined up with the ones on your model. I had to nudge the fore gun over a bit, but nothing noticeable. I guessed the thing in the rear was a boiler for the steam engine, but I don't know. Hard to tell from the pictures.

Anyway, sorry to leave you guys hanging. I was a bit burned out with making units and weary from the unrelenting pace. Also, some RL distractions. Hope this works for you.


Hello Matsuda! I hope you're enjoying your holidays. I think I might have found another unusual breed of warriors that will interest you.

Are you familiar with the Sea Peoples, specifically the Sherden?

01 Sherden (Sea Peoples).jpg

As you can see in the pic, the Sherden had a very distinctive fashion sense. Not only were they legitimate wearers of horned helmets (*cough Vikings cough*) – but these helmets featured a large knob or disc on top. Cool, right? Plus they were ‘early adopters’ of the cutting-edge Naue II type swords. The richer Sherdens who liked to splash their cash around would probably invest in a Lobster Style Cuirass, as the central figure is seen wearing in this image:

03 Sherden Mercenary (central) with Lobster Cuirass.jpg

Spoiler A little bg Info with more Sherden images :
The Sherden were fierce sea raiders of unknown origin and ethnicity who suddenly appeared in the 14th Century BCE and began sacking cities up and down the coast of Anatolia and the Levant, until they met their match in Egypt.

Ramesses II was the only ruler who managed to defeat and capture them. The captive Sherdens subsequently became the Pharaoh's elite guard. Because of their ruthlessness, they were also employed as mercenaries and would run alongside Egyptian chariots to provide cover and hack off the hands of wounded or dead Hittite soldiers.

02 Sherden Drawing.jpg

04 Egyptian Mercenaries (Sherden on right).jpg

05 Sherden Mercenaries.jpg

03 Sherden Mercenary (central) with Lobster Cuirass.jpg

06 Sheden Warrior 01.jpg

07 Sherden Warrior 02.png


08 Sherden Figure 01.jpg

09 Sherden Figure 02.jpg




As I mentioned to you, we’d like to explore new horizons with Ancient Anatolia. We are planning on creating a random event: “The Sea Peoples Have Returned!” We are also going to use the Mercenaries Mod and feature Sherden Mercenaries.

Would you be interested in creating a Sherden model or two? We can collaborate and get them skinned and textured :thumbsup: The swordsman is iconic, but a spearman / javelineer or axeman would be awesome too.

If this appeals to you, there’s no rush whatsoever. Maybe we could have them ready by International Talk Like a Pirate Day? (in September, haha) ;)

Alright, thank you very much Matsuda, Happy Holidays~!!
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They know they came from the Aegean. Some from Crete. They led into the collapse of the Mycenaen civilization, the Hittites, and moved into the Middle East(Philistines). Interesting they dress similiar to the depictions of the Mycenaens and Trojans.
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