When was the first time you've had Alcohol?

When was the first time you've had alcohol?

  • Never had even a sip!

    Votes: 18 10.8%
  • 5 or under

    Votes: 23 13.8%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 33 19.8%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 49 29.3%
  • 16-18

    Votes: 28 16.8%
  • 19-24

    Votes: 10 6.0%
  • 25-30

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-40

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40+ (Wow you suck!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • insert funny option here.

    Votes: 6 3.6%

  • Total voters
I'm special too! :D
Surely you don't think all alcohol tastes good?:eek:

Cheap vodka is the WORST. Ugh. Retch. Barf.:vomit:

But I still drink it...

Well, see, who's fault is that? You wouldn't say all food tastes good, either, but good food is delicious.

Buy better vodka.

Actually I think it's t'other way round. The more addictive your personality is, the more you'll drink. I doubt that all drinkers are just ticking time bombs... and there's some special level of overall life alcohol consumption at which any drinker will turn to his mug of beer and exclaim 'I can't live without you, magic brain juice'.

That's it, from now on I'm calling beer "magic brain juice".
Oh, son of a gun, I thought Yoda was from here in the US for some reason. Doh. :blush:
Well, see, who's fault is that? You wouldn't say all food tastes good, either, but good food is delicious.

Buy better vodka.

It was a joke, lucy.:p

But I do still drink it, primarily because the only thing I care about when consuming hard-alcohol is getting drunk.

Beer, Wine and Champagne I drink more so for the taste.
It was a joke, lucy.:p

But I do still drink it, primarily because the only thing I care about when consuming hard-alcohol is getting drunk.

Beer, Wine and Champagne I drink more so for the taste.

Nothin' like a good cocktail.
Yep. Mojitos are my magic brain juice. Proper ones, non of that Bacardi capitalist crap, fresh mint and proper sugar. Cannot be beaten.
My brain hardly functions as it is...BTW, as a teetotaler i advocate a lower drinking age...
Here's a good one that I thought was relevant...

A new study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that healthy seniors who consume light to moderate amounts of alcohol reduce their odds of developing physical disabilities or dying in the next five years by 23 percent, compared with either heavy drinkers or those who abstain.

19 for me. Took it pretty slowly at first, drinking less than 2 shots' worth the first time, but tended to drink more than the previous time thereafter. Though its never been more than once a week.

So far I've only tried liquor (mostly rum and vodka), though. It's just hard for me to imagine how beer would taste good, so I haven't tried it. Same goes for really cheap vodka.

You don't drink, thus you have no idea what you are talking about.

Nay, not true. I've unfortunately seen friends ignore advice that they really should have followed from pretty much all their other friends because "How much experience do you have? Pretty much none, like I thought." Sure experience helps, but sometimes it doesn't take someone with experience to give good advice.

My experiences with this had nothing to do with alcohol, but would apply there just as well.

To all the people who say they've never had a sip of alcohol.

Why? Because you can't legally? If its not that then are you not curious? Or is it because you've had bad experiences with drunk people? I'm not criticising you, just wondering why. If its the health aspect then do you cut out other unhealthy habits?

Well, having recently been in that position, it was a combination of several factors:

*It is illegal, and not something my parents would be likely to look the other way at if I did get caught. So that's a pretty good turn-off.
*Because I wasn't sure of the effects. I knew perfectly well how things would turn out without drinking, but once you start something, who knows where it'll end up? Being cautious more often then not, this was a disincentive.
*Because I'd seen some people at college drink way too much and didn't want to be like them. Being more an academic, the general fraternity culture of drinking didn't appeal to me.
*Because I knew extremely well that I could have tons of fun without drinking. Even at parties with drinking and drunkenness I'd have fun without drinking. So there was no "life is so boring - I need something to spice it up" factor.

But curiousity was the primary factor in why I eventually did try it.

What's it like being drunk? I'm still 13. :(

I don't actually find it that great. Inhibitions are a bit less (though I think I'm less affected by this than average judging by observations of others), balance becomes increasingly worse, which is kind of fun but also a lack of control which takes away from it a bit. If you get a particularly good mixed drink the drink itself can taste quite good, but it's hard to get that really good mix. And of course if you drink too much, you can become nauseous, and various other bad effects come. It's not really something worth doing really young, and it's definitely something you should start low on. Taking 8 or 9 shots worth the first time is just asking for trouble. I'm glad I didn't try it in high school, myself.
Taking 8 or 9 shots worth the first time is just asking for trouble. I'm glad I didn't try it in high school, myself.

I had 15, when I was 15. It was not a good idea, but it was the first time I had more than just one or two beers. It was a learning experience to say the least :lol:
My first sip was when I was 15, but the first time being drunk was in the waning days of my 17th year. First time throwing up was this past weekend.
Im not a biblical scholar, but didn't Jesus drink fairly often? Turning water into wine comes to mind, as does the Last Supper 'This is my blood'.

Unless your conflating drinking with drunkenness.

You have to remember that wine back then was different to what it is now. Basically wine would come in a concentrated form and they would add water to it to make it drink able. They would always carry a flask of it by themselves so they can have a drink with water. If you wanted an alcohol drink, the you would only dilute it by half, making it 1 part wine to 1 part water. To make it non alcoholic you dilute to whatever strength you wanted it, but generally it was watered down many times, I think the general rule was 1 part wine to 49 parts water. You could almost think of wine as a similar fashion to cordial. They did that so that they could have a portable source of a drink, since they did not have all the modern things we have. Paul even told Timothy to drink a little wine, since he got sick often, due to the poor quality of water back then. But now it is very easy not to drink any alcohol, due to all the choices we have and the water quality is much better now.
If you seriously think that Jews at all times in history didn't enjoy getting smashed and playing music while dancing around a fire than your losing it.

* I say that as a non christan with my own outlook on why things in the bible were written.
If you seriously think that Jews at all times in history didn't enjoy getting smashed and playing music while dancing around a fire than your losing it.

* I say that as a non christan with my own outlook on why things in the bible were written.

Of course they didn't! My priest told me that the Jews' favourite beverage is the blood of Catholic schoolboys.
I took it slowly at first too. I had a pint of ale when I was two, and that lasted me until Christmas.
I bet I had some wine at a restaurant when I was around 12.
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