*Where* is US health care so darn expensive?

So Canada like Japan or Australia has private entitites operating within their universal healthcare systems. Seems very standard. Not seeing your point.
So Canada like Japan or Australia has private entitites operating within their universal healthcare systems. Seems very standard. Not seeing your point.
I made the point very clear. Private entities are not allowed to compete with the scumbags. And the scumbags murder. Get it?
You think you're making it clear but it's about as clear as mud, honestly. One minute you're arguing universal healthcare is intrinsically corrupt and evil because socialism. Then the next minute you're praising Japan's universal healthcare system. Then you're arguing that in fact Canada's system is uniquely evil and full of murderers and somehow socialist whilst all the other universal healthcare systems are okay and not "socialist" now?

And the point of difference now appears to have contracted to exact funding arrangements and whether private operators can charge extra above and beyond what the universal system charges?

You still haven't told me how Canada manages to have such high health incidators with all these evil Stalinist murderers, either.
You think you're making it clear but it's about as clear as mud, honestly.
I really don't know how to respond. You worship the state. I hate it. Fundamentally, that is the reason we disagree.

Moderator Action: This sort of trollish post is not at all acceptable in this forum. You've already received a warning and infraction in this thread. One week ban.
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"worship the state"? That's a seriously warped lens you see the world with. And such a neat way to dismiss awkward questions, consigning anyone who doesn't immediately buy into your wild-eyed assertions to a category of fundamental irredeemable evil. Saves from ever having to engage I guess, AND reinforces the feelings of isolation and conspiracy.

But hey man, you're the one who praised Japan's state-regulated and run universal healthcare system.
I say... what a lively debate.

The words 'insurance' and 'middlemen' were already used so I think the question posed by the thread name is answered.

Privatised healthcare is less efficiient at delivering healthcare when it is optimised for extracting money from people for a service and then doing everything in it's power to deny them that service. Whatever personal anecdotes you may have *ahem* the facts on how socialised healthcare compares to the system used in the US shine out from almost every statistic you can access - and they do not paint a pretty picture.

The saddest thing is that those running the system have got those paying for it so utterly convinced that it is better than the alternative, when cheaper and more effective examples of the alternative exist across the globe.
I think you'll find the hardcore dogmatic libertarian argument is the US system is still too state-dominated.
Yes, but it beggars belief that they keep on insisting over and over again that it's better privatised, just because that is the ideology they've been indoctrinated in. How many times do you have to point out that it simply isn't true?
Yes, but it beggars belief that they keep on insisting over and over again that it's better privatised, just because that is the ideology they've been indoctrinated in. How many times do you have to point out that it simply isn't true?

How many times do you have to point out that abortion does not equal murder? How many times do you have to point out that Obama is not a socialist Muslim Kenyan? How many times do you have to point out that the World Trade Center wasn't rigged for implosion?

This is fanatical religious dogma that we are up against here, not science.
Well on two of those i'd agree based on sound evidence, however on the abortion thing I think i'd have to admit to making a judgement call on where life legally/literally begins and someone would be well within their rights to disagree. Just not to go around blowing up abortion clinics and murdering doctors.
Whether a point is debatable or not doesn't change the fact that it is religious dogma driving one side. And this extreme libertarian stance is has become all religion and no reality.
Indeed. It also shows up the inherent selfishness in such a position as the assumption is always being quietly made that "i'll be alright Jack" and anyone who loses from the system being advocated for deserves it. Even if the price is their death. Which it clearly can be in the case of the healthcare issue.
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