just find it a telling indication of how you view the world, in a way that isn't particularly healthy.
Please, explain further.
I know that you think supporting someone's right to speak means you also endorse what they're saying, so I can see how in your mind this appears to be a contradiction, but it really isn't one.
Haha, nice one, but off-base as usual. You're somewhat missing the point (see my above reply to Commodore for more info on that). I'll also add that in this case "free speech" crowd means "people who don't actually care much about free speech as a principle but hide behind it as a way of defending racist speech without actually appearing to do so"
As commodore so astutely pointed out, free speech does not mean immunity to criticism or even social consequences for the things you say. What I've found is that what I referred to as "the free speech crowd" will invoke free speech even when there is no cause to do so. For example, in the JK rowling thread we recently saw this play out as people were criticizing JK rowling's opinions and, rather than defend the opinions directly a few posters claimed that JK rowling should not be censored even though no one was saying she should have been.