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Why "All Lives Matters" is wrong

If you are an American, raised here and everything and you can't speak proper English but instead speak a gibberish called Ebonics, I'm calling you illiterate and unintelligent. Teachers who teach that crap are doing irreparable harm to their students.

Our society like all societies reward conformance to social norms and speaking proper English is a big part of normal society. Being unable to perform that puts you in the illiterate category. English as a second language gets a pass on this.

What makes a language a language?
@Owen Glyndwr - If you have time, I'd appreciate if you'd explain some basic concepts about accents and dialects within a language, and how accent-based discrimination is used as one of the tools for determining social class. And also how the non-prestige dialects are withering away fairly rapidly, especially in urban areas, across the world. I know a little bit but nowhere near as much as you do on that topic.
I second the motion.

Anybody want to call the question?
You can't call the question on a Motion that has just been seconded. The chair has to open the floor to discussion first.;) Then you call the question, and then the chair asks for a second to the calling of the question.:crazyeye: Then we vote on calling the question. :hammer: Then we vote on the Motion itself :wavey:, but only if the calling of the question vote succeeds.

That's why Congress can't get anything done...:p
Actually, forget all that. My memory was wrong. You can't discuss a seconded call. You can only do, or do not. My FFA advisor would be so ashamed. ><
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To what point do you rise :groucho:
All right, so the floor is open for discussion. Would anyone like to discuss the desirability of Owen giving us a little treatment of socio-linguistics?

Or are we ready to call the question and vote?
I'm ready to vote. I vote Yea if we're voting.

Then call the question, Mr. Roberts Rules of Order! As you pointed out, the floor first has to be opened to discussion, but there doesn't have to be any discussion. The question can be called at any point. But we can't vote until there has been a call and a second. I'll take Sommer's unorthodox and overeager statement as calling the question. Do I have a second?

The chair does not recognize warpus' gibberish as a second. Would you like to simply second the call?
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"All lives matter" is wrong because it shows a lack of empathy regarding the discrimination of a specific group of people, sending the message that their suffering is unimportant, even though the statement is otherwise commendable.
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If there are people who still want discussion, either there won't be a second to your call, or when we call the question the vote will go nay.

Anyway, the question has been called. Do I hear a second?
Y'all are incorrigible.

I'll work on it, just be chill.

Finally, ok, now we can vote:

Resolved: Owen Glyndwr will explain some basic concepts about accents and dialects within a language, and how accent-based discrimination is used as one of the tools for determining social class. And also how the non-prestige dialects are withering away fairly rapidly, especially in urban areas, across the world

The voting is now open.
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