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Worst Cartoon Character Ever

Mr Vacillus was supposed to be causing illness to those who were weak, i think that the baker was getting ill from the climate, and so bread-man tried to help :)

But why? What was he trying to achieve? World domination? Money? Vengeance? And why the baker? Why not spread disease elsewhere?

Samurai Jack was pure genius. Now we must have an epic battle of epic proportions for the sake of our disagreement. En guarde! :mischief:

Go Arceus!

Arceus used Judgement!

It's super effective!

Lord of Elves fainted!

Arceus gained 9001 exp. points!

Arceus leveled up!

You beat A Person

"Aw man!"

You got 599 Pokedollars!
I would have to nominate Paul from Pokemon, he seems like he is supposed to be one of the villains of the show. He also seems to be a villain-sue to me, he is always an ass to his mons, the only people to call him out for this is the main threesome and he almost never loses in a battle.
I would have to nominate Paul from Pokemon, he seems like he is supposed to be one of the villains of the show. He also seems to be a villain-sue to me, he is always an ass to his mons, the only people to call him out for this is the main threesome and he almost never loses in a battle.

Speaking of Pokemon...

You know those Pokemon graveyards? You know, like the Pokemon Tower in Kanto? How in the name of Chuck Norris did those Pokemon DIE? I mean, look at the things we make them do to each other!

They can survive poisoning, powerful electric shocks, fire, parasitic plants, water being blasted their way at insane speeds, being crushed by boulders, struck by meteors, having the general crap beat out of them, mind rape, distortion of the FREAKING SPACE TIME CONTINUUM, DIVINE JUDGMENT, AND A LOT OF OTHER FORMS OF INJURY. They just faint after all this. Then you march off to the Pokemon center, and get them healed up. Nurse Joy is a miracle worker. A clone, but a miracle worker.

If it's not battling, what is it? Disease? No. The only disease known to affect Pokemon is Pokerus, and that's a good thing. Maybe old age? Pull the other one.

I'm getting of topic here, but the point is Paul could nuke that Chimchar from orbit if he wanted too and it would just lose consciousness.

Anyway, back to cartoons.
Can there be any doubt?? "Towelie, you're the worst character ever."

Towelie's awesome.

Gem and the hollograms (sp). That's the girl band cartoon from the 80s. I vaguely remember Maya the Bee and that got lots of hate from my sister who couldn't stand me watching it.

Beavis and Butthead could occassionally be funny when they were making fun of music videos but mostly they were just stupid in my humble opinion. It's funny how you never really saw them doing any drugs but you know they must have been. I guess cause it was the early 90s they couldn't show that. Any time I watched that show I could just feel myself getting stupider. It's just something to watch if you're drunk or high, like that painting show with the white guy with the afro.
Beavis and Butthead could occassionally be funny when they were making fun of music videos but mostly they were just stupid in my humble opinion. It's funny how you never really saw them doing any drugs but you know they must have been. I guess cause it was the early 90s they couldn't show that. Any time I watched that show I could just feel myself getting stupider. It's just something to watch if you're drunk or high, like that painting show with the white guy with the afro.
The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross? I enjoy it sober. He just makes you feel like everything is right in the world, like Mr. Rogers for grown-ups.

Um, what animated Muhammad cartoons?
Is that show still on? I don't think I could ever watch it sober but I can manage to watch nancy grace sober so I guess anything's possible. When I was a teenager there was a show called quilting for the 90s so there was at least something more boring on.
Is that show still on? I don't think I could ever watch it sober but I can manage to watch nancy grace sober so I guess anything's possible. When I was a teenager there was a show called quilting for the 90s so there was at least something more boring on.

Bob Ross is dead. They still show reruns though.
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