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Worst Cartoon Character Ever

People, I'm considering making a rule that would prevent anyone from talking about Sonic. PLEASE, think of someone else.
What was the chick cartoon that came on after GIJoe back in the day. Gem or something? That was the worst one. NOT THAT I EVER WATCHED IT OR ANYTHING
Sailor Moon
Zan and Jayna, the Wondertwins: Please, leave the crime fighting to the professionals!

That, or Olive Oyl... Am I the only one out there who thought this was one lady NOT worth fighting over? Hey, Popeye, you're a sailor... you can do better!
Sailor Moon is the obvious answer, but there's a clear alternative too
That, or Olive Oyl... Am I the only one out there who thought this was one lady NOT worth fighting over? Hey, Popeye, you're a sailor... you can do better!

oh god this
Probably....THIS GUY!

You gues appear not not have seen really badly drawn cartoons :D

This is an east asian one which was terrible both in drawing and in plots. It was about a man made out of bread, who became a hero...

Link to video.


What the-? A baker puts a black sphere in some bread, making the bread turn into a superhero, which goes of to fight some mutant bug thing. And it's all in Greek. At least I think it's Greek.

I don't get. I can think of several more things that make more sense than this.

What the-? A baker puts a black sphere in some bread, making the bread turn into a superhero, which goes of to fight some mutant bug thing. And it's all in Greek. At least I think it's Greek.

I don't get. I can think of several more things that make more sense than this.

Well it was horrible, and i couldnt stand to watch a large part of it now either. But it seems to be about "Bread-man" who fights "Mr Vacillus" (sic). So basically he fights the source of disease found inside the cloud.
Yes, very entertaining and intelligent :crazyeye:
Well it was horrible, and i couldnt stand to watch a large part of it now either. But it seems to be about "Bread-man" who fights "Mr Vacillus" (sic). So basically he fights the source of disease found inside the cloud.
Yes, very entertaining and intelligent :crazyeye:

That is the stupidest plot ever. What form of hallucinogen were these people on when they made this? And you say this Vacillus guy is a "source of disease." So, was he spreading a disease in that town? Because I couldn't understand what anyone was saying, and it didn't look like anyone was sick. And clouds aren't alive, so they can't get diseases. Or is he the source of disease in general? Yeah, sure. Some mutant bug thing is the cause of every single disease. Pull the other one. Maybe I'm reading to much into this and you really meant to say that he is the source of a disease, but forgot to press a.

It's still stupid though. You shouldn't hit the audience with a large load of nonsensical crap in the first episode like that.
Effective as Aku was, he should have never existed. Samurai Jack was aired on Cartoon Network, which is why I saw him in the first place. The network executives must have been out of their minds when they decided to let this show air. They could have least put it in a time-slot when young children would probably not see it. It should have been on a completely different channel. I later learned that Aku was voiced by the same guy the voiced Uncle Iroh form Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's a little hard to believe that the the evil wizard that haunted my dreams is the same guy as the tea loving, wise, and comical old man that traveled with his determined, scarred, nephew.

Samurai Jack was pure genius. Now we must have an epic battle of epic proportions for the sake of our disagreement. En guarde! :mischief:
Don't diss Samurai Jack.

And I was around 6ish when I first saw it. I saw the episodes, and they were FUN, and they weren't "lame"(6 year old mind) compared to some of the other shows. and I still remember going on to cartoonnetwork.com, and pwning the bosses on the Samurai Jack game(or one of them), and it was fun, and enjoyable. Aku was a stereotypical evil dude, and Samurai Jack would always kick his butt. I fail to see how it was scary.

Those times were good. Samurai Jack and Pokemon. Awesome.
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