
Sep 18, 2018
I can't believe, I have the honors of having the very 1st thread in the MOD that will be a successor to RaR!
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This is great news.

Is there any chance of a thread devoted to a regularly updated version for people who want to playtest but without having to compile?

Can I suggest that you release what you have currently as a baseline version since there is a big difference between Rar 2.7 and the dll that ShadesOfTime posted on the Rar site?

I have been playing with that dll and it clears up a lot of the game breaking bugs from 2.7.

I think it makes sense to get out a version early (with the current bug fixes) before things get bogged down with new features.


Edit: There needs to be a sticky on the Rar forum so people can know work is still ongoing.
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Hi, everyone. I've just published a "release" that have the compiled dll... To build a full release every time is a challenge... So for now we are using github release systems. You can check to get the latest code (version 2.7.1 beta 6 for now).
Wow, good luck on further development.
Hi everyone. This project sounds great. Two things though:
1) Is there a list of all changes in the mod somewhere? I can't find it.
2) Any chance of getting this working on a Mac? I've tried downloading and installing as per the instructions on Github. But I just get a load of XML errors before the game stops loading and quits.
2) Any chance of getting this working on a Mac?
You need to run the windows version in wine, bootcamp or similar. The reason is that Aspyr made a horrible mac port and it doesn't allow mods to use a custom DLL file. Sadly most good mods (this one included) wouldn't work without a modded DLL file. I tried looking into this issue, but it seems there is nothing we can do about it.

The reason you get xml errors is because the xml files are made for the DLL file belonging to the mod, not the vanilla one, which the mac version will always use regardless of what you tell it to do.
Great news! Thanks for doing that work & good luck! Looking forward to try a release
I just downloaded mod from github, so far all is working good. I will test current version v2.7.1-beta6 and let you guys know how it works for me. Thank you for your hard work.
terrain/CIV 4 seems to differ

but I didn`t change anything.

Just downloaded both files, unpacked and tried to load mod.
terrain/CIV 4 seems to differ
I had the same series of "Too many siblings" errors while loading the mod the first time. That is, I loaded a fresh Colonization install with the 1.01 patch, and selected We-The-People from the Advanced > Load Mod options.. I was able to start a new game, but there are icon errors on the leader screens and text missing from some leader qualities like "Libertarian." I can move my ship the first turn, but there is no user interface and the application crashes after I end the first turn.

I didn't find the directions here explicit enough. What is "the Mod directory?" There are three files I can download, but the instructions only describe using two? Why do I have the option between two .dlls, and how do I choose between 1 plot and 2 plot?
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What is "the Mod directory?"
That's MODS in either my games or the colonization install dir. The latter is preferred because if you have non-English characters in your username, then the my games approach will have problems reading some of the files.

There are three files I can download, but the instructions only describe using two?
The source code comes in zip and tar.gz automatically. It's the same files packed in two different formats. tar.gz is a linux way of distributing, meaning you should just ignore it.

Why do I have the option between two .dlls, and how do I choose between 1 plot and 2 plot?
You copy one DLL file into assets. The reason why there are two files is because the catchment area is set at compile time. The reason for this is that it was the quick way to make it work and even adding support for 1 plot radius was a hot topic for RaR and was nearly rejected. We do have a plan to convert the radius selection into a game option instead, which will merge the two DLL files.

The reason why we aren't working on this right away is because it will break savegames, forcing everybody to start new games. For the time being we only implement changes, which will not prevent reading savegames made with RaR. We have multiple plans, which all requires breaking savegames and we are collecting them to add them all in one go, prevent breaking savegames again and again. One of those future improvements is a new savegame format, which is less prone to being broken, but it completely destroys reading existing savegames, meaning that one too has to wait until we break savegames anyway.
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