The hair is going to be a problem.. the exact same colors used in parts of the hair are also used in the lightning bolt itself and in various pixels in the shows and belt.
Selecting by color selects every color in the image, no way around it.
The only way to do it would to be to manually use something like a Contiguous-only Magic Wand with a color tolerance just enough to grab only the hair; problem is this cannot be done on a whole storyboard (it could, but not automatically). Done manually would require the correct click using this Magic Wand on each frame to grab only the hair. Storyboards x Each direction x Frame Counts = a whole lot of clicks and time.
Clothes work fine though. This is one of the probs with recolors, many run into this problem.
You can see here what happens; the hair is yellow'ish so it stands out here... all other yellow pixels were the same color as the original black hair color. Hair almost has to stay black. White hair may look fine for lightning bolt, but would show on shoes and belt.