Am I the Only One Who has Never Posted a Completed Modpack or Scenario


Phaethon was here
Jun 14, 2003
Your territory
I have been modifiying and playing one game since the beginning of Civ3.

I've been learning what improves the game and what is degrades the game, through my own experience and through the many on this forum who have posted their insights and experiences.

I have yet to post my game, as my Civ file has grown to over 5 gigabytes in size, I know there is a lot of duplicate files, so I could get it down to about 1 or 2 gig if I made a scenario folder with just what is currently used.

I've been to lazy get a clean upload together and would think that my tastes in a game are not what would appeal to others. It is 10 over years in the making and usually takes me over 2 months to play a game (I play a couple hours each morning as I get up a couple hours before the rest of the family).

:1000 turns, 25 to 100 turns to discover advancement so wars don't start with spears and end with rifles, 9999BC to 2300AD, ....., ten years of additions and tinkering.

I'm still not sure if I could bring myself to find an upload sight and assemble and upload.

Plus it would take me weeks to create a credits list to thank everyone for all the units, LH's, other mods and advise.

I sure I'm not the only one out there, I would like to find out.
No, you're not alone. My personal epic mod was never meant to be shared but I've talked about other projects, many of I'm still working on from time to time, and I've never came to finish and share them. :)
My mod has been in the works since before I joined CFC, and is constantly getting revised and added to. I used to say that "it will be released by the end of the year" or claims like that, but I have consistently missed my own deadlines due to real life or huge additions of unit packs in the unit forum which constantly caused me to want to sort through my units and civs to ensure I was using the best available graphics.

So, I have yet to upload a completed modpack or scenario. You are not alone! :)
Oh, you are definitely not alone. I have at least three mods and a lot of side graphics on my computer. I certainly hope to release them all at some point, but in the meantime, like you, I try to post my graphics as I go along so that they don't just sit forever on my desktop, waiting to be eaten by malware - I've lost whole years worth of stuff that way before..

But you know that there are hundreds of folks out there using everything you've posted. I did, before I started making some of my own. It's true.
Am I the Only One Who has Never Posted a Completed Modpack or Scenario

No, you aren't.



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I have uploaded one "mod" but it wasn't finished, and never will be. Twas just a demo, really.

My primary mod project is just something me and friends play, and I doubt the community would like, anyhow :C
And sadly my side project I did intend to upload here is going by slowly and is also quite a big undertaking, considering it is a total conversion epic mod.

... So yea, as of yet, only uploaded one thing, and it sucked. Probably never will upload any real mod or scenario either.
It would be great if you posted your mod on here, Pounder. I've always wondered why people don't upload their 'personal' game more often. It's good to see what areas of the game are most important to people by the work they invest in them.

It was a couple months into making my own game when I decided I wanted to make it available on the website when done. Speaking for myself, I can say that knowing that the game would be posted made me work much harder on it. Like you said, it involves a lot of clean up work, but it was motivation to make the game right. After all, you don't want someone to spend hours downloading and upzipping a game just for it to be a buggy, broken piece of junk. And since you've been working on yours for so long, it'll probably be in good shape to upload soon with some work.

Anyway, I hope you do end up posting it. Hopefully Ares will too 'cause I keep seeing snapshots of that game and it looks good. I think it's cool that players can just come and download custom mods without having to spend years making them, the way I was able to custom make a game without having to learn how to make hundreds of units.
Pounder, I'd say those who do manage to upload a completed mod are the minority, sadly. I have the utmost respect for those that do achieve it what with all the clean up and initial work and revising that is necessary.

I personally have 10 different projects on the go, none of which are close to release. Short attention span. Can't just focus on only one mod. Though I am about ready to start WIP threads for a few mods to help motivate myself to get more done.
I haven't, either. I've made a couple small personal mods, but never anything that couldn't be done without a relatively small amount of time in the editor, and maybe a few graphics downloads.

I do basically agree with Anthony that it'd be interesting to see some of the long-worked-on-but-never-released personal mods. I can't make any promises about playing them - me getting around to playing mods is similar to what Grandraem said about releasing them - it tends not to happen by the time I plan it to - but better that someone else get the chance to play them than no one else.

On a somewhat related note, I chose to release my editor when I did in part because I knew that if I didn't, I'd never get it to that "perfectly ready" state. It was too big of an undertaking to get everything working all at once, and it simply wouldn't have happened had it been necessary for it to be complete at release. Hence, the release one the most important parts were ready instead.
This thread is funny.

There is no value in uploading a mod in itself if it's not properly done anyway. People should aim for quality not quantity.

I have uploaded both mods and scenarios, but I made many more than what the community have seen (examples: a huge Eurasian Mod, Indochina Mod, nordic-inspiret Fantasy Scenario, Europe Enlightment Age Scenario, several maps for MEMII etc.).

Some years ago I uploaded a mod for testing that I never finished. This is a big regret of mine, but real life got in the way, and I haven't really been able to mod since.

So keep working on your mods and upload them when they are ready.
You're not the only one who never have uploaded a completed mod/scenario. I have been thinking of releasing my own, but new units and ideas are surfacing in here all the time, crying for inclusion. I keep tweaking rules, tech-trees and adding units and buildings all the time, and I don't know if I ever will finish the mod, or if anyone would bother to play it. To upload it I would have a few weeks of hard work just to track down the artists and contributors for the credits. Don't know if it's worth the time. Also, the high quality of some mods out here is somewhat intimidating for a "rookie modder".
usually takes me over 2 months to play a game.

:1000 turns, 25 to 100 turns to discover advancement so wars don't start with spears and end with rifles, 9999BC to 2300AD, .....,

Wow. That changes everything.

I agree with everything AnthonyBoscia said.

With the logistical exceptions of those 5 and 20 gig mods, more people just throw up something if they have it, though both these two have it right as well.

There is no value in uploading a mod in itself if it's not properly done anyway. People should aim for quality not quantity.
So keep working on your mods and upload them when they are ready.

I have the utmost respect for those that do achieve it what with all the clean up and initial work and revising that is necessary.

I initially started making mine, and still yet to complete it, for me and a buddy to play online. As it went on, I hoped others may enjoy it too. I certainly know I enjoyed playing others' mods.


, I don't know if anyone would bother to play it... Also, the high quality of some mods out here is somewhat intimidating for a "rookie modder".

I think these things too and have finally come to my understanding that if no one likes it or plays it, it doesn't matter. I did it for myself first and so far I've been happy with the experience and mod I've come up with.

Lastly, where would this game be without the mods? Sure I would come back time to time for the original, but it's the mods that give it that staying power for me. So many variations, different styles, ideas, looks...
I also have not posted my personal mod, but that's because I'm still modding it...ever so slowly.
Why not? I'm playing my mod with my buds all the time, either in hotseat mode, LAN, or online.
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