New Unit: Angel (Futuristic)


Conan the Librarian
Apr 18, 2002
I'm home, where are you?
This is based on a futuristic shocktrooper from a book by L E Modesitt called 'The Parafaith War'. Basicly the government was sending out wave after wave of troops to overwhelm their neighbors (and as a form of population control... The trouble makers were sent first). Women that proved to be too headstrong for the repressive society were sent on missions as well, they were called Angels. No pictures and they don't really appear in the book so there is only a base description, but I flew with it.

Anyway use it however you like.

Neomega pointed out a problem... The name in the INI file for the Death sound has a space between 'death' and '.wav' Should be easy to fix.




  • angel_preview.gif
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Originally posted by Schizo_Angel
Very cool...but I really dont know what to use it for:S
Well, it doesn't fit in the regular tech tree, but there is no reason to limit yourself to that. :D

There is room to add about 30 new techs into the modern age so you "easily" add in some techs after inte4grated defense and find a place for this beauty.
Originally posted by Kal-el

Well, it doesn't fit in the regular tech tree, but there is no reason to limit yourself to that. :D

There is room to add about 30 new techs into the modern age so you "easily" add in some techs after inte4grated defense and find a place for this beauty.

I like it and want to use it but is a tutorial on adding tech's in PTW some where?
this would work great as a futuristic infantry unit.

it would be great if someone could come up with a bit of text for it.
You can add techs? Does the game automatically fit them in, or do you have to rework the arrows and such?
I added a couple of techs, moved them around to where I wanted them, but no arrows appear. Guess I'll have to check out your tutorial then. :)
It'll find it's way into my mod I'm sure.... your units are becoming a staple for it.
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