
  1. King Phaedron

    Cortez the Conqueror

    Recently watched the Aztec history video from Thoughty2 and got inspired. (Didn't there used to be a thread for leaders? Oh wait, this is Civ 7 board. That's fine, sorry I've just been away for a long time. Feel free to move this if you want.) Or fill up this thread with other leader ideas...
  2. PDX Firefly

    Millennia | Update 3

    Hello there! Update 3 with Build Number "1.0.34.F" is finally here. We have also updated the roadmap image to include some of the features confirmed for Update 4, which is currently scheduled for release during June. (The Open Beta is just around the corner!) Update 3 Changelog Featured...
  3. I

    City-State and Barbarian colors problem

    Sorry if this has been posted already, but I need help. I want to change few colors. In perticular: Barbarian colors Venetian colors Standart City-State Primary color. So, let's start with the most problematic - Venice. So for some reason, when I try to define colors for Venice city-state, it...
  4. U

    ( Barbarians Not Attacking City Center?

    I started playing Civ VI again, after an absence of a few months, and I've noticed something strange: Barbarians attack my units and plunder my improvements, but, when they come right next to my city center, they sit there indefinitely doing nothing, until I kill them, whereas I recall...
  5. Iconian

    Fantastic Ancients 2022-07-09

    My new and largest mod yet, Fantastic Ancients, makes the Ancient Era faster and more lively from the start. Available on Steam here, along with several related threads: Biggest Changes in Fantastic Ancients...
  6. Iconian

    Fantastic Ancients mod

    My new and largest mod yet, Fantastic Ancients, makes the Ancient Era faster and more lively from the start. Available on Steam here, along with several related threads: Or download the zip file below. Biggest...
  7. Iconian

    Fantastic Ancients

    My new and largest mod yet, Fantastic Ancients, makes the Ancient Era faster and more lively from the start. Available on Steam here, along with several related threads: Or download the zip file below. Biggest...
  8. DrCron

    How to deal with barbarians

    Hey everyone, After seeing many players complain (especially on reddit) that barbarians are too strong, I decided to make a video "overexplaining" how to handle them: After this, I thought that I would also come here to ask people what are some mechanics that annoy them or ruin the fun for...
  9. BuchiTaton

    The Human Value: Candidates for relevant, interesting and consistent City States and Barbarians

    When we look at many civ's city list we would find that usually most of their cities were founded by other peoples that have very low chances to be represend on game. Similiar case some unique militar units were in fact auxiliaries and mercenaries from famous "minor nations". Or what about...
  10. Duque de Ferro

    [Super suggestion for new mod or DLC]Barbarian Legacy

    Barbarian Legacy DLC Hello everyone, welcome to the most fantastic suggestion ever in this community(hehehe)! Below I will propose a series of proposals that together can form a super mod or even a great official DLC. Without further ado, let's get started: 1 - Barbarians should give the...
  11. Laurana Kanan

    Barbarian Scenario (February 2021) Developer Livestream Discussion

    Twitter announcement Twitch Stream: Youtube Stream: Facebook Stream: Twitter Stream:
  12. megabearsfan

    PolyCast episode 378: Power Creep

    The three hundred-and-seventy-eighth episode of PolyCast, “Power Creep“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason “MegaBearsFan”, and guest co-host TheChrisD. Topics for this episode include...
  13. GarryLLC

    Barb camps

    I know it's technically not a bug, but I put it here instead of "ideas and suggestions", because feel like that one is more about ways on how to make certain parts of a game even better, while this is about fixing the bad stuff. Forum design is that way for a purpose. Thread moved to Ideas &...
  14. King Phaedron

    Free Cities are Loyal to their Founding Civilization

    So I'm in the late game and I turned much of Spain and Rome into Free Cities. This created some internal civil wars that were quite funny. Not so much once I found myself in War with Spain and Rome. The Free Cities are constantly building units and attacking me! They are attacking like they're...
  15. M

    [BTS] Adjusting Barbarian Tech Gain Rate

    Hi sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I have designed a mod for games me and my brother play, part of my newest touch is to alter the tech gain speed by x4 (everything else playing normal game speed), long story short, we enjoy the era from using Warriors to Macemen and find the...
  16. B

    "No Barbarians" option

    I have been selecting the "No Barbarians" option lately. In the last game I played as Montezuma, barbarians showed up out of nowhere with tanks and began attacking my cities. They had not shown up anywhere previously in the game and I have no idea where they came from. This was very late in...
  17. FriKitty

    All the ways to get free settlers

    Hello everyone! I'm having a bit of a specific issue and Google doesn't help that much. What are all the ways that AI can get free settlers? It doesn't have to be easy, just possible. I know just these: -One free settler at the start of the game -Some ancient ruins give settlers -Defeating...
  18. Silica_Pathways

    v40 clearly increases the challenge

    Look at this beaut, small Earth map, prince difficulty, historic start locations, barbarian and neanderthal cities on, current year 11418BC, the news popup says I am in the tech lead, meanwhile Paraguay already got wiped out by the barbs and this explains why: I guess I'll have to increase my...
  19. River Otter

    The Refugee System

    Hello, I am new to the forum. I have looked on the Steam Workshop and on this site for anything like I'm trying to do, as I'm relatively new to coding, and I realize the project I'm attempting is not a simple model replacement. Unfortunately, other than this post on Workshop and an old thread...
  20. T

    [BNW] How do I code the Barbarians?

    I like to Play Civ V, modded to the extreme, particularly Barbarians Evolved, I also like to use the Raging Barbarians option, in like, almost ALL of my games! Problem is, Raging Barbarians on Barbs Evolved is TOO OP. Even with the Smart AI mods, I ended up multiple times, the winner of a...
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