
  1. Blake00

    [Civ2] Early beta screenshots of Civilization 2

    Last year I posted about how someone on the socials posted a cool early beta shot of Test of Time. Well now another person has posted early beta shots of the original Civilization 2 over in my Colonization fans Discord as well. Interesting to see all the little differences.
  2. Blake00

    [TOT] Early marketing screenshot of Test of Time beta

    Just saw this rather interesting photo posted in a retro gaming facebook group. Dunno where the guy found it, probably a google image search.. He was talking about regular Civ2 however the shot is clearly Test of Time, but it's not a perfect match for that either as... It's interface is more...
  3. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - April 29th (4-29)

    Hey all! New beta inbound. The spy one! Bugfixes Fixed minefield issue hurting own ships CTD fixes Fixed some build order issues Diplo AI tweaks Fixed errors with 'more GP' module Balance Espionage New Espionage System! Spy Events replace...
  4. JamesNinelives

    Civ seems not to have settled initial city on the 2-18 beta

    I encountered something rather strange where a civ has no cities but does have it's starting units. 0 tech, 0 policies, 0 cities. Gives the impression they never founded their initial city. I mention this because I remember someone else noting something similar in the 2-18 comments but not sure...
  5. JamesNinelives

    Can we get a tutorial for submitting CTD bug reports to Github?

    I keep hearing how important it is, but as a first-time user it requires significantly more steps than just 'do the thing'. I've created an account for myself using the same username as the civ forums so I'm easy to identify and use an email that I actually check sometimes so that people can...
  6. F

    [BNW] black screen on the loading screen of the game

    I'm using vox populi and EUI ( both beta versions ) Vox Populi 12-20-2 and EUI v1.29beta42 .the other two mods I use : Community Overhaul Mod Collection for Civilization V (Vox Populi) (V.9) and Improved City View Extended (Vox Populi) . My problem is that if I click on any map in the detailed...
  7. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - October 8th (10-8)

    Hey all, New beta version inbound. Mainly cleanup from prior versions and some light tweaks based on feedback since the last version. Going to let the bugfixes settle in and, if all good, I'll make an official version later this week or early next week. General AI Bugfixes Tactical AI...
  8. Shirotora Kenshin

    Civ6 - Wildlife Mod 0.4

    This Mod is an attempt to bring Wildlife to Civ6. The mod is not completed yet, but i thought i upload it, so that everyone who wants can test it and will hopefully give feedback. The mod is created mostly by me, but would have never got that far without @Deliverator ( you know why) and...
  9. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - March 28th (3-28)

    New beta inbound. This one is NOT savegame compatible, unfortunately. Now that I know the 'local' system is staying, I took the opportunity to serialize some values to limit UI hiccups. It means that new memory elements are in play, so no savegames, sorry. Furthermore, underlying changes to...
  10. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - March 14th (3-14)

    Hey all, New beta version inbound. This is the big one! Reminder: this is a beta. I've done extensive bug-testing, but bugs are sure to be present, so bear with me! AI Blah blah performance improvements etc. etc. Adapted AI to new happiness model Changes UI All happiness-related...
  11. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - November 9th (11-9)

    New version inbound. Lots of good stuff here! General Bugfixes and performance improvements Fixed some aberrant diplo issues related to approach and power estimation Fixed some deal issues with reference to demands sometimes passing through when they shouldn'they Tactical AI and...
  12. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - August 19th (8-19)

    Hey all, New version inbound. Online as of 12:30am EST. The CBO is not savegame compatible. The CP is. If you just want the CP hotfix, go here:!uA8jiBCD!i34xsR9oB-4sFKKNMSbeBKlFOL8wuES7FBoavvHi0Q0 Install in MODS folder, delete LUA folder. I cannot guarantee all save...
  13. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - July 15th (7/15)

    Hey all, New beta inbound. Sorry for the delay, losing my PC for two weeks set me back. I'm sure there will be some issues here or there, but this is part 2 of the happiness fix from the prior beta. I'm very happy with this one, the happiness curve is much more humane. Changelog: Bugfixes...
  14. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - June 14th (6/14)

    Hey all, New beta version inbound. Going to get some humie feedback for a few days before calling this official. Known issues:Options list is still enabling all of the Event Systems 'no x event' types - I don't know why it started doing this, but check your options list before you start Not...
  15. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - March 31 (3/31)

    Hey all, New version inbound. Changelog: Link:!PYlHUSrK!9tYzAFyADdIV3UC1XA9E3WvK0R6OTvsePPJ4r4J8VuU Not savegame compatible with the previous beta. Cheers, G
  16. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - January 8th (1-8)

    Hey all, New beta inbound. Changelog includes changes from prior beta. I cleaned up the changes and added a few missing things from my list (compared to the list posted earlier). Bugfixes Merged bugfixes and improvements from Infixo and Ilteroi (thanks!) Pushed through github issues...
  17. Gazebo

    New Beta - September 17th (9-17)

    Hey all, Small update to 15th beta. Not savegame compatible. Link:!ONMRFLIT!_NKGTxKbSGJsULnAoQEPRaj_xFa6fYkh2v7wN37iV6U Edit: there's a small UI quirk for tourism on the top panel - the % penalty per city is about 2% higher than what it actually shows. I'll fix later. G
  18. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - July 16th (7/16)

    Hey all, New beta inbound. One of the bugfixes I made broke save games (boo), so I decided to go ahead and bundle in my airplane changes. I've been sitting on these for a bit, but - since people have been talking about planes (and we've been heavily focused on late-game balance as of late) - I...
  19. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - July 15th (7/15)

    Hey all, New version inbound. Beta. Not savegame compatible. Looking forward to feedback on this. If all goes well I'll lump this in with prior betas for a big version update. :) Link:!nJlnhL4D!C86H9C_ni1r0y5mpCo4fNHA_CciX25pzufWe7amWjb4 Online as of 12:30am EST. Cheers...
  20. Gazebo

    New Beta Version - June 22nd (6/22)

    Hey all, New beta inbound. Opening new thread since the other one was cluttered. Here's the new patch notes: And here's the June 9th Beta patch notes: Not savegame compatible. Link:!3NU3yIrB!M3i43hKzwUXbN9zX0yMR4jZzq9lmqU0iSUdm1UYxUBY Cheers, Gazebo
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