
  1. T

    GOTM on PS4?

    I used to play GOTM with Civ3. I am playing civ6 on my PS4. Is there any way I can participate?
  2. Seraiel

    [BNW] Tried out the Trial version of CIV5

    I originally wanted to keep playing CIV4, and also will do so, because I found out, that it's still the best game of all times. Gameplay is just worth more than Graphics. But I tried, and the graphics are really nice. I' ll still stay with Civilization IV, maybe for all times, maybe only until...
  3. Seraiel

    [BTS] I forgot, Please deliver US another Deity GOTM

    Right after downloading the challenger starting file I noticed, that this game wouldn' t give me any benefits onto achieving My Pantheon of Heroes reward. This is why I kindly ask the staff to generate and worldbuild a Deity-BOTM
  4. sethryclaus

    Eleanor Peaceful Conquest (Deity 6otM75) Analysis & Results

    Peaceful Eleanor has actually been one of my favourites for ages but this is the first time I've actually tried to work out the subtleties. I discovered some interesting things, provided my math actually represents reality. Population Pressure The loyalty change is scaled based on the...
  5. Darsnan

    Winter Solstice 2018: The Tenth Manifold

    In honor of Chaos Theory: RIP my old friend - you are not forgotten! I hope you look down upon this, and that it makes you smile. In Defense of All that is Holy! In response to Devine direction from the Protector High Priest, the Progenitor Faithful activated Manifold Ten, and then awaited...
  6. rfa

    Game Saves

    Hi, I play Game of the Month Are the game saves transferable between PC & Switch? What I want to do is open the GotM saves on a Switch (& play mobile)
  7. Buster's Uncle

    Fusion Power is NOW! (April 2018 SMACX Game of the Month)

    * * * Sinder Roze awoke to the beeping on her nightstand. Sitting up in bed, saw it was 5:36a.m. Putting the headset on, she slapped the earpiece to activate. "This better be good." "Pwned, Datajack." Katt's voice began, "You wanted to know immediately - Tinker Junction reports the radiometric...
  8. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM161 - Scandinavia Monarch 20 k - Spoiler

    This is the thread where you tell us how you did - win, lose or retire. Only read or post in this thread when your game is ended and successfully submitted.
  9. Più Freddo

    [PTW] News: GOTM 161 Scandinavia Monarch 20k - Pre-game Discussion

    GOTM161 Ragnar Lodbrok of Scandinavia In game number 161 of the classic game of the month series you will rule as Ragnar Lodbrok over the Vikings, who are Expansionist and Militaristic and start the game with the knowledge of Pottery and Warrior Code. This is a Monarch-level game designed by...
  10. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM160 - Spain Emperor Space Race - Final spoiler - Game submitted

    This is the thread where you tell us how you did - win, lose or retire. Only read or post in this thread when your game is ended and successfully submitted.
  11. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM 160 Spain Emperor Space Race - 1st Spoiler - End of ancient times

    This thread is for your reports of events and progress in the GOTM 160 Spain Emperor Space Race game up to the date where you are able to research a Medieval tech. Do not read or post in this thread until you meet this condition. You may reveal Medieval bonus techs from the end of the last...
  12. Più Freddo

    [C3C] COTM 132 Inca Regent - 1st Spoiler - End of ancient times

    This thread is for your reports of events and progress in COTM 132 Inca Regent up to the date where you are able to research a Medieval tech. Do not read or post in this thread until you meet this condition. You may reveal Medieval bonus techs from the end of the last Ancient Age turn. Please...
  13. H

    [MoO] Master of Orion II: Game of the month 2017.07 - Ferengi

    Thought I'd try to post a Moo2 Gotm and see if there was any interest for it.…/0B3aLIYuTrQLMbGREd3Bsd2Vxc…/view… A supernova has just laid waste to a section of space within the gamma quadrant. Myth has it a great old race used to live there, which could be a source...
  14. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM 159 America Warlord 100k - 1st Spoiler - End of ancient times

    This thread is for your reports of events and progress in the GOTM 159 America Warlord 100k game up to the date where you are able to research a Medieval tech. Do not read or post in this thread until you meet this condition. You may reveal Medieval bonus techs from the end of the last Ancient...
  15. Più Freddo

    [C3C] COTM131 Japan Monarch - Final Spoiler - Game Submitted

    This is the thread where you tell us how you did - win, lose or retire. Only read or post in this thread when your game is ended and successfully submitted.
  16. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM158 - Greece Deity - Final spoiler - Game submitted

    This is the thread where you tell us how you did - win, lose or retire. Only read or post in this thread when your game is ended and successfully submitted.
  17. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM158 Greece Deity - Pre-Game Discussion

    GOTM158 Alexander of Greece In game number 158 of the classic game of the month series you will rule as Alexander over the Greeks, who are commercial and scientific and start the game with the knowledge of Alphabet and Bronze Working. This is a Deity-level game, so you get some extras to...
  18. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM157 - Aztecs Monarch Domination - Final spoiler - Game submitted

    This is the thread where you tell us how you did - win, lose or retire. Only read or post in this thread when your game is ended and successfully submitted.
  19. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM 157 Aztecs Monarch Domination - 1st Spoiler - End of ancient times

    This thread is for your reports of events and progress in the GOTM 157 Aztecs Monarch Domination game up to the date where you are able to research a Medieval tech. Do not read or post in this thread until you meet this condition. You may reveal Medieval bonus techs from the end of the last...
  20. Più Freddo

    [PTW] GOTM157 Aztecs Monarch Domination - Pre-Game Discussion

    GOTM157 Montezuma of the Aztecs In game number 157 of the classic game of the month series you will rule as Montezuma over the Aztecs, who are religious and militaristic and start the game with the knowledge of Ceremonial Burial and Warrior Code. This is a Monarch-level game, and this month we...
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