1075BC - Turn Chat Instructions - Saturday, 26th October


Apr 24, 2002
London, UK
Place the next city in the location labeled B' in the map in the first post. Follow the COC for who gets naming rights (either donsig or shaitan, unsure of who is next)
Follow governors build queues, however.
(IMHO) If accepted, place Valhalla on Palace Prebuild for GL and make Kuhkaff our settler factory. Also- If not yet done, connect Morgana to trade route, as well as Kukaff.
As of now, the Instructions from the Governor's Office are:

Build Queues:
Bavaria - Sword (c), Spear, Sword, Sword
Valhalla - Settler (c), Spear, Worker, Settler
Morgana - Sword (c), Sword/Worker, Sword, Sword
Kuhkaff - Settler (c), Spear, Settler, Spear
Tlaxcala - Spear (c), Worker, Barracks, Archer

Citizens, Workers, other...
In Morgana, as explained in the last discussion, a Sword will be started after the completion of the current Sword. This will be done to carry the production beyond the next growth cycle. Once Morgana has grown to the next pop level, then the Sword should be switched to a Worker immediately. Then after the Worker is created, we return to Swords.

Tlaxcala - Growth in 7 turns. Make sure new worker is on horse tile to north.

Kuhkaff - Growth in 2 turns. Make sure new worker is on bonus grassland to north east. There will be a few turns of non-production waiting for a second growth before settler can be built.

Morgana - Growth in 4 turns. Roaded forest to west should then be worked.

When the Workers have completed the road they are working on, send on of them to extend the road SW of the spice towards the new city location. Have the other two complete the road to Kuhkaff. When that is done, have one start a road to Valhalla from Kuhkaff and the other can be decided by the DP.
Explore the aztecs' territory and find out where their cities are located. If the treasury permits and military doesn't need to rush swordmen, try to build an embassy in Japan.

Ehecatl Atzin
Defend Talxcala and wait for Renenforcements to reach The Aztec Capital. Once enough reenforcements have arrived (2 Swordsmen should head to the Aztec Capital while the rest heads to Talxcala), Attack the Aztec Capital once the two swordsmen as arrived to the Aztec Capital.
When it is time for peace with the Aztecs get math and philosophy and whaterver else they have. :)
No plausable trades other than expensive science tech trades...
Eventful and glorious times for Fanatika! In the wake of the failed assault on the Aztec capital, our fearless elite swordsmen - in spite of their severely depleted numbers - managed to escape from enemy territory, defeating two bands of regular archers in the process.

The years passed and our reinforcements built up in the mountains on the Aztec borders, until the order was given to march upon the enemy capital once again. This time the story was quite different, with not a single unit falling in battle and two field promotions to elite regiment status. Tenochtitlan finally fell to our brave troops in the year 850AD, the same year that the new town of Bremershaven was founded.

All that now remains is to mop up the remenants of the Aztec forces near Tenochtitlan and then we shall be ready to march on Teotihuacan, for glory and incense! :king:
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