A Brave New World

To: Brazil
From: Haiti

Your threats do not amuse us. Slavery and the trade in slaves are abhorrent acts and must be stopped at any cost. It might do you well to remember that Haiti was once a colony of France and has kept its independence from those supposedly superior forces for many years now.

If you wish attacks on your shipping to cease, you must stop trading in slaves or guarantee Haiti that you will reduce your trade by at least half over the next year; if not, we will continue our harassment of trade. If you invade, you will see that the will of the Haitian people is not one easily stifled.

OOC: A very interesting update. At the very least I will have done something interesting with Haiti before being completely crushed. :p
To World
From Britain:

We have decided it is time to end the Slave Trade within our Empire and as such an act is being passed to outlaw all slave ownership, or trading. While we do not support slavery itself we cannot agree with murdering other people to achieve our goals.
To: Britain
From: Haiti

As your last comment is undoubtedly aimed at Haiti, you would do well to understand that we do not perform murder. All those who are slave traders that have been killed were tried and executed in Haitian courts by a jury of Haitian citizens. To call that murder is to be either ignorant or malicious.

To: The World
From: Haiti

Those looking to punish Haiti would do well to look upon the other nations who have attempted to do so in the past and failed. Haiti will not be stifled, as you will find to your displeasure.

However, we are willing to cease our attacks if all nations concerned with the slave trade within the Americas guarantee a decrease of half in the number of slaves brought in from Africa over the next year and never again increase the number.
OOC: Great update.

To: The Netherlands
From: Japan

While we respect your nation for its achievements. We believe befriending the Netherlands and accepting its assistance while it currently implements anti British foreign policy could put our nation at risk of becoming involved in a war that we would not want to be involved in and would have nothing to gain from.

As such we decline your offer.
To Belgium
From Britain:

Sorry for the delay our messengers got tired legs. We would like to offer you a trade pact as well if it is agreeable.

To Haiti
From Britain:

Sorry we dont recognize Piracy as a form of trial. And while we wouldnt bother ourselves with the punishment of your small nation you wont find us getting in anyone elses way if they so choose to themselves.
@ThomAnder: Sorry about that, your tech research will be corrected with the next update.

@lord_joakim, yes, these first few years could be boring to many. However, I'd recommend perhaps researching your nation and finding something creative to do that could advance your nation. Give it a few years, and I can promise more events of interest.
To: Britain
From: Haiti

Again, you seem uninformed. We do not slay anyone without first giving them an adequate trial on land within Haiti. Regardless, we understand completely your sentiments; you, at the very least, do not trade in slaves.
@ThomAnder: Sorry about that, your tech research will be corrected with the next update.

@lord_joakim, yes, these first few years could be boring to many. However, I'd recommend perhaps researching your nation and finding something creative to do that could advance your nation. Give it a few years, and I can promise more events of interest.

You have just earned a PM :)
To Tennessee
CC: Kentucky, Georgia
From King Robert of Virginia

Your invasion of Georgia is illegal and easily aggressive. While we understand your sentiments on rebellious provinces, invading a peaceful and soveriegn nation such as Georgia, without prior diplomacy, is abominable. Virginia calls for a cease fire so that the parties at war can meet and come to some sort of agreement that benefits all. Virginia would be more than happy to mitigate such a meeting and opens her doors at Richmond.

To France
From Virginia

While we understand your reasons for your past statements, they can also be looked at as smooth political maneuverings in order to keep the American states divided and thus protect your interests in Louisiana. Virginia looks to France as a future friend and trade partner, but we cannot ignore your blatant moves at surpressing American growth.

And so we ask France to kindly withdraw its ultimatum and return to a friendly power who prospers and trades with all.

To Kentucky, Franklin, Carolina
CC Tennessee
From Virginia

Virginia recognizes the independence and freedom of the people of Franklin.
To Virginia
From France

We do not seek to suppress American growth; we seek to enrich it, and we look forward to a prosperous French-American alliance in which all the sovereign nations profit. However, we were not sure where Virginia stood on this issue, and feared that Virginian intervention would compromise Franklinish sovereignty.

But since we see that Virginia's government is not suffering from any fit of madness, we will kindly withdraw our ultimatum, and France would be honored to help mediate peace talks among the involved parties. War is not essential to prosperity, and we can all benefit equally in peace.
From: Nova Scotia
To: Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire

A united New England cannot be accomplished without Nova Scotia. It does not bode well to exclude us from this conference.

You refused (or forgot, but refuse is good for my ego) to ask me for my opinion! How can you? Rhode Island would be ******* anyways. Also, me and my people are historically New Englandish. I want to hear about that council.

OOC: I am letting King's Arrogance shine through.

To tell you the truth I will read up on it very soon. Just think the rant as in Role Playing Fun!
To: Russia
From: Sweden-Norway

Perhaps the great Scandinavians and the Slavic people could also benefit in a trade agreement?
We will gladly accept this agreement in hopes that it'll bring two friendly neighbors even closer together.

OOC: To Sweden-Norway
Historically, Sweden will start exploiting its huge iron ore deposits pretty soon and become a huge economical power as it'll be pretty much the only industrialized nation that has a lot of iron it can refine for quite some time.

To Russia, France, Spain, Portugal, Bavaria, Prussia and Austria
From Britain:

We would like to strengthen the bonds between our nations and so suggest increased trade agreements along with possible alliances.

Russia's economy would currently decline if such trade agreements were signed, and therefore I will have to refuse solely out of domestic reasons. However, we would gladly become the great British Empire's friends.
The man was slowly pacing through a large meeting room. His clothing was a mix of traditional Slavic fashions and the new Western fashion. He had been waiting for some time and nervously stared at the door from time to time. A person walking by couldn't have told that this nervous middle-aged man had looked majestic and in his prime only a few short weeks ago.

A sudden knock on the door startled him. "Come in," he said in a voice that still had a commanding tone to it. A small group of around 20 individuals entered quietly as if they knew that a crucial decision was about to be taken. "My dear friends and advisors," the tsar started. He paused for a second and smiled as he noticed how the men quickly gathered around two people: Nicholas Romanov and Sergei Trubetskoy, and distanced themselves from the other group. His smile quickly left his face as he remembered how Pavel Pestel had almost come to blows with one of Nicholas's followers in a heated dispute not a month ago. The world was changing too quickly for an old man like him. "My dear friends and advisors; I think you all know why I have summoned you. The world is changing, and if we want to survive, our traditions must change too." Both complaints and exclamations of joy were whispered out of respect for the tsar. "For hundreds of years, the Russian people have lived under this social system. It has served us well and has brought prosperity to our land. However, new threats to our great state have emerged, and our way of life must change in order to combat them. I agree with my brother's philosophy, but in my opinion it is better to take a small risk than to continue suppressing our nation's voice. I knew the Poles that have just revolted personally. They did not revolt because they are wicked, they revolted because they believe our way of life is so anachronistic that even almost certain death is certain. But that is a separate matter, and we shall deal with that later. It is decided: serfdom will be abolished!"

He sat down and immediately a cacophony of noises materialized. Looking more tired than ever, he called for order and retreated towards his chamber. Pavel Pestel caught up to him, attempting to congratulate him. The tsar, looking a full decade older, quickly silenced him. "My friends, this is not a victory for some of you and a defeat for others. This is a step forward for Russia. If our great land is to prosper, we must set aside our differences and work together towards a better future. Do not isolate yourselves among those who have the same view on life as you as Russia is a land of diverse peoples."

The tsar quickly left, but in the meeting room Nicholas was already politely discussing Russia's role in North America with Sergei Trubetskoy.
To: Haiti
From: Brazil

We assure you that your refusal to cease the raids on our perfectly legal shipping will be responded to in ways that you could not have anticipated. Abhorrent acts perhaps, but that does not give you the right to turn to piracy and illegal seizure of ships in response. You have executed Brazilian citizens under unfair laws, and while we have heard of Haitian tenacity, do not underestimate the military capabilities of Brazil.

Thus we give you due warning: While Brazil has plans to eventually outlaw slavery, we will not do it at the command of Haiti. Agree to stop your tactics or face the consequences.
To Haiti
From Virginia

It is not the place of Haiti to decide what is traded to Virginia and what is not. Your actions are illegal in the eyes of international commerce, and Virginia and her allies will not stand by idly while your captains result to piracy.

And you are warned: we will not stop at just destroying your boats. A rebellious Haiti is not in the interests of international commerce, and Virginia will work together with her allies to make sure Haiti will never be able to disrupt trade again. You have been warned.
To Hatti
while we personally are taking efforts to reduce the trading of slaves within our empire, your actions toward our shippings is not something we can overlook. we hereby inform you that unless you agree to cease your actions, a state of war between the Mexican Empire and Hatti will exist. Piracy, morally just or not, will not be tolerated near our shores.
Emperor Augustin
Mexican Empire

To: France, Russia
From: Mexican Empire

could we please have a response to our previous diplomacy?
To: The Mexican Empire
From: The French Empire

We will not recognize all of Mexico's claims to the Oregon territory, as French explorers have already made some forays into the area and already made some claims for Louisiana. We will, however, disregard that and recognize the claim provided that Mexico stop and expand no further at the 49th parallel.
To the French Empire
hmm. no. we will continue our plans to Expand to the entire area. we will however, not interfere with the French expansion efforts. should you expand into the area first, so be it.
OOC: Great update.

To: The Netherlands
From: Japan

While we respect your nation for its achievements. We believe befriending the Netherlands and accepting its assistance while it currently implements anti British foreign policy could put our nation at risk of becoming involved in a war that we would not want to be involved in and would have nothing to gain from.

As such we decline your offer.

We are not against the Mighty British Empire, we have nothing against them. In fact, we are rather envious of them for establishing a monopoly over China. We are simply just resentful of the fact that a great civilization next door was denied permission to enter for the Dutch. And we are also somewhat resentful of the fact that Siam chose Connecticut over us.

That was one of the main reasons we offered you civilization. We support modernization. If you accept our offer later on, notify us at once.

To: France, Russia
From: Mexican Empire

could we please have a response to our previous diplomacy?

We will grant you this request as we will most likely not expand into Oregon in the near future.
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