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A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

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Jun 7, 2008
Just wonder...
If you find any bugs, other than those listed here already, please report them.

Known Bugs:

See The A New Dawn Bug Tracker

Procedures and Guidelines:
If you are using A New Dawn and no other modifications
  • Post in this thread with a bug report.
  • Include your A New Dawn.log file (located in your Rise of Mankind folder)
  • Include a save
If you are using A New Dawn WITH other modifications
  • Post in this thread with a bug report.
  • Include your modifications (preferably your XML & Modules Folders), or if not possible, upload your entire RoM folder. (To the file host of your choice)
  • Include a save

As for feedback, please post anything regard A New Dawn features only. If you use other modmods, you forfeit support from me, I will not debug non-AND mods. Main RoM feedback belongs in the RoM forums.
Wonderful.. Really, these modmods make the rise of mankind so much better.. It's like jump from BtS --> RoM.. Maybe not that much.. but still this is great!

Allthough one thing came my mind.
Thing when you're switching civics it turns into anarchy mode, I think that could spawn a civil war (if the difference is huge, like ideology civics (from right to left)). Or event when the people are rebellious, they demand on changing civic (like from fascist to democracy).

Just thinking, but anyways thanks for this modmod.. I really enjoy this. :)
Thing when you're switching civics it turns into anarchy mode, I think that could spawn a civil war (if the difference is huge, like ideology civics (from right to left)).

That's intentional. ;)
First CTD (atleast it crashes, and I don't know why.)

I found buddhism in paris (Conquered) And I'm trying to switch to both church (from charity) and state church (from prophets) civics, but it crashes then.

Only rise of mankind 2.81 (full) and this modmod. :/


First CTD (atleast it crashes, and I don't know why.)

I found buddhism in paris (Conquered) And I'm trying to switch to both church (from charity) and state church (from prophets) civics, but it crashes then.

Only rise of mankind 2.81 (full) and this modmod. :/

Can you post your "A New Dawn.log" file? It's in the main Rise of Mankind folder.
{Required Files} {Military Civics} {Beautification Project} {Castle Improvements} {Civic Flavors} {Ice Breaker} {Ideology Civics} Meteorology {Mountains } {Realistic Diplomacy} {Seafaring } {Resource Refinement} {Multiple Production Mod} {War Prizes} Zoology Firestorm {The World's Fair} Arctic {Larger Cities} {Espionage Process} Forestation {Sea Tunnels} Terraforming {Lead From Behind} {Event Images} Education Sports {Hi-Res Cursors} {Fixed Borders} NIMBY {Civic Buildings & More Wonders} {Surround and Destroy} {No Storms} {Advanced Diplomacy} {Deep-Red Interface} {Balanced Civics} {Early Buildings} ANM

Those are inside of that file, though I'm not sure if it is the right one, but in log folder, there is no logs.. :/

EDIT: It is the state church civic, I had no problems to change from charity--> church.
I notice when installing A New Dawn with 2.81 (Full, no megapack), the speed at which the city screen loads and unit selection happens slows down drastically. From 1-2 seconds to 3-4. Quite noticeable, moves A New Dawn into unplayable territory for me. Is there a particular reason why?

This slowdown occurs no matter what I happen to install.
Hi, I've installed A New Dawn 1.50 and am currently 118 turns into a new game, playing a custom Huge Europe scenario, standard speed. I am playing with Surround and destroy, advanced diplomacy, and unlimited wonders all checked (but none of the others that come with A New Dawn).

What I've noticed so far is that some text are bad. Like some of the text for diplomacy relation, they say: TXT_KEY_MISC_ATTITUDE_FIRST_IMPRESSION and another is
TXT_KEY_MISC_ATTITUDE_LOW_RANK. Those are the only 2 I've seen so far though.

And all the text for the combat odds are worded in much the same way TXT_ACO_HP and what not.

I'm not sure if A New Dawn is the cause, but it is the only change I've made. I'm still playing RoM 2.8 (perhaps updating to 2.81 will fix this? I'll post again if I find out)

UPDATE: updating to 2.81 did not help. Same problems.

I've uploaded screen shots of the combat odds text, and a save of the game in the screen shots (I accidentally saved over the game mentioned above after updating to 2.81)

And here is what that file says: {Required Files} {Ice Breaker} {Mountains } {Realistic Diplomacy} {Multiple Production Mod} {War Prizes} {The World's Fair} {Espionage Process} Forestation {Sea Tunnels} Terraforming {Fixed Borders} {Surround and Destroy} {No Storms} {Advanced Diplomacy} ANM


  • Civ4ScreenShot0001.JPG
    141.2 KB · Views: 848
  • Civ4ScreenShot0002.JPG
    142.7 KB · Views: 678
  • Julius Caesar BC-3675.CivBeyondSwordSave
    Julius Caesar BC-3675.CivBeyondSwordSave
    97.9 KB · Views: 269
Those text files are part of RoM 2.81. I would get a clean copy of RoM, patch it, then install A New Dawn.

The fact that they are missing tells me that for some reason, you didn't patch RoM Right.
Those text files are part of RoM 2.81. I would get a clean copy of RoM, patch it, then install A New Dawn.

The fact that they are missing tells me that for some reason, you didn't patch RoM Right.
This happened with 2.8 before I patched as well.
I did have a clean copy of RoM, then I patched, and then used A New Dawn installer, but I will try again.
A CTD, had not downloaded the new patch yet.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "BugEventManager", line 357, in _handleDefaultEvent
  File "RevEvents", line 191, in onEndPlayerTurn
  File "RevEvents", line 824, in recordCivics
A CTD, had not downloaded the new patch yet.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "BugEventManager", line 357, in _handleDefaultEvent
  File "RevEvents", line 191, in onEndPlayerTurn
  File "RevEvents", line 824, in recordCivics

That's odd. It looks like a non-player called the function... That's the only way it could crash. Any other details? When? How long had you been playing?
This happened with 2.8 before I patched as well.
I did have a clean copy of RoM, then I patched, and then used A New Dawn installer, but I will try again.
A fresh install of RoM worked. I didn't know the uninstaller wasn't 100%, that was probably the cause since I did use it.
Thanks for the help :goodjob: And I look forward to This modmod, Thanks again :goodjob:
That's odd. It looks like a non-player called the function... That's the only way it could crash. Any other details? When? How long had you been playing?

Unfortunately I have no other details. I had just gotten Calendar and was studying Sculpture. See attached for my game options - I did not have inquasitions on but it is showing anyway.
Unfortunately I have no other details. I had just gotten Calendar and was studying Sculpture. See attached for my game options - I did not have inquasitions on but it is showing anyway.

The way inquisitions is coded now, is to be a game option, (since I removed the callback) but since it was always on be default, I just hide the option and defaulted it to on. You can actually turn it off if you mess with the gameoptioninfo.xml in my folder.

Is the CTD repeatable?
The way inquisitions is coded now, is to be a game option, (since I removed the callback) but since it was always on be default, I just hide the option and defaulted it to on. You can actually turn it off if you mess with the gameoptioninfo.xml in my folder.

Is the CTD repeatable?

So now inqusitions are not turned of by the RevDCM tab in the BUG options:confused:

I did not make any saves because I was doing a quick test before adding in all my stuff. I'll see how far back the autosave was and try from there.

The answer is maybe. I got the following at about the same game turn I think.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "BugEventManager", line 357, in _handleDefaultEvent
  File "Revolution", line 600, in onEndPlayerTurn
  File "Revolution", line 1004, in updatePlayerRevolution
  File "Revolution", line 2163, in checkForRevolution
  File "Revolution", line 3408, in pickRevolutionStyle
  File "Revolution", line 4397, in makeRevolutionDecision
  File "Revolution", line 5048, in processRevolution
  File "RevUtils", line 1128, in changeCiv
RuntimeError: unidentifiable C++ exception

I will now try again to see.

No it is not repeatable.
not exactly a CTD, but I seem to be having an infinite loop bug, or something. can you look at this save, 2.81, standard install of AND1.51?

Spoiler :

{Required Files} {Military Civics} {Beautification Project} {Castle Improvements} {Civic Flavors} {Ice Breaker} {Ideology Civics} Meteorology {Mountains } {Realistic Diplomacy} {Seafaring } {Resource Refinement} {Multiple Production Mod} {War Prizes} Zoology Firestorm {The World's Fair} Arctic {Larger Cities} {Espionage Process} Forestation {Sea Tunnels} Terraforming {Lead From Behind} {Event Images} Education Sports {Hi-Res Cursors} {Fixed Borders} NIMBY {Civic Buildings & More Wonders} {Surround and Destroy} {No Storms} {Advanced Diplomacy} {Balanced Civics} {Early Buildings} ANM


not exactly a CTD, but I seem to be having an infinite loop bug, or something. can you look at this save, 2.81, standard install of AND1.51?

Spoiler :

{Required Files} {Military Civics} {Beautification Project} {Castle Improvements} {Civic Flavors} {Ice Breaker} {Ideology Civics} Meteorology {Mountains } {Realistic Diplomacy} {Seafaring } {Resource Refinement} {Multiple Production Mod} {War Prizes} Zoology Firestorm {The World's Fair} Arctic {Larger Cities} {Espionage Process} Forestation {Sea Tunnels} Terraforming {Lead From Behind} {Event Images} Education Sports {Hi-Res Cursors} {Fixed Borders} NIMBY {Civic Buildings & More Wonders} {Surround and Destroy} {No Storms} {Advanced Diplomacy} {Balanced Civics} {Early Buildings} ANM

If you mean the period in early game (Epic=150's of turns), when someone adopts a civic or adopt religion or whatever, that the game "Stops Responding", then I am likely having the same problem. I'm reinstalling the whole thing and documenting everything so that if it repeats, I will report back.
If you mean the period in early game (Epic=150's of turns), when someone adopts a civic or adopt religion or whatever, that the game "Stops Responding", then I am likely having the same problem. I'm reinstalling the whole thing and documenting everything so that if it repeats, I will report back.
this happened relatively early turnwise, on an renasance start, so it is quite possible an ai was changing civics. I had used a fresh install of 2.8 full, patched to 2.81, and installed AND with the above settings.
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