All Things Star Trek

Thanks for the overview Warpus.
Wasn't a fan of Section 31 in Disco, and nothing you said makes me interested in seeing the movie.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; Section 31 is a fun little side concept in Star Trek for some pop political philosophy; but when taken much beyond it really ruins the principles of Star Trek.
If this was like.. a 45 minute long "What if" series they did, and this was one of the episodes.. I'd probably be more accepting of it then? But as a "Here's a Trek movie coming up, yeah sure it's streaming only, but a Trek MOVIE, get ready" sort of event, it fell flat big time for me.

Maybe I'm out of touch with the rest of Trek fandom, but I'm not sure who was asking for this movie.
You're not out of touch. I love Star Trek and consider myself a Trekkie...and I hadn't even heard about a section 31 movie. I have no interest in seeing it. I'm slowly starting to get a little @Valka D'Ur -ish about the new Star Trek stuff that's been coming out ("NuTrek"). I really loved the first Star Trek reboot film and I even liked the second one, but everything after that was a little "meh" for me and they completely lost me by switching to CBS/Paramount as I already had enough streaming services and I just couldn't be bothered to be arm-twisted/content-extorted into buying another... To quote something everyone here knows by heart...

"The line must be drawn HERE!! THIS FAR, NO FURTHER!!!" :mad:

I'll probably break down and get caught up eventually... I'm still a Trekkie afterall:p, but for now, I'm not there yet.
When any fandom goes too far, there tends to be a line I opt not to cross. For me, Doctor Who ended at the Christmas special after Peter Capaldi's 2nd season. I haven't seen anything since then. Real Trek, for me, ends at Voyager. I tolerated Enterprise for awhile, but there's about a season and a half of that I haven't seen. At least. And I don't even care. About the only episodes I did like were the ones about the Mirror universe.

Coincidentally, the only tolerable episodes I had for DiscoTrek were the Mirror universe ones. I could not stand Burnham, found all the "ooh, what an EDGY concept for Spock to have a human foster sister!" to be so ridiculous. Fanfiction writers already did that over 50 years ago, so ho hum.

There was a window of time in which they could have had George Takei and a series about him and the Excelsior. He proved that he had what it takes to be a captain. And they blew it.

Even Voyager... good grief. There should have been at least a couple of episodes showing them readjusting to Earth, as we don't get to see a Paris family reunion, or what happened to the Maquis crew, or Seven and Icheb.

I don't have much faith in any new Trek stuff these days, unless it's fanfiction. A more in-depth look at Section 31 would have been interesting back in the '90s, but not now. For that kind of thing now, all I need to do is read the news pages.

Btw, David Gerrold - the guy who invented Tribbles - turned 80 recently. He's still making fan appearances.
I'm slowly starting to get a little @Valka D'Ur -ish about the new Star Trek stuff that's been coming out ("NuTrek"). I really loved the first Star Trek reboot film and I even liked the second one, but everything after that was a little "meh" for me and they completely lost me
Admittedly despite some silly moments (warping from kronos to earth in 5 seconds, spock watching vulcan's destruction on another planet entirely with thick snow cloud cover etc etc) I also really enjoyed the first 2 nutrek films too.. but yeah after that it's just been a lot of meh or outright bad stuff with only a few good moments/stories since.

Even Voyager... good grief. There should have been at least a couple of episodes showing them readjusting to Earth, as we don't get to see a Paris family reunion, or what happened to the Maquis crew, or Seven and Icheb.
YES! That rushed ending always annoyed me. I mean I liked what happened, but I was annoyed that there wasn't more post return stuff. I mean I guess TNG ended with a card game so it wasn't much different, but when you look at DS9, every character pretty much got a exit story ie this person is going back to earth, this person is staying on the station to do this job, this person is returning to their homeworld, these guys finally hooked up, this person is now a god or something lol. Other old trek shows just left everything open which unfortunately invite nutrek fan boy writers to 'officially continue their stories' and mess everything up eg Patrick Stewart Goes to Space (Picard) season 1 and all the mess that made of many beloved Voyager & TNG characters.

There was a window of time in which they could have had George Takei and a series about him and the Excelsior. He proved that he had what it takes to be a captain. And they blew it.
Indeed and don't forget the Michael Dorn Captain Worf show he pitched for years and got ignored.

Just amazing to think that we had original actors willing to return to their legendary fan loved characters in new shows in those beloved time periods but the licence holders went "no thanks, we're gonna do entirely new shows with new young sexy cast members who cry all the time! But hey don't worry we might occasionally bring back said legends like them to KILL AND DISMEMBER so we can make our young sexy cast even more emotional! Cause that went so great when Disney did it to Star Wars so we're gonna do that too! Yeeeeahhh wooooooo!!!!" *cue whole bunch of people in suits high fiving each other*
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I tolerated Enterprise for awhile, but there's about a season and a half of that I haven't seen. At least. And I don't even care. About the only episodes I did like were the ones about the Mirror universe.
As an aside, I agree that the "In a Mirror, Darkly" episodes were the best part of ENT by far... they were *chef's kiss* excellent. It was kind of frustrating how good they were compared to the rest of the show... I almost wish they had just made that the focus of the show and had the "regular" universe/timeline/dimension as a side-story... like maybe they could do occasional crossover episodes to show how the "main/good" universe was developing and characters from the "evil/mirror" universe trying to escape or invade and/or screw it up somehow. The focus of the series could have been how the main universe keeps getting saved from the mirror universe by Section 31 interventions. That would have been way more interesting than the pointless, unwieldy Temporal Cold War, or the stupid Xindi War timeline/tangent, which was equally pointless. The Xenophobic fanatic Earth timeline with the Makos might even have been a better/more workable way to wind up the series as a result of the negative influence/infiltration of the mirror universe.
I'm definitely an outlier in this, but I loved Enterprise as much as the other core shows from the 90s. Even liked the intro song.
My wife absolutely loves that intro song and starts singing every time we sit down to watch some trek show at their intro:D
And yeah some of the arcs of Entreprise are :sad: but I still loved every episode, specially the augmented troubles arc. For a crew in ship more visually and available amenities akin to WW2 submarine in space they did pretty well...nuts to go out there without shield or phasers but each character was very well fleshed out...Trip getting pregnant at the beginning will never get a reverse Kirk Shatner:lol:
Alright, did my duty-bound watch of Section 31. Started off terrible, became alright, then gradually drifted back to terrible. Not a Star Trek movie and possibly the worst character they could use for a movie like this. The premise of the issue was also iffy. The Hollywood trend of "everything has to be worse than the problem before" continues.
I'm definitely an outlier in this, but I loved Enterprise as much as the other core shows from the 90s. Even liked the intro song.
If you're an outlier, we're outliers together, because I find the intro charming as well. Something that was cool about it was how different it was from a typical Star Trek theme. I've mentioned this before, but its pretty nostalgic for me, because I watched the series for the first time as reruns on SciFi/TiVo right when I was just reaching the end of grad school, so the song had a very personal feeling for me.
My wife absolutely loves that intro song and starts singing every time we sit down to watch some trek show at their intro:D
I'm humming it right now :D. ENT had some good moments and a lot of potential, they just had so many arcs/tangents that were nigh unwatchable.
You're not out of touch. I love Star Trek and consider myself a Trekkie...and I hadn't even heard about a section 31 movie. I have no interest in seeing it. I'm slowly starting to get a little @Valka D'Ur -ish about the new Star Trek stuff that's been coming out ("NuTrek"). I really loved the first Star Trek reboot film and I even liked the second one, but everything after that was a little "meh" for me and they completely lost me by switching to CBS/Paramount as I already had enough streaming services and I just couldn't be bothered to be arm-twisted/content-extorted into buying another... To quote something everyone here knows by heart...

"The line must be drawn HERE!! THIS FAR, NO FURTHER!!!" :mad:

I'll probably break down and get caught up eventually... I'm still a Trekkie afterall:p, but for now, I'm not there yet.
Whenever anyone mentions the Abrams films, I'm reminded of this:
So, I saw Section 31. I think that Steve Shives said it best when he described it as "a lot, and not very much" - a slow start, some ill-judged comedy moments and Michelle Yeoh being an action legend as usual. The chap playing Fuzz is apparently South African, so I don't know if he was using his own accent or doing a bad Irish accent instead.

Whenever anyone mentions the Abrams films, I'm reminded of this:
Huh. Part of this shows the TrekBBS forum. If I wanted to waste a day digging, I could probably find this very page, though it would look different. The communicator icon was used in the vBulletin version of the forum, before migrating to XenForo.
I liked Section 31 though I was higher than a kite when i watched it, Michelle Yeoh was fun to watch as were most of the other cast members. It was very silly, raunchy, and violent which I think put off a lot of Trekkies that and the whole trying to cram a season of ideas into a single film.

I don't think it's as vapid or culture war traitorous as some has alleged, like there are interesting meditations on authoritarianism and how it relates to personal abuse and it drops lines like "there's no such thing as a benevolent dictatorship" something that people do need to hear these days. But the lack of true reckoning for Georgiou or section 31 is a completely fair criticism.

I've seen a fair bit of personal nastiness towards the production team on the internet as of late. Which does make me sad. Honest criticism is one thing but it is a sincere addition to the franchise made by passionate people for whom the franchise has a lot of meaning. Please play nice.
So, I saw Section 31. I think that Steve Shives said it best when he described it as "a lot, and not very much" - a slow start, some ill-judged comedy moments and Michelle Yeoh being an action legend as usual. The chap playing Fuzz is apparently South African, so I don't know if he was using his own accent or doing a bad Irish accent instead.

I like Steve, I don't always agree with him but he's a good one.I like his starfleet jobs series
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I am about to finish Lower Decks season what a treat this show is! :hatsoff:
The show could use an extra 5 minutes so Tawny Newsome could take a breather from spitting words and references faster than an A10's GAU-8 Avenger rotary auto-cannon.:ar15: Memory Alpha has been invaluable to link all the dots!:coffee:
I am about to finish Lower Decks season what a treat this show is! :hatsoff:
The show could use an extra 5 minutes so Tawny Newsome could take a breather from spitting words and references faster than an A10's GAU-8 Avenger rotary auto-cannon.:ar15: Memory Alpha has been invaluable to link all the dots!:coffee:
If you liked Season1, Lower Decks only gets better!
It is indeed getting better, I am mid season 2 and I really have to keep to memory alpha if want to squeeze the most out of every episode. The way LD mixex the new with old, revisiting concepts and races already forgotten on some attic of Mr Roddenberry is thrilling. I specially appreciate the effort to solidify TAS in cannon, as concepts and races from that show were very rarely if ever picked up again in the 90's Star Trek. And that intro is just epic, total power failure due to being hit space rocks and into the event horizon the Cerritos goes, just to be spit out again with warp engine primed and ready; losing total power (again!) due to scraping a nacelle over some space icebergs, like WTH; get to a battle between borgs and romulans getting hit oncee and the "no, not for us" and warp away; and my favourite scene: the space chupacabra latched and feeding from a nacelle while looking at us the viewer:lol:it's the best!

‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Will Return With Season 3 in 2025: Everything We Know So Far​

Anson Mount as Pike, Celia Rose Gooding as Uhura, Christina Chong as La'an, and Jess Bush as Chapel in 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Season 3 Episode 8


Where No One Has Gone Before

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is easily one of the most fun shows in recent years, and fortunately, it will be back for a third season.

After a season that included a crossover with the animated Lower Decks and a musical episode, the Paramount+ series left off on quite the cliffhanger. The good news is the streaming service had previously announced it would be back for a third season (when it announced the premiere date of the second, so well in advance).

But when will that third season premiere? Below, we’re keeping track of everything we know so far about it, from that date to the cast and more.

When does Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 premiere?
So far, all we know is it will premiere in 2025.

Where did Strange New Worlds Season 2 leave off?
In August 2023, Pike (Anson Mount) and the Enterprise crew helped Batel’s (Melanie Scrofano) crew — which included Chapel (Jess Bush), on her way to her fellowship — after they ran into trouble, with the Gorn. It was during that rescue that a certain Montgomery Scott (Martin Quinn) was introduced.

Batel was infected (and last seen not doing well), and La’an (Christina Chong), M’Benga (Babs Olusanmokun), Ortegas (Melissa Navia), and Sam (Dan Jeannotte) were among those taken by the Gorn.

Who’s returning for Season 3?​

Starring in Season 3 are Mount, Rebecca Romijn (Number One), Ethan Peck (Spock), Bush, Chong, Celia Rose Gooding (Uhura), Navia, Olusanmokun, and Quinn. Paul Wesley (Kirk) and Carol Kane (Pelia) are special guest stars.

Who’s joining the cast for Season 3?

Cillian O’Sullivan will recur in the legacy role of Dr. Roger Korby; the character was first introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series —and was Chapel’s (Jess Bush in Strange New Worlds) ex-fiancé—and played by Michael Strong. Korby was mentioned during “Subspace Rhapsody” in Season 2 (the musical episode) as Chapel (Jess Bush) awaited news about a fellowship and described as “the Louis Pasteur of archaeological medicine.” Chapel was accepted into the fellowship.

Rhys Darby will guest star in the upcoming season.

What’s Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 about?​

Despite orders, Pike is obviously about to stage a rescue mission of his crew members from the Gorn, right? That has to be the first order of business. The sneak peek that Paramount+ released at New York Comic Con picks up right after the crew has been ordered to retreat and shows the problems that ensue.

Another clip, released earlier in the year at San Diego Comic-Con, showed Pike and others becoming Vulcan for a mission — and having issues changing back.

And Jonathan Frakes shared with TV Insider while discussing Discovery that he directed an episode of Strange New Worlds Season 3. “I can say that it is maybe the best episode of TV I’ve had the privilege of directing. The story, as you’ll see, ends up being a Hollywood murder mystery,” he revealed.

Is there a Strange New Worlds Season 3 trailer?​

There are the aforementioned clips but no trailer just yet.

Will Strange New Worlds be back for Season 4?​

Yes! Paramount+ announced the renewal for Season 4 in April 2024.

“It has been incredibly rewarding to continue to build the Star Trek universe, and we’re so grateful to Secret Hideout and our immensely talented casts and producers,” said Jeff Grossman, Executive Vice President, Programming, Paramount+, in a statement. “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has found the perfect blend of action, adventure and humor, and we’re elated to announce another season ahead of our season three premiere.”
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