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Amy Winehouse found dead


The Great Head.
Apr 9, 2002
Salisbury Plain
She really should of went to rehab, but her addiction was too strong. I'm willing to bet it's drug related. RIP
She joins the "Dead at 27" club.
It really is too bad...during her rare moments of lucidity, she really did make great music. Too bad her addictions ruined her voice and performing ability.

Shoulda gone to rehab Amy. Yes, yes yes.
Oh no, an alcoholic, drug addict, pop star is dead! Let's immortalize her music that wasn't even good and cherish the memory of her bad music videos.
Alas, not that surprising considering her lifestyle. What a terrible weekend this has turned out to be.

She was only 27? I pegged her for at least mid thirties. Must have been the drugs.
She left her mark on the music industry, condolences to her family.

IMO a low mark ... never been a fan of her, and of the opinion a mediocore musician on her best days
Truly unexpected and shocking.
I'm sad about it.
All I have to say is I think it's an affirmation of how celebrity-obsessed society is when I see a good deal more people on facebook talking about Amy Winehouse's death than the 90+ killed in Norway, when the former is so much more recent. Resistance? Counter-hegemonic reading? Cultural studies is dead in the water.
Well, that was stupid of her.

To have all that and throw it away? Stupid, just like Cobain.
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