• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

[NFP] Babylon Livestream

So... Sumer will have a special ability for Heroes and Legends mode... I was hoping for something like that, after Georgia change for Dramatic Ages. Could they have an unique hero, like Ottomans with their unique Governor? I would like to see Enkidu in the field - or maybe even Gilgabro, as he is the main character of that story anyway. I just think it will be strange a Gilga in the field dying and the immortal one in the leaders screen very much alive. :crazyeye:
Agreed, if the AI had used Arthur that way there would have been people on here complaining about how dumb it was ....
I would actually have found it refreshing. It's rare for me to encounter AI behavior I find impressive (let alone sensible). Far more used to AI winning due to passive bonuses on Deity than anything else, not intelligent use of (admittedly OP) units.
What is really great about this mode and also the Secret Societies is that they trigger random events that can make the player choose another course of action. Too bad they come too early to matter in the click next turn at the end game. That was what I liked about some Civ 5 mods (like Rule with Faith and Events and Decisions); that is also a good thing on Old World - lots of decisions from random events; Beyond Earth had that too (and it was the best thing in the game, I really liked those side quests more than the main race :lol:). History is so full of decisions and events... why limit a 4x game at only the regular Xs?
52 combat strength and the ability to instantly finish districts. I'm going to restart each game where I don't get Hercules -_-
I think they said you can only return them once per game era.

No, you can return a hero several time, because there is an achievment unlocked by recalling the same hero five times.
Maybe it's limited to one time per era?

Moderator Action: Please actually read the comment you are quoting!!!! --NZ

Edit: Indeed I red too quickly. But at least we have double confirmation, hehe (sorry)
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Do we have a complete hero list somewhere?

If you want more detail, I built this from the preview video. I even guessed Sinbad right :goodjob:

We know now strenght values will scale with the game age in which you recruit the hero, so stats are just useful for comparison amogn the heroes (assuming all the heroes shown in the video were at the same game age that the hero screen shown).

Additions / modifications to the list with the info in the livestream:

Anansi's Tricks (charges): can harvest a resource to give you a burst of science and culture (as stated in @bite list)

Hercules' Labor (Charges): Immediately complete district (confirmed as costing 2 charges)
added -> Hercules' Rage (Charges): Immediately pillages an full enemy district (this only costs 1 charge)

Hippolyta's Command (Targeted, no charges): "Renews" the turn of a friendly unit that already had used it.

Sea unit (barbary corsair-like). Invocation requires that the city can build boats (seaside or dock), in addition to the monument
Sindbad's ¿Fortune?: Can damage an adjacent enemy unit or disband an adjacent barbarian camp for loot. (gold +?)
Sindbad can move into ocean tiles at any moment in the game.
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