Yeah, but most people don't want to admit that they probably earn what they deserve based on their skillset.
I think that is a fallacy. Now I dont mean to suggest that you can bring in any bum off the street in to run a company but I know a number of rich people and for most of them it was simply being in the right place at the right time. If the fresh young MBA or computer scientist went to Microsoft in the early 90s to ply their wares they are rich. If they went to netscape they are not. Lots of very average skilled 90s stock option multimillionaires. If you choose to pursue a money career, MBA good school good company, a little luck a little schmoosing, a little back stabbing and you are rich. I live in one of the richest places in the US and have known a number of quite wealthy individuals and this is what I have found to be their stories. One guy also estimated that about 1/3 of his very rich neighbors probably profited from illegal activities. FBI hauled away the guy next door a while back. BTW what was Bernie Maddofs skill set?