Bombnes II-Gotham City: No Man's Land

Bomb, that was very good!

Do we have guns, or only hand weapons?

Also, can snoops participate in regular combat or are they just detectives?

Can I have a UU?
Bomb, that was very good!

Do we have guns, or only hand weapons?

Also, can snoops participate in regular combat or are they just detectives?

Can I have a UU?

There is guns. Snoops can participate in regular combat and your unique unit comes once your character reaches a certain level.

At Fuchsia: Your stats are fixed.
Mister Freeze sat on a comfy sofa with his feet resting on a box ottoman in a frozen-over room; he was alone, and relaxed. Blues were playing on an old phonograph. He was about to fall asleep, but someone knocked at the door.

He grunted. He then said, "Enter."

The door opened, revealing one of his henchmen, who was wearing the standard cold weather outfit. The henchman looked around and saw that the whole room was really frozen over, the pulled out a an envelop and said, "Boss, you've got a message from uh..."

He dusted off the snowy flakes on the envelope--the building they were in was kept unnaturally chilly--then squinted. He then said, "A Mister Rupert Throne, boss."


"That's what it says here."

Freeze grunted again. A moment passed.

"Oh, sorry boss," said the henchman, who then scrambled over to give the letter. Mister Freeze took it and dismissed the henchman, who was grateful since he was starting to shiver for a variety of reasons.

Freeze opened the envelope and took out the letter, which was just a short note really. He scanned through it quickly and considered it for a moment before flipping it to its blank side on his hand. He took out a pen from his pocket, which was more of a compartment, really, given the nature of his suit, and jotted down an "O.K." before returning the letter to the envelope.

After walking towards the door, which was spared from a large dose of freeze-ray when Mister Freeze was redecorating, Freeze slipped the note under it, tapped it once to alert the guard outside, and went back to his comfy sofa and the nap he was about to have.

He slept. He saw Nora. He was happy. They were together, smiling.

Then she froze.

Freeze woke up; beads of sweat dotted his forehead.


This is diplo, not a "story" as you vagabonds would call it. :p
The coin glinted in the moonlight as it fell back to earth. Harvey Dent caught it and smiled. "Well boys you know what that means!" The thugs with Two-Face all nodded, smiled grimly and set out with their weapons in hand. Two-Face and his gang began to walk towards their goal.

"I gotta say boys a night like this and a plan like this, the only thing that will cause us to have any fun is Lady Chance." Harvey Dent smiled and waved his colt 1911 towards the night sky lit by a full moon. "I mean if things go perfectly like the plan where is the fun? We need a bit of excitement to break in the new guy here." Two-Face pointed at Marc's back. "Marc here has certainly earned the chance to join up and he seems to love the glory that is chance."

Everyone, even Marc, laughed at this comment to the ritual swearing in for those joining the gang. They have the wheel of chance. Sometimes things are easy like if you spin and get the "You're in!" slot, other times you get the "Walk the gauntlet!" like Marc did. Marc now has the scars to prove he did it, and a slight limp where he was hit with a chain on his left leg. But he did it and now he was in and prepared to earn his keep. At least he didn't get the "Oops! Bullet in your head!" slot.

Harvey Dent stopped before they reached the building they were headed to. "Here it is boys! Maybe the time of our lives is in there, maybe our deaths, but as always we leave it up to chance to decide." The gang moved into the building letting Marc lead. Marc had come to love this life and was even beginning to enjoy the constant gambling with his life for the addictive high he got when leading the charge.
To the other villains of Gotham City
From the Riddler

Without a doubt, our snoops are the best in the entire city. I am sure we can make a deal - our snoops are on rent to the highest bidder.
The two mysterious men once again stood near a building, but their tense figures are hunched, and they are almost trying to dig though the gritty wall.

Suddenly, a hidden rovolving door turned and they went inside the hidden base.

"Watch'a fiond, Hornaz?" said a thin man with a drawl and red hair.

"Where's Throne, we have orders to speak only to him," Said Horus, waving his scoped-gun.

"You'l talk tu'm. Tell ma, what did you find on Terp Street."

"The Nothing," he gritted.

"Good, carryonn." The man lead the cloaked figures into a hallway.

They neared a door. "Unfound Luxury" whispered one, the door opened.

There they were greeted with 14 men and a dominant, but not large by normal calculations, man.

"There is Nothing at Terp Street sir," Said the second man.

The man nodded and other shifted an unlit cigar, "You, Ren, give this to the Post Guard of Mister Freeze... YOU go and make sure there is no funny business."

Then he picked himself up and sized up a few of the others. Then, "Jora, Wid and Yor, make sure those docks are cleared and spread word of a new organized pub. Urtha, go take guard. All others, break is over! Lets finish this base!"

The men cheered, for he lead not only with money and strengh of mind, body or speed, but also his spirit. He WANTED and they felt as if part of his want.

They felt as if they are part of Rupert Throne's Goals.

The cloaked men left.

"Yes sir," said Ren, "Sure we can trust him?"

"The funny business didn't start yet," said Horus,"We better move quick."
Location: The Hat Room, Date and Time: Unknown

This is a large, dark room, filled with hats. Hats of all shapes, all sizes. This, however, does not truly draw the eye, nor even the other senses. If one were to follow one's nose, or perhaps simply view first the tallest object of the room, one would first see the Hatstand.

True to its name, the Hatstand was, quite obviously, a hatstand, albeit one of enormous proportions. Standing nearly fifteen feet in height, it seemed, at first look, to have been carved from a single piece of bright red material, be it wood or rock. Its construction was that of a traditional hatstand in most ways, although it contained many more locations for the hanging of hats.

The Hatstand, however, was not for hats. It was for heads. This is the reason one's nose is immediately drawn to it. For the Hatstand is the final resting place of many a poor soul, their heads severed, a hat placed on top of them, and placed on the Hatstand, there to complete their decomposition. Only when their was little left but the skull itself was the head removed, to make way for a new one.

It was on the very top of the Hatstand that the Hatter had placed the Queen, the most beautiful and important hat ever created. And it was from the Queen that the Hatter received his commands, and through the Queen that the Hatter commanded his minions.

"Here we shall complete a few things," said the Hatter to the others gathered in the room. "Jabberwocky, Walrus, you are now my seconds. Here are your hats. With them, you may hear the voice of the Queen." Walrus was given a simple bowler hat, while Jabberwocky was given both a hat and an oddly disturbing face mask.

"And for you, Jabberwocky, one final thing," said the Hatter, as he pulled a vaguely sword-like object out of a nearby hat, "This is a Vorpal Sword. With it, there are none capable of harming you. None!" Jabberwocky, as always, had nothing to say; it seemd as though a part of his mind had gone away, never to return. He took the sword with little more than a nod.

"Now! Back to your missions, my minions. You will never enter this room again! You will never set eyes on the Queen again! You will hear her commands only through those hats you wear, and you shall obey!" The Hatter trailed off towards the end muttering incoherently, and shooing out his guests. He knew the others thought him mad, but not these, no, not these. He knew now what he had to do.

"Soon, Queen, soon you shall have a palace befitting your station," said the Hatter, before trailing off once again into a creative delirium and traipsing off to his workship.


Orders to come in a few minutes, hopefully.
Is the map even updated? I still have the same lands I started with.

Orders incoming soon.
At the docks, a lone abandoned ship lay anchored to the mooring lines, during the day it was an imposing structure, the ship was painted red, as many cargo ships were, the words 'Lady Night' has faded off but is still readable to any who dare get close. Many of the local kids can tell you stories about the ship, naturally the stories are only tall tales and should not be taken seriously, but the ship strikes such fear into the locals that not even the most bravest soul dared touch the ship, much less enter. A story circulates that appears to be the only true story of the ship, the story has been passed down from generation to generation;

Once a young boy, no older than 15, was determined to prove his worth to the girl of his dreams, so determined that he would do anything to win her heart, well this devotion only caused terrible problems for this young lad as the football jocks would constantly joke and pick on him asking him to do the most degrading and humiliating acts in the name of his girl, the young lad put up with the chores day after day. Finally one day the boys and several girls, including this 15 year old lad and his dream girl, were passing the ship and his dream girl joked with the captain of the football team, her boyfriend, to walk on the ship and take something. The Captain looked at the ship and his knees shook, finally he ordered one of his goons to go on board, one by one the boys refused.

All but one, the small 15 year old boy, he first looked at the girl of his dreams and then the ship, then back before he got the nerve to approach the ship, the entire group held their breath as the young lad stepped on the gangplank. With each step the lad took, the group stared in shock and refused to breath, in fear of bringing down evil spirits, but the lad continued on, finally reaching the deck, the lad turned around and waved at the group. At that point something emerged from the darkness and with a black smoky hand placed it on the lad's shoulder.

The group smiled and waved at the courageous lad, the girls finally urging him to come down and end this nonsense, the boys urging him to go to the captains room and grab something. None of them saw the hand or the lad's sudden expression of fear on his face, the urges continued and the lad finally put his hand down and looked behind him. Seeing nothing but feeling the hand gripping tightly on his shoulder the boy suddenly panicked, but he could not do anything and he shouted at the group, "Help!"
The group thinking he was toying with them shouted back, "No! You need to do it yourself you fool!"
Soon after the last word left the group fell silent, a black smoky face emerged from the shadows and floated next to the lad's face.

At this point, the group jumped at the sound of a police siren chirping and slamming doors, a voice sounded out, "What are you hooligans doing here!?"
The group slowly pointed at the lad, and the 2 officers looked up at the ship, they saw nothing. The officer again asked, "What are you doing here?"
The group incredulous stared at the lad before one of them finally spoke, "Sir, there is a boy up there. There is an evil spirit next to him, you got to save him!"
The officers again looked up at the ship, this time scouring the entire ship from bow to stern from their position, even following the gangplank the group was in front of, but the officers saw nothing.
"Allright boys and girls, go home, there is nothing up there." As if to prove his point, the officer fired his weapon at the approximate position the fingers were pointing, the group stared in utter disbelief that the officers would fire on an innocent boy. The shot rang true, striking the lad in the head, right between the eyes, but still the lad stood up, never faltering. No blood left the wound and the black figure next to him continued to smile evilly down on the teens.

The officers tired of the behaviors of teens lately got in their car and left. The group continued to stare at the young lad, one by one the teens disappeared, until only one remained. The dream girl, she was eventually found by local police at the Airport, the girl was insane, kept seeing the figure devouring her friends, and claimed the evil spirit was going after her next. The girl finally drove herself mad and killed herself by stepping in front of a bus. (or more accurately, running as if she was trying to run away from something)

To this day, no sane person would dare gaze upon the ship, and despite pleas by the mayor to blow the ship in a naval exercise, the ship remained moored to the dock. Even now, a person walking nearby can hear screams emitting from the ship, as if someone was being tortured, the screams were bloodcurdling and inhumane. So the police under Commissioner Gordon finally shut down the block and kept the ship under close surveillance in hopes of catching a criminal and putting this haunted ship theory to rest.

To this day, the screams continue, with more occurrence than before, as if taunting the police, despite the fact that nobody has been spotted leaving or approaching the ship, from either the sea or land.
Is the map even updated? I still have the same lands I started with.

Orders incoming soon.

You have another set of piers and the airport.

Charles Li: You're right.

Again, I apologize for all the mistakes. I'll try to do stats next time on more then an hour's sleep.

Edit: Oh and excellent stories everyone. I've loved everything I've read in this thread so far.
Ok, orders sent today, but the computer I have now doesn't have paint.

Are my Stories OK are are they breaking the Immersion?

(Bestshot: Read front page. And it is due today but I think that Bomb would pass it to tomarrow if you need to.)

Wid Nora watched the bridge. They have heard tales of the 'Cursed Isle' that are crawling with maniacs and thugs. However, he suddenly took ehis binoculars..

"In the world of..."

He saw the Air Port... At Night! With the Lights One!

He quickly roused Yor and took his telescope to zoom in.

He saw... The Police!

To Gotham Boys in Blue
From Rupert Throne

Greetings, Police, I didn't say this for months, but I am friends with Order... at least until it stops helping me for my goals. I am willing to let peace be in this southern part of Gotham if you keep it as well and respect my territory.
We are not just bandits, we are an organized group of local government.
Have a great month.
Orders are due in 2 days. March 14.

And your stories are fine Charles. I enjoy them.
A young lad of no more than 19 entered the office, he saluted and placed a letter on the desk before wheeling about and leaving the office. Commissioner Gordon watched the lad with a smile on his face, "So the criminal overlords are finally taking notice of the law."
Lt. Gerard "Jerry" Hennelly, the person in charge of the GCPD SWAT Unit, glanced at the envelope and said, "Hmm, Mr. Thorne is talking to you? Perhaps he wants to apologize for what he did earlier?"
James Gordon stared at the envelope in disgust, "If that fool thinks he can erase my termination of Commissioner with one word, he is gravely mistaken." With that he gestured for the door and Lt. Hennelly and Captain Sawyer both took the hint and left.

James Gordon grabbed his knife and cut open the envelope, and read the letter. After getting halfway through James frowned, he put the letter down in disgust and grabbed his pen and a piece of paper.

To Mr. Thorne
From Commissioner Gordon, Chief of the GCPD.

Mr. Thorne..... I remember you. You tried to run for Mayor, unsuccessfully might I add, but I did not ever forget what you did to the Boys in Blue.

And because of your history against the Gotham City Police Department, or more noticeably, me, your offer is denied. My boys will capture and arrest any of your goons that they encounter. Good Day.

After proof reading the letter, he folded it and placed it in an envelope, on the envelope he put down, Mr. Thorne' and called for an officer. After handing it off, James turned around in his chair and peered outside the window, facing north he could see the skyline of Gotham City, he looked carefully at a certain section of the city and uttered, "Rupert Thorne, some day you will get a taste of your own medicine."

Meanwhile an hour later, the wail of a police siren could be heard and a police cruiser rounded the corner and raced down the street towards Thorne's headquarters, the cruiser immediately picked up fire, but the officer behind the wheel was a veteran and used to it. He rolled down his window and threw out a brick, the brick struck a gunman who fell down. The brick landed next to him, on the brick was the envelope.

OOC: The SWAT won't come into effect in the game until my UU's arrive. This is just for story purposes.
"Incoming ****!"

All the snipers of the souther Section ducked as they saw a man got struck down by the bridge. Some started firing but the Cruiser, wailing at the imminant loss of gass, sped away. They close warily upon the dazed man.

They were used to booby traps and someone shot the brick. Rightbefore that a man shouted, "Not! Its for Throne!" but it exploded into smitherenes...

Only a few words survived... De...ed... Captur ...and arr... All ...ur Goons

Then another brick few by and they saw a chucking officer drive away. This time they took it, saw a copied message, and went back.

"Mr. Throne, the Boys in Blue rejects your request for united front for peace."

"Yes, I am partially a changed man... Partially... Double the guards, send the Billy truck to check them out and reload the supplies!"

"Yes Sir!"

Mr. Throne stood up and begun vigerously working with his men... If he learns how to fight he will not have to fear others.. Professional or Otherwise.

OOC: I was going to Let you Move through to take others out, oh well.
Also, there should be some 'Order' business such as Corner Store, Groceries, Supermarket and stuff. They give less gold but gives free units when attacked.

I would like to use some Order Businesses. :) for real!
Orders Sent Soon.
Update Status: Just so you all know, I am in the middle of finals week, and while I could probably get the update done, I'd be able put out something of much higher quality if I wait until I'm all finished for break on Thursday. I think I have all the orders in, but if I am mistaken or someone else wants to join and can write some up by then, I'm good with that.
No worries. Do well as schooling is a big deal. Well outside of the inner city...
Sent orders, must have forgotten.... :mischief:
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