BOTWAWKI Revised Thread

No one will start with any Scrap Parts, besides those which are scavenged this turn. It should also be mentioned that Low-Tech Weapons will no longer require tech parts, just Scrap ones. But save your exuberance, you haven't seen the price list yet.
Scrap Parts will be used for ammo too.
@tecknojock: I'd have to say, that's definitely depend on the state of the treatment plant. If it's only structural, then it'd be Scrap. For repairs and the like, we'll continue to handle the cost on a case by case basis.
This is the 24 hour warning, though as usual, Orders can be sent until the update is actually posted.
I've begun updating now, and as some of you know, I will be going slow in order to accomodate those of you unfortunately delayed. Despite this, due to my own schedule, I'll be forced to finish this by tomorrow evening, regardless about who gets in orders. Please remember this and send in those orders!
No one will start with any Scrap Parts, besides those which are scavenged this turn. It should also be mentioned that Low-Tech Weapons will no longer require tech parts, just Scrap ones. But save your exuberance, you haven't seen the price list yet.

Scrap parts will be used for ammo? Hooray!

So settlements we build this turn won't cost anything, right? What about pre-existing stone structures like Cloister? I guess they'll cost less to get into shape.
We've had some internet issues at home, so we're in the process of shopping for a new provider. In the mean time, I've got a new laptop, which I'll be using to go out and update somewhere.

We've had some internet issues at home, so we're in the process of shopping for a new provider. In the mean time, I've got a new laptop, which I'll be using to go out and update somewhere.

Your the 2nd person I know on the Forum to say this in 3 days. :(

Blaze Injun
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