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[BtS] Polynesia mod for Varietas Delectat


Jul 29, 2006
Budapest, EU

[BtS] Polynesia mod v2.0 for Varietas Delectat and Quot Capita

DOWNLOAD: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=12187

Unique Unit - Koa (Swordsman)
Str: 6, free Shock promotion, no need for Iron but lacking city attack bonus

Unique Building - Marae (Colosseum)
Provides bonus culture.

Kamehameha, Salamasina

Installation instructions:

With the installer you can install Polynesia civ both for Varietas Delectat and Quot Capita!

- You need to install Varietas Delectat (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=237192)
- You need to install Quot Capita (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=261143)
- extract(http://www.7-zip.org) and run the installer and select the options you want;)


- new LH graphics (The Capo, optimized a bit by avain)
- added Polynesian rifleman (The Capo)
- added Polynesian explorer (Bakuel, Bernie14,The Capo)
- South Pacific citystyle (Geomodder)
- Marae size corrected

- corrected citystyle
- added installer option to install for Quot Capita

- fix for VD6.0

- added NikNaks' new Salamasina
- changed LHs' backgrounds
- removed Australian units

- added Bakuel's polynesian musketman and cuirassier

- added new fancy installer (thanks to phungus420, Jean Elcard, NikNaks)

added Methyl Orange's Kamehameha leaderhead

initial version

Bakuel for amazing graphics (I promised I'll make a Polynesia civ, and here it is!;))
bernie - great Aussie units!
The Capo - awesome Leaderheads and units
Methyl Orange - Kamehameha leaderhead
Rise of Mankind mod - I used it as a base
Geomodder - South Pacific citystyle
all other unit and LH makers!
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A couple of questions though; why aren't you using MO's Kamehameha? also, why are you using the Australian units as their late renaissance/industrial units?

I kinda get that, but don't you think they'd be better suited with something more Polynesian?
A couple of questions though; why aren't you using MO's Kamehameha? also, why are you using the Australian units as their late renaissance/industrial units?

I kinda get that, but don't you think they'd be better suited with something more Polynesian?

Oh, I didn't know that MO made a Kamehameha, I'll change to that one.

As for the Australians, it's because the alternative is the exact same native set that's used million times for South America, and because the Australian units start when the Polynesian end. And also there's a "If you don't like the Aussie units" clause in the post above...
Ok, here comes some requests to make this cool civ even cooler!

Request 1:
I'm thinking about a unique statue art, which would be a Moai Statue. I thought I could make it from the Wonder in BtS, but the 3 statues are a single model. So if someone could make it so that only one Moai statue is in the model...

Request 2:

Out-rigger canoe and other Polynesian sailing canoes: http://www.taimaui.org/polynesia.html

Request 3:
Give Salamasina a headdress! See attached pics:


  • portrait-hula-dancer_~gwt140003.jpg
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  • Olivia_headdress.jpg
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It's looking good avain! Methyl Orange's Kamehameha leaderhead is also very awesome, I had never seen this one before. :goodjob:

Now I'll probably end up making Polynesia Industrial units, no rest for the weary... :p
It's looking good avain! Methyl Orange's Kamehameha leaderhead is also very awesome, I had never seen this one before. :goodjob:

Now I'll probably end up making Polynesia Industrial units, no rest for the weary... :p

Yesss, great! :goodjob:

(I think I'll make a couple more civs with missing unit art and you'll be baited to do the units! This sounds like a clever plan to me, don't you think? :D)
Maybe, but don't push your luck. :p

I still want to finish some of the needed vanilla civs on my personal list and yours first.
(Personally, I always wanted to see a Nubia, Scythian and a Seljuk Turk civ...)

You asked for a Polish Winged Hussar in another thread but I forgot to respond to the post. While I don't think I can really top danrell's Polish Hussar, I can make some other medieval and ancient Polish units later if you wish.
Maybe, but don't push your luck. :p

I still want to finish some of the needed vanilla civs on my personal list and yours first.

agreed, while I would be the last to stop anyone from making units (and probably need to close much of the same gaps as avain does), I also would want to see the vanilla civs covered before more civs get their custom units.

I certainly will add the custom civs to my mod (much like I added Polynesia recently, although that is unreleased as of now) when they get done however :D

You asked for a Polish Winged Hussar in another thread but I forgot to respond to the post. While I don't think I can really top danrell's Polish Hussar, I can make some other medieval and ancient Polish units later if you wish.

That is something you might want to add to your list, I like danrell's polish units, but they are all very similar (much like most of his european civs are, at least the english, french and german ones), so adding some variety to those would be welcome.

Speaking of new units, I would like to see some Aboriginees, Chuggi made some but never completed the set :D Your other custom civs all are nice too and if you make nits for them I will certainly add them to my mod ;)
Maybe, but don't push your luck. :p

Just joking, just joking! :joke:

I still want to finish some of the needed vanilla civs on my personal list and yours first.


(Personally, I always wanted to see a Nubia, Scythian and a Seljuk Turk civ...)

(Oh, then I might have to do a Nubian, Scythian and a Seljuk Turk civ ;))

You asked for a Polish Winged Hussar in another thread but I forgot to respond to the post. While I don't think I can really top danrell's Polish Hussar, I can make some other medieval and ancient Polish units later if you wish.

Agreed! :goodjob:
That is something you might want to add to your list, I like danrell's polish units, but they are all very similar (much like most of his european civs are, at least the english, french and german ones), so adding some variety to those would be welcome.


Speaking of new units, I would like to see some Aboriginees, Chuggi made some but never completed the set :D Your other custom civs all are nice too and if you make nits for them I will certainly add them to my mod ;)

Where can these Aboriginees be found?
Hm, do not find the thread right now, so I uploaded the units to filefront.

Wow, these are really cool!
What I'd like to see is an archer type unit, but throwing boomerang!
And if bakuel makes the polynesian units, with these I could make an Australian civ!!!
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