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Bugs1 (PTW) - The League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Originally posted by denyd

I guessed wrong with Boone thinking France would be south of Germany. Looking at the mini-map there are 3 regions for France/Rome/Persia to be. North of Germany, west of Germany and west of Egypt. George is heading to check out #3. Boone will need to reverse course to check out the other 2.

As I see it our short term goals should be:

1. Find Joan [/B]
ok, really dumb question here. couldn't we just establish an embassy and find out where she is? for that matter, shouldn't we have embassy's with all the ladies so we know who they are at war with? i probably missed something in the log so i apologize in advance if this is a stupid question.
I think the prob is that we don't know her. Am I right?

Thanks for the tips, denyd.

Got it.
Originally posted by denyd

1725 BC – Trade Aztec + Zulu contact to Egypt for 106g + French contact – France is polite with 5 cities, 50g down Horseback Riding – Trade Horseback Riding to France for Persian contact + 50g

Actually, Ankka, I can see in denyd's post that we have contact with France. Maybe this is the easiest way to find out where she is located. It'll also let us know if we have to defend her.
Preturn: Check to see where we are going. Looks good... :) Change prefs to personal preferences. Press enter after looking around.

1475BC [1]: France is North of Germany, I see a pink border there.

IBT: Cleo starts the Pyramids.

1450BC [2]: :smug:

IBT: Boston horse > temple.
Seattle wor > war.

1425BC [3]: Exploring, the settler is almost at it's new city site, the red cross shown in denyd's dotmap.

IBT: Piladelphia worker > warrior.

1400BC [4]: :smug:

IBT: Washington settler > settler.

1375BC [5]: The settler from Washogton starts the journey towards the blue spot, the eastern one gets to the red place.

1350BC [6]: Build Miami > worker.

IBT: the Japanese start the Colossus also.

1325BC [7]: :smug:

IBT: Shaka wants contact with Joan as tribute. I'd refuse, but I think we haven't got enough militay strength to do that...:(

Atlanta tem > rax.

1300BC [8]: Build Houston > warrior.

IBT: NY tem > rax.

Azteca starts the Colossus.

French complete the Pyramids.

Romans start the Oracle.

1275BC [9]: :smug:

IBT: Spain offers Maths for 160 gold. Yes, ma'am, we wanna trade. :D

Washington settler > anutha.

Persians complete the Oracle.

1250BC [10]: We have a new settler in Washington, I'll let the next player decide where to take him to.

Next better player. :smug:
Embassy information must have been stored in one of those brain cells that died on Saturday. :blush:

I normally let the AI build embassies unless I'm looking for a war partner, but the goals in this game make them a necessity. Thanks for the catch :goodjob:

The more I thought about this, the better it sounds. Barracks & warriors in all non-Washington cities. Once 20+ Vet Warriors, connect iron and upgrade them all (that's what the $ is for). Then it's off to Zululand for a bit of assimilation. A SOD that size at this point in the game should probably be fatal to Shaka. The remains of that force w/reinforcements should be able to take out the Aztecs and Isabella will be secure. The AI is still in land grab mode and this plan should steamroll them both.
Originally posted by denyd
Embassy information must have been stored in one of those brain cells that died on Saturday. :blush:
hey, if you don't kill them every so often, better ones can't grow :)

research question: i see we are researching poly. are we bee-lining for Monarchy or do we have another goal?
Originally posted by grahamiam
i see we are researching poly. are we bee-lining for Monarchy or do we have another goal?

I think that obtaining monarchy early in this game would be key. If we can get it before we launch on Shaka, it would help, but we should avoid anarchy during the war. Not being religious... Although the Zulu war will hopefully be short, I think that Republic is too much of a risk, if we could get it in place before the war.

Please clarify for me: rax (used by Ankka) and SOD (by Denyd)?

I like the goals that Denyd's laid out, but would like a clarification. Assuming Spanish expansion to be fairly slow, the plan would leave Spain in a fairly small area. Granted, that is how to be a buffer and best protect the lady, but even if it's gilded, a cage is still a cage. Is this in the spirit of the game, or do we then start giving her cities or ROP - and then not complain when she plops a new city in our midst, or blocking us from a goal? I'm thinking that the Victorian gentleman would not even consider Isabella to be in a cage, and protect her as best he could by keeping her (somewhat) in the place that she should be.

Any input?

I don't know your schedule or intention for playing, but had noticed last time that you posted ~10:45pm. If you could do that again (10:00-11:00) tonight, then I should be able to play tonight, and save us an additional day.
Additional thought:

If at some later point we need to speed up our play to keep from falling behind, we could re-arrange the order geographically:

Denyd, Gozpel, Ankka, Grahamiam, RowAndLive

I don't anticipate this, and certainly don't see a problem with how it is now, but just in case.
Don't worry about falling behind or being ahead. The goal here is to have fun, learn, discuss, oh and did I mention have fun. :D

These games go in cycles. You may have a week of intense discussion and not play any turns, and then it takes off because everyone is on the same page and you play 100 turns in a week.

rax = barracks
SOD = stack of doom (death)

If we raze the eastern Zulu & western Aztec cities, we'll allow the lady ample space to create a nice little empire. She'll also be able to build ships and set off eastward if she feels crowded.

I think the poly/monarchy path is a good one for this game. Republic/Democracy will be fine once most of the warring days a done.

To who ever is up, make sure to sell Math around to anyone with something to pay for it with.

Being in anarchy during the Zulu war should not be a problem. Our troops probably won't need any reinforcements if the RNG (random number generator) doesn't go really bad.

It's nice to read Joan was able to get the Pyramids. On this land mass, it's a very powerful tool. (so will Sun Tzu & Sistine)

The order of play isn't a big deal. Having a couple of down days sometimes helps the thought processes.
Originally posted by RowAndLive

I don't know your schedule or intention for playing, but had noticed last time that you posted ~10:45pm. If you could do that again (10:00-11:00) tonight, then I should be able to play tonight, and save us an additional day.
yes, i usually play after 9:30PM, after I get the little ones tucked away. :) hopefully i'll be able to play and post by 10:30-11, but no promises (gotta wash the 3yr olds hair tonight) ;)
The same for me - get the kids (6 & 2) down by 9:30, and then play.
I too am part of the dad's club - a 2-year old son, whom I get from 7pm til bed time so mommy gets a little sanity time.

Now back on topic (so the moderator doesn't yell at us)

It's a tough balance we'll need to strike between protection and incarceration for the ladies. As long as we keep trading and let them grow to the OCN (optimal city number), we shouldn't draw any aggression.

After the Zulu & Aztecs are dealt with, we'll need to venture across the land bridge to reach Cleo. That's probably a good place for the new palace. Once we reach the FP message city level, it's probably a good time to start the brick by brick process.

Any thoughts on a good location for one. Remember the soon to be ex-Zulu/Aztec lands are in play.
Originally posted by denyd

After the Zulu & Aztecs are dealt with, we'll need to venture across the land bridge to reach Cleo. That's probably a good place for the new palace. Once we reach the FP message city level, it's probably a good time to start the brick by brick process.
:lol: ok, ok, butt-kicking will ensue soon enough. for tonight, i'll continue building the foundation. just leave some of the blood letting for me when it comes back. :)
ok, here's the 1000BC save

An interesting set of turns. I think I may have jumped-the-gun on this Chivalry stuff.

Preflight check: Switch Seatle from warrior to Barracks. Switch Houston from Warrior to Worker. MM Boston to get Temple in 4T (forgo growth for now, I want to finish the temple then work on warriors); Turn down lux to get +31gpt; Move out settler to claim southern cows

IBT: Looks like the Mongols and Germans are at war

T1: 1225BC
Cook moves south to mountain near southern cows and sees an Aztec archer/settler pair NE of the horse; I guess this location is taken so Settler is redirected for a fishing vilage location; Worker pair outside of Houston finishes Wheat mine and roads.

IBT: Aztec's get city north of horse

T2: 1200BC
More exploring; settler moves into position

T3: 1175BC
Buffalo founded -> worker; MM Boston off iron and onto river grass so it starts growing again (temple in 1T); Jungle chop reveals BG, workers road

T4: 1150BC
Boston temple -> warrior; Philly warrior -> worker

IBT: Barb warrior attacks Miami and we win (-2hp)

T5: 1125BC
Washington settler -> settler (MM for growth in 2T)

T6: 1100BC
Boston warrior -> warrior; Miami worker -> walls; Lewis the scout moves onto hill next to a Barb

Note that France is up Map Making and Philosophy

IBT: Bulgar barb kills Lewis

T7: 1075BC
New York barracks -> warrior

Trades: Spain, Persia, Aztec, France, Japan, up CoL, Philo, MM, others up at least Philo.; Trades: France: CoL & TM for WM & 200g; Rome: Philo, MM, TM, for CoL & WM; Germany: WM & 70g for CoL everyone else is broke.

T8: 1050BC This is were things get dicey
Boston warrior -> warrior; Atlanta barracks -> warrior; San Fran barracks -> warrior;

Report from scout Boone: it appears that France is at war with someone (an iron city is destroyed out of my sight) so I build an embassy (they have horses and 3 ivory) and they are at war with Persia. Since it is on our honor to protect her as best we can, I build an embassy in Germany (they have iron and 3 furs), declare war on Persia, and ally Germany against Persia for WM & 120g; Isabella is now annoyed with us so I build an embassy in Madrid (they have 1 fur and 1 spice) and this changes her to cautious. Unfortunately, that dropped us to 1213g. Adjust lux slider to keep NY from rioting.

IBT: Persia and France sign a peace treaty :( :lol:

T9: 1025BC
NY warrior -> warrior; Philly worker -> walls; MM San Fran and NY to get 5spt from San Fran.

T10: 1000BC
Boston: warrior -> warrior

Notes: Boston, San Fran, and NY are doing at least 5spt so we should get to denyd's goal of 20+ vet. warriors very soon. Atlanta will also be @ 5spt (6-1 for corruption) with 1 more mined grassland (can also work the incense and already mined grass for 5spt, but no growth). Southern settler/warrior in place for southern city to halt Aztec northward expansion. Once Atlanta's online, NY should switch to horses to provide the swords some support.

Washington has a settler due in 1T but is a broken pump. Next player may want to use the Atlanta workers (after they're done getting Atlanta up to 5spt) to chop rush a few settlers out of Washington to speed up expansion before war. This may also reveal a couple of BG's and thus turn it into a 4T pump to settle former Zulu land.

Good luck.
Got it.

This will take a little studying time. Probably won't post until morning.
Nice work G - The German-Persia move is probably the best we could do at this point. We have no way at this point of getting any units to support France at this time.

On a side note, switch Miami to a temple to secure more ground then back to walls. The walls are a pretty good idea in Philadelphia as that would be the Zulu target if we let him get the
first shot (which we won't). There's a lot of land to the north. Once Shaka is gone, Spain and us can share it.
Originally posted by denyd
On a side note, switch Miami to a temple to secure more ground then back to walls. The walls are a pretty good idea in Philadelphia as that would be the Zulu target if we let him get the
first shot (which we won't). There's a lot of land to the north. Once Shaka is gone, Spain and us can share it.

Thanks :) The switch sounds fine. Miami is only making 1spt and will be very corrupt so whatever is done there will take a lot of time. Philly is making 2spt but only 2 fpt so I had to do something other than make a worker. Walls seemed like a logical choice. You may want to switch Seattle to temple as well since it looks like we have enough barracks for now.

Additional note on NY: make sure it's making +8spt (11-3?) when building horses. Otherwise, we'll never get enough on the field to support those swords ;)
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