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Bugs1 (PTW) - The League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Here's the save. Since I don't get the VB Code option described in the upload instructions, I'll try it as an attachment.
Originally posted by RowAndLive
Here it is - my FIRST SG turn ever!

Washington @4, grow in 1, spear in 2 or settler in 4 (pump may need fixing.

Nice set of turns :) Re: washington, we could probably switch to a warrior (complete 1T?) to time with the growth and then restart the settler pump @ size 5. I'm sure gozpel will figure it out ;)
A change in the rules when dealing with the ladies. If you negotiate a deal with one of the brutes let's say you are buying Chivalry for 100G. You can then turn around and ask one of the ladies if she would accept that deal. You haven't insulted her or haggled with her. You have simply given her a chance to get the business instead of one of the brutes. This must be done tastefully and with honor of course.

BTW - It appears that both games are playing with PTW rules. On my turns everyone is trading contact with the advent of riting. :p Looks like I messed up somewhere.
I didn't realize there was a problem. Both games are actually being played under PTW rules. My mistake.
Take it to 'em Goz!

I'm thinking that put up a little too much information, and will try to keep the details shorter next time.

I'd say don't build the warrior, because he would've pumped out during the last turn, so to switch to it now would be a waste. Completing the spear should't knock us off course, and we will want #4 (spices) to be defended by a spear over a warrior, since it is so close to the Zulu.
The Save

Pre-turn - Teleportation ON.
Change Washington production to settler in 3. Let New York work grass for growth in 2 and switch to worker in 2t. Lower luxtax to 10%.

Queen Isabella is very annoyed with us and I can see why. Everyone knows the art of Pottery except her and I send it to her and my apologies, she return a thank-you note and 25g. She is now cautious.

2110bc - That settler is going someplace? I don't know where and didn't see any leads in the thread. I claim the second spices then and backfill later.

Almost everyone knows IW now. I trade Alphabet to the rougish Shaka Zulu and get IW and 25g.
I then notice to my bewilderment that Queen Cleopatra is the only one without this important technology, I send Alphabet to her and she handsomely pays our despatch 27g.
(the Zulu trade was to not get an early demand, they would slaughter us with Impis)

Argh, we have Iron, on the very same mountain Sue/Zee are roading. They will be done in one turn, so I kick them off to do toher tasks. We do not want iron connected yet.

2070bc - New York worker -> barracks. Porky will mine cow
Boston warrior -> barracks

Lucky I scouted with Bob before moving settler, a barb is waiting.

The unwashed Mongols have 2 workers for sale, They get HBR and 116g for them, they will build wonderful roads for us, while we feed them moldy bread and onions.

2030bc - IT - A zulu warrior kills the barb. Japan demands 39g, I give it to him.
Washington settler -> settler, send him towards horse.

1990bc - Philadelphia founded by spices -> warrior. The zulu-city makes it crowded, but we need those luxes.

1950bc - ---

1910bc - Atlanta founded by horses -> warrior.

A few civs knows Mysticism, I trade it from Isabella for HBR.
Start 10% reseach on Poly. Sell Myst to Aztec for 45g and Zulu for 50g. They will buy it anyways from someone else.

1870bc -
Slow down growth in Washington to get settler next turn
Switch NY to settler in 3t

1830bc - Washington settler -> warrior.
Zee starts roading spices

1790bc - ---

1750bc - Washington warrior -> settler
New York settler -> warrior

We have a settler N of Washington and a settler pair E of New York.

Our scouts are still looking for Joan.


You put Phili right where I had intended, and thought that I stated, but onviously not clearly. Good job! It looks also like you have a settler waiting at the N river mouth - I was thinking 1 NE from there to keep RCP. Your thoughts?

I see that we're about 3 pages behind the other team. Did they begin earlier than we did, or are they just faster?
Well, the discussion went on there also for this game for ~3 pages, so we're almost in the same situation...
Stuff the RCP, a river is a river is a river. This placement only takes 2 tiles of Washingtons and will be a "big boy" by itself if we let it.
If RCP is more important than logical city placement, I won't complain. But my thought is to settle where he is standing and that city won't need aqueduct later either.

I don't play good games by using little appatuses to tell me what to do. :D I just play and try to be clever. I fail alot though in that department :)

The second settler (E of NY) has a few choices, perhaps 2 SE as RowAndLive suggested is good enough. It will get the game after expansion, but that will take time, we're not exactly religious :)
Denyd is listed as next.

Gozpel, I agree, saving on the aqueduct is better.
I got it - I'll play later tonight
nice turns gozpel. creative way in getting that settler pump up again. :)

funny placement of atlanta, though. do you know where a saltpeter is or something? just curious because 1 tile west or sw and we would have had the horse and the incense :) oh well, a city is a city, right?

for the NY settler, 2 tiles SE seems right. we'll fill in a city SE of the river mountain (and N of a cow?) anyways so the game should come into play even without culture.

Next the turn log:

1750 BC – Turn 0 – Reset to my personal preferences – Everything looks good, no trade possibilities

IBT: Spot Zulu settler & Spanish settler – Atlanta Warrior->Temple

1725 BC – Turn 1 – Fred (warrior) got Washington – Mongol pair completes mine and moves to connect horses – Settler founds Chicago starts Colossus – Sue starts road to connect spices & Philadelphia – Porky moves to road to new city site – Al and settler E – Joe (N Warrior) SW to Chicago – Lewis SE – Boone S-SW spots Red Warrior and blue border – Rome (red) annoyed, down Mysticism & Horseback Riding, 4 cities & 158 gold – Germany (blue) is annoyed 4 cities, 144g up Writing - Trade Horseback Riding & Mysticism to Rome for 158g - George W – Cook N-N meets Spanish warrior – Buy Writing from Germany for 230g – Trade Aztec + Zulu contact to Egypt for 106g + French contact – France is polite with 5 cities, 50g down Horseback Riding – Trade Horseback Riding to France for Persian contact + 50g – Persia is annoyed with 5 cities & 20g down The Wheel, Mysticism & Horseback Riding – Trade Horseback Riding to Persia for 20g – Trade Writing + Aztec contact to Mongols for Worker + 75g – Trade Horseback Riding to Zulu for 25g – Trade Zulu contact to Germany for 50g – Trade Zulu contact to Aztecs for 30g – Trade Aztec to Germany for 21g – As of now no one has any tech we don’t and only Germany (308g) has any gold – Tasha (Mongol Worker) moves to grassland

IBT: German settler appears – Zulu found city – Spain found Santiago

1700 BC – Turn 2 – Cook N-NE along the coast – Fred MP in Washington – Mongol pair start road – Tasha starts road – Sue & Zee completes road to Philadelphia (spices connected) moves to improve Chicago – Joe S – Lewis E-E – Porky starts road – Al & settler NE – George NE spots Japanese capital – Boone W-W into German lands finds German city and sees worker connecting iron – No trades available (German bank now 42g)

IBT: Germans unhappy about Boone, he’ll be moving on soon

1675 BC – Turn 3 – Joe S – Lewis SE-SE spots a cow – Settler founds Seattle (claiming incense) starts worker – Al MP in Seattle – Cook N-N – George N – Boone W-SW – No changes in trade status

IBT: Horses connected – Jaguar warrior kills something S of Seattle – Boston barracks->warrior – Philadelphia Warrior-Worker – Spain starts Oracle – Aztecs starts Oracle – Rome starts Pyramids

1650 BC – Turn 4 – Moe (Warrior) moves to escort future settler – Joe S – Sue & Zee complete mine move to grassland to road & mine – Mongol pair begin to mine horse – Porky completes road moves to connect Seattle – Lewis E-SE – Cook N-NW – George N – Boone W into German lands finds Leipzig

IBT: A few various warrior move around – Washington settler->settler – New York warrior-temple

1625 BC – Turn 5 – Tom (Warrior) MP in New York – Moe MP in Chicago – Sue & Zee build a road – Joe S – Lewis E-E – Porky starts road – Tasha completes road, starts mine – Settler SE-SE-SE – Cook NE-E finds coastal spices – George N – Boone SE-S

IBT: A few more warriors/archers move around – Zulu start Oracle

1600 BC – Turn 6 – George N – Settler SE – Joe S-S-S – Sue & Zee start mine – Lewis NE-NE finds fur – Cook W-W finds Madrid – Boone S spots Berlin (in German lands) - Sell Persian contact to Aztecs for 25g

IBT: Zulu warrior moves next to Seattle – Boston Warrior->Horseman

1575 BC – Turn 7 – Tom moves from New York to Seattle – Tim (warrior) moving to New York – Porky completes connecting Seattle moves and starts irrigation – Lewis N-N – Mongol pair completes mine moves to road to incense – Cook W-W – George N-N – Boone S-S past Berlin – Sell Zulu contact to Japan for 25g – Sell Roman contact to Aztecs for 25g

IBT: Zulu warrior moves away – other units move randomly

1550 BC – Turn 8 – George N – Mongol pair starts road – Settler founds San Francisco starts barracks – Tom MP Seattle – Tim MP New York – Sue & Zee finish mine move to road & mine again – Lewis W-NW along coast – Cook W-W past Seville – Boone E-E meets Mongol archer

IBT: Boone sees German archer attack and loses to Mongol archer

1525 BC – Turn 9 – George NW – Joe SE – Porky moves to connect incense – Sue & Zee build a road – Lewis SE-SE heading home – Cook W-SW spots Salamanca – Boone SE into the mountains – Sell Japan contact to Rome for 34g – Adjust slider to prevent Washington riot

IBT: Lots of Mongol archers approach Berlin – Washington settler->settler

1500 BC – Turn 10 – Settler heading east to a spot 1 NW of horses (east of Seattle) this spot will fence in the Zulu – Sue & Zee complete road start mine – Joe reaches San Francisco – Mongol pair complete road move to connect incense – Porky starts road to connect incense – Lewis S-S – Cook SW-SW spots a Zulu city – George N into Egypt territory – Boone SE spots lots of jungle – Germany has a worker for sale, everyone else is broke and less or equal on tech

The a picture of our little empire - note the treasury

I'll post more comments tomorrow
Both teams are at 1750 BC. Ankka is right, the opening discussion is difference.
That looks great Denyd! I'm going to go through your trading list again, and see if I can learn something, as well as to figure out where all of the money came from. (I see a learning opportunity here for myself!)


Ankka is UP.
Grahamiam is ON DECK.
I'm up?

Ok, I hope I'll get to play it tomorrow. :)

Impressive trading there, denyd! :goodjob:

A couple of comments about the updated map above.

If we can get a settler to the red X we'll be able to shield Isabella from the smelly Shaka. The blue X is to grab the wheat and setup a path to the evil Aztec empire. The orange X's would create a barrier to southern Zulu expansion. The pink X's are nice goals, but will probably be filled in by Spain & Aztecs. That eastern pink X is a fantastic location (3 cows & wheat), but probably too close to Isabella and too far from the core to be productive.

I guessed wrong with Boone thinking France would be south of Germany. Looking at the mini-map there are 3 regions for France/Rome/Persia to be. North of Germany, west of Germany and west of Egypt. George is heading to check out #3. Boone will need to reverse course to check out the other 2.

As for trading, my goal was to keep everyone broke so that they would not be able to buy techs from each other. I started by acquiring all the known techs and then selling techs/contacts to people who were about to get them anyway for all their cash. This normally works until early in the Middle Ages, when buying a tech at monopoly prices doesn't yield enough to make it viable.

I've got Chicago started on Colossus. That's easily changeable, though since we shouldn't need boats this game, that's a good project for a coastal city. No AI are building it now. It may end up serving as a nice Great Library pre-build or we could get lucky and it finishes.

While we are still in the land grab phase of the game, we need a small (veteran) military of warriors to repel any ill advised attacks on one of the ladies virtues.

As I see it our short term goals should be:

1. Find Joan
2. Keep adding cities
3. Isolate the Zulu (cage the beast)
4. Collect 15-20 veteran warriors
5. Connect the iron and upgrade the warriors to swords
6. Use those swords to acquire the western & southern Zululand lands.
7. Settle the newly aquired Zulu open spaces
8. After a twenty turn peace set, eliminate the Zulu
9. Turn our swordsmen loose on the Aztec empire.
10. Stay at the top of the tech leader list

We should be able to have Isabella secured soon and then should prepare for the trip westward to offer our services to Cleo. Maybe she'll offer her honor and we can honor her offer and then all night long it's on'er off'er :D (really old joke)
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