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Bugs1 (PTW) - The League of Ordinary Gentlemen

My initial dot map is a little different than yours. I like red dot 1 for the Hut settler, it gets the fish, the cow and the FP right away, is on fresh water to save needing an aqueduct and can take advantage of the hills for shields (and defense). My red dot 2 would claim the spices (I'd prefer it 1 SE on the river, but that might crowd RD1). My red dot 3 is on the river and will take full advantage of the cow. My other red dot is tentative to claim the horses, but I'd like to know what's under the fog to better position the city. The blue dots are spots I'd like to claim, but are not on the priority list.

If a city placement pops a hut and the hut was assigned to be a city, does that convert the hut to a settler? If yes, then waiting to pop the hut is a good idea, if not, then pop the hut now and adjust the other city locations.

These placements were based on a 5-8 RCP setup. I normally use RCP for the advantages that it provides, but I prefer to use OCP to avoid the 'has to be certain spot' syndrome. If we decide against RCP, then I'll do another dot map of my preferences.

Considering how much fog is left, I think city #2 should start with a scout, then move on to a barracks & warriors. If it's on my RD1 spot, it'll be quite productive even without the culture expansion.
many thanks for the excellent analysis. i'm gonna work on setting up the 5T settler pump for now so we can start expanding. hopefully it'll be up and running for the next person. chops can come later (hey, 5T is better than nothin' ;) )

IMHO, I think Denyd's layout is a little better, though I do like gozpel's NE city placement on the river. as a compromise, I recommend that we go 1 tile NW of gozpels position (or 1 tile SE of denyd's) so we get on the river. The coastal "5" can help us corner the spice and border expansion due to temples or lib. will get it. It'll also be 3 tiles from city "1" which will help in troop rotations ("3" will also be 3 tiles from "1").

I think we should go 1, 2 (on the river), then incense @ rcp 8, then down to horse (hopefully we'll find a better spot than that desert). "3" can come next, then up to the rcp coastal "5". of course, once more of the fog clears, this will all go in the crapper :D
Like I said, I'm not fussed. As long as those cities are founded, they will start produce something :)

Yep grahamian, chops can come later :) The important right now, is to get 6-7 improved tiles for Washington.
Running a chop on the granary build usually speeds your growth curve. Waiting on the granary can be a pain and planning the chop to help the shields can get you an extra warrior built not to mention the shot at a BG.
ok, all done. here's the 2550BC save

Looks like I was able to get Washington up and running. Next player will get the 1st settler in the 5T pump cycle. You may have to MM to get the timing just right since I started the first settler at size 4 (1 turn @ size 4).

T-1: 3050BC
Preturn check: almost everyone's broke except us (well, Mongols have 23g). very nice trading Denyd. MM washington: civilian off BG onto forrest (grow 3T, grainery 3T) worker will be done with roading the forrest in 1T

IBT: Zulu settle a town to our north

T-0: 3000BC
Northern conscript warrior renamed "Bubba" and moves W; Lewis 2 NW; Boone continues easterly, finds coast; Sue 2 tiles SE to river grass; Rambo N to hill

T1: 2950BC
Boone moves southerly; Sue roads; Rambo north to hills and finds a 2nd spice; Bubba goes south; Lewis NW to mountain; MM Washington off wheat and onto plains to ensure granery finishes before pop growth

IBT: a Zulu warrior & archer are moving south

T2: 2900BC
Washington granery-> warrior; Boone spots red border (very close to Egypt)

IBT: zulu's pop our hut! :mad:

T3: 2850BC
Sue finishes road -> mine; Adjust slider for happiness

IBT: Zulu warrior moves in-range of our nothern boarder

T4: 2800BC
Washington warrior -> worker; New York founded -> scout

T5: 2750BC
Boone pops a hut near Japanese boarder and we get horseback riding :)

T6: 2700BC
Washington worker -> warrior; Sue finishes mine, Workers Sue and Zee move to plains; looks like Boone is bottled up on the coast (damn)

T7: 2650BC
Sue and Zee irrigate plain

T8: 2630BC
Washington warrior -> settler (pump is ON); New warrior renamed to George and he heads out to inspect to the SW; immediately sees an Aztec Jaguar

T9: 2590BC
New York scout -> Warrior (someone can change this if they want, but we're only doing 2spt right now); Sue and Zee move to river plain; George still inspecting; Rambo is coming home; MM slider for happiness; MM Washington off forrest onto irr. Plain for growth in 2T

T10: 2550BC
Sue and Zee irrigate the plains; scouts, warriors look around.

Trades: Nobody has anything to sell (we are up HBR at least and more on most). Denyd did a very good job bankrupting everyone ;)

Also, I started this first settler while at size 4 so you may have to MM to time the growth and spit out the settler at the same time (I suggest moving from the irr plains and mined grass to river grasses). I irrigated that 2nd plain but I have no idea why I did that. Well, I suggest the next player use Sue and Zee to road to New York and improve the cattle square. Also, if you need more workers, remember that Washington is a 2T worker pump @ size 5 ;)
Originally posted by barbslinger
Running a chop on the granary build usually speeds your growth curve. Waiting on the granary can be a pain and planning the chop to help the shields can get you an extra warrior built not to mention the shot at a BG.
too late :), we were 3 turns from finishing when I started and I didn't want to waste 10 shields or worker turns
Easy turns and no blunders, but you're always tidy grahamian :)

Bubba is copyrighted by me, but since I'm last I'm happy to see him anyways :D

New York should work the forest for 2 turns to get a worker. Washington have to build settlers for a long time now.

There is a possibilty to use those forest chops, that is to "stress" out 2 settlers and then build barracks with chops while we waiting for pop to get up again.

Looks like we have to follow denyd's dotmap kinda, but it will be a bit squeezed N and NE. But we want those cities by the rivers right? That would mean my first pick ( or rather next to it) still can be a city, and so the second by the coast. If that's the way we go, the third city has to be by the horses before someone randomly pop a settler and pinch it.
Nice turns, but I'm really busy today, you may skip me if you want to.
Originally posted by gozpel
Bubba is copyrighted by me, but since I'm last I'm happy to see him anyways :D

New York should work the forest for 2 turns to get a worker. Washington have to build settlers for a long time now.

There is a possibilty to use those forest chops, that is to "stress" out 2 settlers and then build barracks with chops while we waiting for pop to get up again.

Looks like we have to follow denyd's dotmap kinda, but it will be a bit squeezed N and NE. But we want those cities by the rivers right? That would mean my first pick ( or rather next to it) still can be a city, and so the second by the coast. If that's the way we go, the third city has to be by the horses before someone randomly pop a settler and pinch it.

sorry about Bubba, didn't realize you two had a thing :p

also, i didn't show it in the map but should've, the zulu's are settling in a generally southerly direction. I think we need to get a settler up north very soon at around rcp 8 to claim the two spices. maybe denyd can take a look at the save with his handy-dandy rcp tool :)

regarding the northern rcp 5 cities, i don't mind if they are a little close. the coastal city will max out at 6, leaving a lot of land for the river city. also, IIRC, denyd's and your city placement to the NE were on BG's so I think the location I suggested is ideal.
Ahh, the wife brought you the morning coffee and everything is well :)

Bubba and I have a long history, since the story about him 1-1.5 years ago, but I won't bother you about that story. He's just a pet for me and I'm really glad you resurrected him.

I looked at the save and can't get wiser, I thought my placement was the ultimate benefit for all cities. But we continue from here then.

And that funny rcp-tool, we shouldn't even use it until we know Maths!!
I see it there, and will plan on playing tonight.

Could someone please give me a quick tutorial on how to insert the save file?

Originally posted by RowAndLive
I see it there, and will plan on playing tonight.

Could someone please give me a quick tutorial on how to insert the save file?

a little piece of advice... make sure you get the spelling exactly correct. the system is sensitive to upper case and lower case letters. and you can click on the link while in preview mode to check it.

now, go get us some cities :)
I will make it a point to stick to UPPER for my posts. Thanks.

I have to agree with Grahamiam about preferring city 2 on the river, with another on the coast NE of the river mouth. That will cost us getting both spices with the single expanded city, though. Also, it looks like the Zulu to the NE are certainly closer than the Aztecs to the SW, so it's hard to fault the idea of wanting to get the spices with 2 cities before claiming the horses. Having said that, I REALLY hate to risk losing the horses. We also can't be to slow to found a city N of the cow 6SE of Washington (SSSW of NY), with the Zulu heading that way.

Unless someone has a strenuous objection, I'm going to plan on dense-packing the NNE by founding #2 (Atlanta?) on the river in order to have a larger core group, and not delay expansion of the city. The second spice-city (#3) could also go on the river at 7NE,1N to be just E of the farther spice. That would also have a big block on non-BG to use instead of the jungle for earlier growth. I would place #4 to the W of the horses, and #5 N of the cow. After that I'd say build to the S, then the E coastal spot (NW of horses), and lastly the N coastal spot - All depending on how the AI moves.

For infrastructure, I'll waste a turn crossing the mountains so as to get the cattle roaded quicker, then road the mountain NW of that cattle. For my other, later mountain crossing, I'd put it immediately S of said cattle. Since it would take two more road tiles to reach the river spot, I'd plan on going N & NNW of NY, rather than through the hills (for speed).

In general, I'll also see what I can do to increase visibility closer to home. (I have to remember, it's only 10 turns...)
sounds like a good plan RowAndLive. you'll get 2 settlers during your turns and I can't see any better places to put them right now.

good luck :)
Here it is - my FIRST SG turn ever!

I see that Spain and Egypt lag us in power and points. We’ll have to get them built up, if only to help ourselves. Also need to find France!

2510 - 1
Boone E,N to get a better view of Egypt’s position and resources.
George SW and sees that the SW coastal spot planned will need #4 to shift to the desert SW of the horses.
Sue, Zee head for cattle.
Unnamed Scout, re-named Cook 2SE. Spots mountain for next.
Rambo E.
Lewis S,E, finds more coast.
Nothing to trade – we’re up by 2 techs on all but Japan (1), and only Spain has more cities than we do (+1).

2470 - 2
Boone N,NE, George S, Sue/Zee reach cattle, Rambo SE.
Cook S,E exposing river & many plains.
Lewis SE,SW to avoid Zulu Archer.

2430 - 3
Washington pumps settler > settler in 6, grow in 1.
Settler NE, Sue & Zee road cattle, Rambo SE, Cook 2E, Lewis SW,W, Boone NE,N.
George notices that the desert spots will also net us an incense & 3 BG after expansion, go S.

Barb warrior approaches Cook from S.

2390 - 4
NY builds Al (warrior) > barracks in 20, grow in 2.
Sue/Zee NW, settler 2NE, George S, Boone E,NE, Al W,S, Rambo rests.
Cook SE spots barb camp, E to coast spots wine & wheat can escape N or S.
Lewis SW,W but ends N of barb camp!
All opponent cities to 1, so workers or settlers pumped.
Egypt has jumped in power. Spain passed us on points.

2350 - 5
Boone 2E, George S, Sue/Zee begin road (in 3), settler NE, Rambo rests, Al rests, Cook, SE,S, Lewis lives! NW,E.
Washington @5, grow in 3, settler in 3.
Change NY from barracks to warrior in 4, @2, grow in 1.

2310 - 6
Rambo & settler NE to #2, Al rests, George S, Lewis 2E, Cook 2S sees game & whale S.
Boone 2E to coastal mountain, sees Heliopolis to SSW, fish to NNE.

Zulu build town 2 NE of our planned spot for #3, will rethink.

2270 - 7
Boston founded on river > warrior in 5, grow in 10. Rambo fortifies Boston.
Al S, George SW sees ivory at river mouth to SW, Boone N sees whale to E, Lewis E,SE.
Cook 2SW sees Spanish border to 2W & 2SW.
Road to NY, settler & warrior all next turn.
#3 will now be planned for NW of farther spice – on river, in jungle, but nets 2 spice & gold in base tiles – should build temple first since abuts Zulu.
Push Lux to 30% to ensure settler production.

2230 - 8
Washington pumps settler > @4, grow in 3, spear in 4.
NY pumps out Bob (warrior) > @3, grow in 5, barracks in 14.
Notice FP tile E2SE from NY that is in 8 ring & grab both game & incense in 21 tiles.
Bob W,NW,N, Sue/Zee N, settler NE, Al N, George S, Boone W,N, Lewis S, Cook W.
We’ve passed Mongols. Egypt lags in points.

2190 – 9
Al S, Sue/Zee road, settler NE,E,N, George S, Boone N,NE, Bob N, Lewis S to Zulu heart!
Cook NW to mountain sees grassland on lake with 3 cows in base 9 tiles! Could found city & gift to Spain.
Keeping lux @30% until we can connect spice.

Zulu ask us to leave & we agree.
Zulu 3 cities, 25g, have 0 excess spices, lag alphabet & HR.

2150 – 10
Settler N, Bob N, Al N, Boone N,NE, Lewis N out of Zulu terr., Cook NW,W.
George W to coast sees Aztec JW & settler immed S – I guess aiming for tile NE of George which is coastal, on river w/2 ivory.

We’re ahead of Egypt & Mongols, tied w/Spain, & behind Aztecs by 1, Japan by 3, Zulu by 6.
See my notes above on modified plans for city sites.
Washington @4, grow in 1, spear in 2 or settler in 4 (pump may need fixing.
NY @3, grow in 3, barracks in 12.
Boston @1, grow in 7, warrior in 2.
Feel free to modify production in all cities!

I'll try to upload the file in the morning.
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