
I was thinking of a Solar Power Tower.

With increases in solar power efficiency and technological advances, these towers could have the potential to power a mid-sized city by the 2020s.
this sounds like a good building.

and i think that wind powerstations (not sure what to call it) should also generate power, not sure how much, and i also thought of that maybe the "solar power tower" shall be an power generating improvement just like wind powerstations they "save" the power that they gather and gradually delivers it to the city.
offshore windfarm, generates hammers for nearest city and reduced pollution by 1, happiness up by 1
I'm back from my vacation :D(from vacation). I've added your ideas and a "Farm Tower" which I've heard about.
They must have something more advanced than that.
Increase or decrease, because a police force would have to be paid=+maintenance.
On that note, perhaps we should add a crime rate attribute, like in Fall from Heaven II. Then a police station could cost some additional maintenance, but ultimately be profitable by lowering the crime rate.

In the meantime, let's talk about unique buildings. In the globalist economy, malls are nearly-everywhere, so they no longer make sense as America's unique building; we should make them a generic building so that both malls and supermarkets are buildable by all countries, and that means somebody needs to think of a new unique building for America.

I do have an idea for a new unique building for China: The Chinese factory. It functions like a basic factory, but also adds a trade route to its city at the cost of one more :yuck: than the regular factory.
I was thinking of a Solar Power Tower.

With increases in solar power efficiency and technological advances, these towers could have the potential to power a mid-sized city by the 2020s.
this sounds like a good building.

and i think that wind powerstations (not sure what to call it) should also generate power, not sure how much, and i also thought of that maybe the "solar power tower" shall be an power generating improvement just like wind powerstations they "save" the power that they gather and gradually delivers it to the city.
offshore windfarm, generates hammers for nearest city and reduced pollution by 1, happiness up by 1
How about: Solar plant: +1 :hammers: , +1 :commerce: from Solar collector improvement in city radius (can be built on deserts between latitudes 0-40[?])
You don't need to work the collectors to get the bonus, instead it comes like the National Park free specialists

Windmills could be built also on coasts after a certain tech (like in Planetfall)

On the average I think that Planetfall has a lot of things this mod could use, such as environmental devastation (flowering counter) and postmodern improvements

On that note, perhaps we should add a crime rate attribute, like in Fall from Heaven II. Then a police station could cost some additional maintenance, but ultimately be profitable by lowering the crime rate.

In the meantime, let's talk about unique buildings. In the globalist economy, malls are nearly-everywhere, so they no longer make sense as America's unique building; we should make them a generic building so that both malls and supermarkets are buildable by all countries, and that means somebody needs to think of a new unique building for America.

I do have an idea for a new unique building for China: The Chinese factory. It functions like a basic factory, but also adds a trade route to its city at the cost of one more :yuck: than the regular factory.
The crime rate in FfH is for flavour only and thus having police stations increase maintenance (which, BTW is supposed to mean crime and corruption among other things and is reduced by courthouses) would be counter-intuitive as they could be made to give -1 :commerce: but lower maintenance.

How about making different kinds of factories to process raw materials to goods. This would give the Chinese the situation they have: they import raw materials, convert them to luxuries such as electronics and clothes in their factories and export them to the west.

I don't know if unique buildings in that sense are needed, as BtS doesn't even have most of the modern nations and even the still existing ones' (Spain etc.) UBs are obsolete by now. Today the buildings that can be built differ mostly on the technology, wealth and values of a country, not its nationality.
Container Terminal
+1 hammers from City
+15% gold from city
+1 Trade Route
Requirements: Must already have Harbour.

+1 free upgrade in all new units built.
-5 hammers on cost of all military units to reflect the stream lining of procurement and high efficiency and orginisation.

Central Bank
+15% Gold production from all cities
Requires Bank in all cities and one stock exchange

Naval Dockyard
Naval units cost 10& less
Naval Units heal 10% faster
+2 hammers
Naval Units constructed in city gain one extra free upgrade
Requirements: City must have a Dockyard and a Harbour
The crime rate in FfH is for flavour only and thus having police stations increase maintenance (which, BTW is supposed to mean crime and corruption among other things and is reduced by courthouses) would be counter-intuitive as they could be made to give -1 :commerce: but lower maintenance.

Wrong; the crime rate triggers certain events. We could easily adapt that to the modern era mod.

UNpatriot said:
How about making different kinds of factories to process raw materials to goods. This would give the Chinese the situation they have: they import raw materials, convert them to luxuries such as electronics and clothes in their factories and export them to the west.

That's Japan you're thinking of; China has a good deal of raw materials. The major situation with China is that their labor market is cheap, due to lower inflation and less environmental standards.

UNpatriot said:
I don't know if unique buildings in that sense are needed, as BtS doesn't even have most of the modern nations and even the still existing ones' (Spain etc.) UBs are obsolete by now. Today the buildings that can be built differ mostly on the technology, wealth and values of a country, not its nationality.

There technically isn't a need for them in the core game, but it does add depth, so it's plenty possible here. There are also plenty of examples of modern buildings that make certain countries exceptional, such as the German Industrial Plant, still applicable today, the Swiss Bank, and the Cuban Hospital. While possibly true Unique Buildings should be forgone in favor of buildings that require National Construction Nodes to produce, they should be there in some form.
I definitely think we need to have some sort of SAM site for city air defense.
Ok I'm starting work on buildings. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of good ideas for this part of the mod.

Right now I have kept every building that comes with the game. If any of those should be removed or changed, list them here please.

Also, give me ideas for real world buildings that are not included. I'm not doing unique buildings or wonders yet, just general buildings for everyone. The list in the first post has some very good ideas that I will use if possible (but most of those are already in the game right?). Don't overwhelm me, personally I don't think we need a ton of custom buildings, at least not for version 1.0. Especially since we are going to be adding a new unique building for (almost) every civ... that is a big enough job in and of itself.

What would really help, are links to custom building files that have already been made that we can include (example). As far as I know, right now we don't have anyone creating graphics for custom buildings, and that is something I can not do myself.

If anyone else has good ideas for where they want this mod to go in terms of custom buildings, feel free to volunteer to take over for me. Same if you just want to create a couple buildings for us. Speak now or forever hold your piece.
New buildings I plan to include as of now:

-Solar Power Tower
-Police Station (I thought this came with the game, but I'm not seeing it in the xml files)
-Some sort of SAM site (city missile defense)

That's all I've got.
Container Terminal
+1 hammers from City
+15% gold from city
+1 Trade Route
Requirements: Must already have Harbour.

+1 free upgrade in all new units built.
-5 hammers on cost of all military units to reflect the stream lining of procurement and high efficiency and orginisation.

Central Bank
+15% Gold production from all cities
Requires Bank in all cities and one stock exchange

Naval Dockyard
Naval units cost 10& less
Naval Units heal 10% faster
+2 hammers
Naval Units constructed in city gain one extra free upgrade
Requirements: City must have a Dockyard and a Harbour

New buildings I plan to include as of now:

-Solar Power Tower
-Police Station (I thought this came with the game, but I'm not seeing it in the xml files)
-Some sort of SAM site (city missile defense)

That's all I've got.

I would suggest the above, all major parts of international trade (container ports) and of modern militaries, (DoD) and modern finance (central bank)
double post! doh!
I like to propose again the building Daycare facility which increases a cities :hammers:, :science:, :commerce: and :culture: by 5% each. It might also produce one :)

It would be available with the discovery of the "Gender mainstreaming" tech I had posted in a tech tree suggestion long ago. Maybe you could only build it with a certain civic.
Extermination Camp
only buildable with totalitarian government type
buildable only in cities with different ethnicity to your own civ
exterminates foreign citizens of your city till either your people are 100% inhabitants or the city has been reduced to one population.
huge - diplomatic points with all democratic civs.
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