Canadian Conservative Party Leadership

Apr 9, 2013
Canada, Montreal
Thought I would start a topic on this since there does not seem to be any talk about it. After Stephen Harper's defeat in 2015, a leadership race is underway and is about to finish definitely in May. I'm not going to mention the details about all 14 (!) candidates, but just a sum up of the top 3 candidates for the leadership:

1- Kevin O'Leary: Famous for having appeared on Dragon's Den and Shark Tank, Kevin has been doing pretty well in terms of polling. He is however, compared to Donald Trump due to their past similarities as well as being mentioned as having no definitive platform; he has responded by saying that he wishes to see Donald Trump's tariffs&taxes before he decides on his own. He also has a famous lack of knowledge for speaking the french language, and has promised to learn it in the years to come; also is a punching bag for all the other candidates.

2- Maxime Bernier: A politician from Beauce, in Quebec, he is deemed by many as having the best chance of winning a lot of seats in both Eastern and Western Canada. He has based his platform on abolishing supply management and reducing the role of 'big fat government in Ottawa', which has given him a lot of support across all provinces, and has led him to the top money raised out of all the candidates before January of this year. While having a lot of support, he is most noticeable for having been the Minister of Foreign Affairs and having left important documents of NATO at his ex-girlfriends home; his ex had been related to the Hells Angels.

3-Kellie Leitch: Possibly the most controversial out of all the candidates (besides for Micheal Chong), she has a similar ideology to that Donald Trump. She is for the screening of immigrants coming into the country, and has drawn criticism, like Trump, for having potentially having raised greater hatred for Muslims and immigrants. Nothing noteworthy besides for that.

I have the link to the websites of all the candidates, look if you wish :
Conervative Party Leadership is an oxymoron.

It may be, but don't forget that one of them will replace Justin Trudeau one day. People tend to forget that while Pierre Trudeau has a good reputation, he had to resign because the polls were really not in his favour and people were tired of him..
I'd prefer Obhrai over those three candidates.

Too bad it doesn't matter since only those who have signed their allegiance to the conservatives are allowed to have a say.
I've been considering starting a thread like this for weeks now, but wasn't sure if anyone would be interested.

Here's my take on the situation:

I despised Stephen Harper, and I despise his fake-Conservative party. "Reformacon" is a normal part of my vocabulary, although I tend to use the term "Reform-Conservative" on to make it clear that I'm talking about Conservatives who came after Brian Mulroney/Kim Campbell in terms of Prime Ministers, or Joe Clark as the last real Progressive Conservative in Parliament.

Kevin O'Leary is, in my opinion, full of hot air. I doubt he is sincerely interested in the day-to-day of being Prime Minister, since he isn't even trying to get an actual seat (not to mention skipping debates to hawk his wine on an American shopping channel). You can't be PM from the outside, so I have to ask which backbencher is going to be bribed to step aside for O'Leary to run in a byelection, or if he's even going to bother until 2019. I dismiss him as someone to whom this is a vanity thing - Donald Trump-lite.

I don't know much about Bernier, but leaving sensitive documents at his girlfriend's home, with her ties to organized crime (which the Hell's Angels basically are) should be enough for sensible people to not vote for him.

Kellie Leitch might as well just go to Washington, kiss Trump's hand, and be his doormat. It's absolutely disgusting how she carries on in that squeaky, simpering voice about "Canadian values" when she really means "I want to keep the Muslims out." Her line about vetting "all immigrants, refugees, and visitors" in a face-to-face interview with an immigration official tells me that she hasn't really thought it through: How does she expect to do this vetting of every tourist and business person who is visiting Canada? Does it really matter if a couple intending to go to Whistler for a ski holiday or a trucker bringing a load of whatever subscribes to the vague list of "Canadian values" she keeps harping on? And did you see that notorious video she made? The camera work is ridiculous and Leitch looks drunk or high on something.

What about the people who are already Canadian? I've noticed that a lot of the regulars wouldn't pass her test, because of their rampant misogynist views, or intolerance of religions that aren't their own. Some of them are happily in favor of disenfranchising people like me, and people who fall into those other demographics who had such an aggravating time with voting during the past federal election.

I was an enthusiastic promoter of ABC last election, and went public here on CFC with my NDP-orange "Keep Calm and Heave Steve" avatar. I wasn't unhappy that Trudeau won, but I'm mighty displeased that we're not getting electoral reform and they did such an inadequate job with the assisted dying legislation.
I've been considering starting a thread like this for weeks now, but wasn't sure if anyone would be interested.

Here's my take on the situation:

I despised Stephen Harper, and I despise his fake-Conservative party. "Reformacon" is a normal part of my vocabulary, although I tend to use the term "Reform-Conservative" on to make it clear that I'm talking about Conservatives who came after Brian Mulroney/Kim Campbell in terms of Prime Ministers, or Joe Clark as the last real Progressive Conservative in Parliament.

Kevin O'Leary is, in my opinion, full of hot air. I doubt he is sincerely interested in the day-to-day of being Prime Minister, since he isn't even trying to get an actual seat (not to mention skipping debates to hawk his wine on an American shopping channel). You can't be PM from the outside, so I have to ask which backbencher is going to be bribed to step aside for O'Leary to run in a byelection, or if he's even going to bother until 2019. I dismiss him as someone to whom this is a vanity thing - Donald Trump-lite.

I don't know much about Bernier, but leaving sensitive documents at his girlfriend's home, with her ties to organized crime (which the Hell's Angels basically are) should be enough for sensible people to not vote for him.

Kellie Leitch might as well just go to Washington, kiss Trump's hand, and be his doormat. It's absolutely disgusting how she carries on in that squeaky, simpering voice about "Canadian values" when she really means "I want to keep the Muslims out." Her line about vetting "all immigrants, refugees, and visitors" in a face-to-face interview with an immigration official tells me that she hasn't really thought it through: How does she expect to do this vetting of every tourist and business person who is visiting Canada? Does it really matter if a couple intending to go to Whistler for a ski holiday or a trucker bringing a load of whatever subscribes to the vague list of "Canadian values" she keeps harping on? And did you see that notorious video she made? The camera work is ridiculous and Leitch looks drunk or high on something.

What about the people who are already Canadian? I've noticed that a lot of the regulars wouldn't pass her test, because of their rampant misogynist views, or intolerance of religions that aren't their own. Some of them are happily in favor of disenfranchising people like me, and people who fall into those other demographics who had such an aggravating time with voting during the past federal election.

I was an enthusiastic promoter of ABC last election, and went public here on CFC with my NDP-orange "Keep Calm and Heave Steve" avatar. I wasn't unhappy that Trudeau won, but I'm mighty displeased that we're not getting electoral reform and they did such an inadequate job with the assisted dying legislation.

-I'm just really disappointed in my fellow millennials in that they fall for Kevin O'Leary's crap. I agree with him 'scrapping out the Trudeau', but not having any platform, or even when the little amount of ideas you propose make no sense (we have to appeal the millennial Lebanese...) should assure total failure for any candidate.

-Bernier made a mistake, nobody will ever deny that, and he himself has admitted that. But if the documents were that important, he would have lost a lot more than his position, would probably need to leave parliament, and would not be in the position he is in today. The documents were important yes, but they were not nuclear codes for sure.

-Kellie Leitch is cringy, reallly cringy. It's obvious that it's the only aspect of her platform, and the only thing I remember her talking about is pepper spray being legal for women everywhere to use.
Is he still even in the running? Seems like he's always been a longshot..
Have you been watching CTV lately ? They always find the time to talk about him, and they even had a Quebec Cegep student go on their talk show in Montreal and praise the guy, even though like the candidate, he was inventing things on the spot.
-Kellie Leitch is cringy, reallly cringy. It's obvious that it's the only aspect of her platform, and the only thing I remember her talking about is pepper spray being legal for women everywhere to use.
She's also determined to "dismantle the CBC" because she's got some serious hate of the media and "elites."

Apparently it has escaped her notice that as a highly-paid doctor and politician, she herself has the academic credentials, status, and wealth to be considered among the "elite". As for the CBC, that's been one very important bit of social glue that's kept this country together and looking at Canada as a whole, rather than just fragmented bits of provinces. She might as well say she wants to be American, and I wish she'd just admit it and leave.

Canada looks nice and civilized :)
Indeed we are. We had beautiful weather here today: -23C (with wind chill; otherwise it was -14C). I just wore a fleece hoodie under my regular jacket.

We're certainly no Greece, that's for sure. :mischief:
Yeah, you personally certainly aren't a lot of decent things ;)
Hey, guys... :nono:

Canadian politics is supposed to make the Canadians argue with each other, not with our international friends.

I've been wondering where to post this; Kyriakos, is your opinion of our decency better after seeing this video? This is how Canadians really do multiculturalism (the video was shot in Ottawa, at an outdoor market when a group of buskers got a streetful of people to start dancing):

Have you been watching CTV lately ? They always find the time to talk about him, and they even had a Quebec Cegep student go on their talk show in Montreal and praise the guy, even though like the candidate, he was inventing things on the spot.

*shrug* CTV is not really a channel I watch. Is it supposed to be conservative central or something?
*shrug* CTV is not really a channel I watch. Is it supposed to be conservative central or something?
Let's just say that Harper-appointed senators Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy used to be CTV journalists, and it wouldn't surprise me if Harper enjoyed watching Duffy harass and bully Margaret Trudeau when she was looking at the public tributes people left for Pierre Trudeau on Parliament Hill shortly after he died. He just wouldn't shut up, and the final straw was when he just had to point out that it was the anniversary of her youngest son's death (Michel Trudeau died in an avalanche in BC in 1998)... as though she wasn't already perfectly aware of the date.

She started to cry and quickly walked away, in tears. Did Duffy apologize and leave her alone?

No. He waddled after her, calling for her to come back and talk to him.

What a waste of oxygen.
^Nice, Valka :) (although i hate zorba and its writer :D )
So you're not into that kind of music? Most people I know find it cheerful. But then a lot of people like Celine Dion, and I have no idea why. Her singing voice may be tolerable, but her speaking voice is awful.
So you're not into that kind of music? Most people I know find it cheerful. But then a lot of people like Celine Dion, and I have no idea why. Her singing voice may be tolerable, but her speaking voice is awful.

While i don't like the musical composition either, i was primarily referring to the book ^^

I don't like the book cause its writer used a self-made vocabulary (not even a cretan idiom, but his own), which reads badly imo.
Putting aside his status as a Maple-flavored Trump for a moment...

Canada is a bilingual country. That doesn't mean everyone should speak both languages, nor should it automatically disqualify someone from becoming prime minister (one way or another). It should be seen as a flaw, certainly, but not an absolute requirement. If that was Kevin O'Leary's only problem, it might not be the end of the world...

But when you say "I don't need French, most young Quebecers speak English anyway", you're essentially saying that in your view, Canada doesn't need to be bilingual - that it's just a temporary concession to the older French folks until they die off and get replaced by "francophones" who speak english. As if francophones learning English as a *second* language was some excuse to rid the country of its bilingual nature - to drive French off the public scene.

Saying "Oh, I'm going to try to learn French" is nowhere near good enough to make up for that mentality. It would probably give a massive adrenaline shot to the independentists...perhaps enough for third time to be the charm.
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