I think there is a problem around C-47 transports and their upgrading pals.
I created my first C-47 and loaded an English Infantry onboard.
Now it gets tricky. I saw that this C-47 was able to airdrop ?
That must be some mistake. The result was that I could airdrop this Infantry guy, and even worse was that I could drop him smack into a mountain-chain. This Infatryman is not permitted to move into mountains without a road. But could do so via air, so now he is stuck. Mountain all around him and no roads.
I believe that the airdrop should be un-ticked for the C-47 and other transport aircrafts.
(However reading DaRules I see that airdrop is a MUST, so what will happend)
If I´m not wrong this is because Civ standard rules was to use this for helos being able to land anywhere with foot units.
The C-47 can still do what I think you had in mind to use it for. Transport from city to city.
However a typo is in the Civilopedia about Transports, C-47 in this case, where it says that to board the transport the unit must be in a city with an airport or on an airfield. Well, that´s not what I found out. You can board in ANY city or airfield.
The big issue is probably in the holy trinity of Airlift-Airdrop-Air Transport.
The way of permitting a C-47 to airdrop is mostly looking like the famous Glider Troops of WW2, but for this perhaps using the Horsa or Waco flics from Wyrmshadow is better then parachutes. But in this case (CCM) it can´t be done since ALL foot units must able to go anywhere.
These Glider-aircrafts could have been a cool upgrade-chain that upgrades into Vietnam-eras Hueys and later Black Hawks. The issue that must rule should then be to be restricted with foot units.
Perhaps try out three versions of troops. The very light Foot, heavy on wheels and in between have no foot, no wheel.
I think it works but then everything has to be re-thought I fear.
Not an easy task at all.
Getting to this trinity... (as I understand it

Airlifting is the standard for Civ concerning C-47 and newer transport aircrafts (these aircrafts as units doesn´t exist in standard), but in that case you can only airlift ONE unit from a city THAT HAS a building with Air-trade ticked or from an airfield per turn. In CCM ONLY capitols with Palace has air-trade. So if I got this correct NO units ticked with airlift can be airlifted the normal way.
But you solved this problem introducing these transport aircrafts. And in addition you have made building airfield much more important. Now one need them much more to move troops if one haven´t got enough transport-aircrafts.

Am I correct ?
The biggest Question, as always, can the brilliant AI understand these twists and still move troops to area of danger with the transport aircrafts that in this case has to be created. In the standard version the AI just move into a airfield or city with airport and move the unit. Now it has to think ahead ;-)
Civ III devided these issue in
Airlift for almost all ground units
Air Transport for helicopters (that doesn´t work anyhow

, since they can´t go out and bring back the poor guys)
Airdrop for paratroopers strictly.
If I am barking up the wrong tree, and got this whole story wrong. Please correct me and set me straight. This (un)holy trinity is very important and dangerous to use wrong. One can however do many wonderful things with it at once own peril.
Now I am exhausted, guess you are too. Sorry