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CFC.com - The MES/NES

I was going to land East at the retreat location no matter what happens. I added the 'if not' because I was unsure if my landings counted as three separate actions and I would not have been able to land in the east.
I'll only be able to acsess the forums from my phone for the next 8 hours or so, but I believe I already posted orders. Just ignore the part on knocking out christos.
So, Christos, what are you going to do? If you don't give orders, I'll just keep you inside the ship.

If I don't get something from you in 12 hours, I'll just go forward without your input.

@MoreEpicThanYou: your orders are missing something about whether you plan to use your magic to cover your companions.
Orders: Follow the orders of the idiotic and stupid captain.
*Christos looks at Nicholas and insults him in Greek*
*stares at Christos with a disapproving look*
"Palaiologos, if you feel that unable to work on a team, I am perfectly willing to have you replaced as soon as we finish this mission and reach the Hub. If you want to remain on the team, please stop being so immature and work with the team instead of against it. Am I clear?"
''Yes Sir''

He then insults his superior in Greek and laughs.
'' Ok. I just do not like cowards. I like using my gun to kill my enemies, not hide and dress like my enemies.''.
The Hermit

"Fair enough, and I'm sure many of this team would feel the same. But in the end, we're at a numerical disadvantage. That means we have to be cunning and tactical, ergo this. There's no reason to go about insulting people, after all, we are a team."
"As much as I do not like to do this, for it is not a task for a samurai, but one for a shinobi, I see and understand that a team of our size is no match for the sheer numbers of an army. It would be foolish to think otherwise."
'' Ok. I just do not like cowards. I like using my gun to kill my enemies, not hide and dress like my enemies.''.

Captain Nicholas:

"Without tactics like the ones you are talking about, our revolution would have never have gotten off the ground. And almost every war in the history of all universes, or so I imagine, rely on the efforts of espionage to suceed in a great many conflicts. I understand few of you have had experience in espionage and would not be open to performing these kinds of operations. But calling the men and women who do these tasks cowards is insulting. In some ways they are braver than the common soldier. I would prefer the death of a soldier than suffer the things that government agents do to spies, or suspected traitors. Trust me, I would know."
"This man is 1 Loki short of the Ragnarok," Jack muttered to the captain. "Don't waste your words on him. He is more insane than I am."
Mod Note: Hey, sorry for not posting the update yet, I've been having quite the long week because of my soon-to-be moving for work reasons, and have not had the time to write much. However, I already have the results of the throwing, and I gotta say that it is going to be quite hilarious. Better start thinking whether you want to use those CPs in your failing actions! Also, maybe the next time you should try to (a) work on teams and (b) make sure that you do things you are suited for.
Mod Note: Hey, sorry for not posting the update yet, I've been having quite the long week because of my soon-to-be moving for work reasons, and have not had the time to write much. However, I already have the results of the throwing, and I gotta say that it is going to be quite hilarious. Better start thinking whether you want to use those CPs in your failing actions! Also, maybe the next time you should try to (a) work on teams and (b) make sure that you do things you are suited for.

Wait, did Chirstos actually try to kill us? *sigh*
Something tells me that this is about to end up in a TPK if the Gm says that :p
And no problem, I would rather have a good, detailed update like the other ones than a rushed update :)
Well, I put a condition in my orders. So since we're not cloaking as Japs, I'll be searching for acebee thingys from outside the camp. :p
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