• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

CFC.com - The MES/NES

Orders edited.
Well, guys, I have some bad news.

My time with Internet is going to be quite restricted, and my free time to write the updates for this will be equally restricted, so much that it won't be enough. Thus, I have to say that I won't be able to continue this game :(.

However, if someone is willing to continue it and become the Mod for this, I'll be willing to give him the info I have on this.
I'm sad to hear that. This game is interesting, and has a lot of potential to get to some pretty crazy stuff.

I'd volunteer to mod, but a combination of low free time and poor writing skills means I'm probably not the best man for the job.
Me neither. :(

DAMN IT. Why don't you put it in a brief hiatus and resume it later? :please:
That is a real shame.
I'd mod, but I'm really supposed to be working on my own NES.

That said, it might be worth posting about it in the WWW thread.
Sad to see this go. Seeing as I'm about to get a decent amount more free time, I could mod this, but I already have enough going on. This was an amazing concept nonetheless.
I do have some good news, though. This was somewhat like the games called Action Chatrooms in the Forum Games section, the major differences being the AC's are played in chatrooms. I suggest checking them out, more players are always welcome. Especially in mine, a Star Wars themed one called Glory to the Empire (shameless self advert. I regret nothing :p).
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