City-state elimination thread

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Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24 (23+1) Again, water maps!!! :cool:
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 20
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 17
Jerusalem (Religious) – 17
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 11
Lisbon (Trade) - 15 (18-3) I rarely lose ocean TRs as I usually go hard navy and patrol, and will run land routes whenever possible.
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 21
Toronto (Industrial) - 20
Valetta (Militaristic) - 21
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) - 21
Zanzibar (Trade) - 22
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 20
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 17
Jerusalem (Religious) – 17
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 11
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 21
Toronto (Industrial) - 17 (20 - 3) Sorry TO. I hate to be unpatriotic, but I've got my IZ and Entertainment districts planned, making your bonus useless more often than not. And like all Industrial City States, I don't value your second and third tier bonus that much, because I rarely have more than 1 or 2 IZs.
Valetta (Militaristic) - 21
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) - 21
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23 (22 +1) More Amenities means more things to trade means more gold more flexibility etc etc
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 20
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 17
Jerusalem (Religious) – 17
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 12 = 11 + 1. I have to up vote this at least once. It's not the best but the colossal head is still pretty good for religious/cultural victories. The faith for religion is obvious. Any improvements that give culture also give tourism once you get flight so you can build them on a bunch of non-seaside resort tiles. Also the faith is useful for getting national parks and/or more great people.
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17 = 20 - 3. +2 loyalty for encampment buildings? The only way that is useful is when you annex a city that already has an encampment district. Even then there are other ways to get loyalty so this is almost worthless.
Stockholm (Scientific) - 21
Toronto (Industrial) - 17
Valetta (Militaristic) - 21
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) - 21
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 20
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 17
Jerusalem (Religious) – 14 (17-3) - ok I guess if it's placed somewhere critical. 90% of the time its out of the way and pointless.
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 12
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 21
Toronto (Industrial) - 17
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22 (21 + 1) - This is a great CS as @Icicle noted. I usually find myself with excess faith due to Goddess of Harvest and i's a great mid-game outlet for extra faith to speed up empire building. The thing is you don't need to stack this CS with emissaries.. just enough to gain suzerainship to quickly turn your faith pool into production.
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) - 21
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17 (20 - 3) This requires substantial setup to be effective, and even then, it's unlikely to match trade route boosts from wonders or policy cards.
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 17
Jerusalem (Religious) – 14 @eleven11 Jerusalem's bonus changed in R&F, so the city state's actual position is less important now (the new ability is nearly as underwhelming as the original, though).
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 12
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22 (21 + 1) The Oracle was rated as top tier in the wonders thread, and I think Stockholm is better. It doesn't have the Oracle's potential for early game GP generation from a single city, and it doesn't stack as well with Pingalla, but once you've started building up your districts in expansion cities, Stockholm pulls ahead. More importantly, as a city state, Stockholm doesn't consume the same production resource as the districts it needs to function. Stockholm's bonus also works much better with theater districts, as it boosts artist and musician points, as well as writers.
Toronto (Industrial) - 17
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) - 21
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 17
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11 (14-3) --- I was going to comment that eleven’s observation that Jerusalem’s suzerain bonus is useless 90% of the time, but 10% of the time, if you scout it, and Jerusalem is far away, and you somehow manage to found a religion and get the suzerianship, it could be useful for a distant early spread of your religion before cities become religiously affiliated. With the new version post R&F, and the fact that your cities will almost surely convert to your religion anyway, I think it’s more like 97%.
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 12
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 17
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) – 22 (21+1) --- Here is a useful city state for any victory type.
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18 (17+1) - Highly underrated, great for fast science and culture victories, especially culture. Amani early to Prophet
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 12
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 14 (17-3) I barely see an industrial zone nowadays... anywhere... what are they again?
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) – 22
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 9 (12-3) Not sure if it's the worst, but it's very bad. Could have been great fun.
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15 (14+1) I know this is not the powerhouse that it used to be, but I still feel this is useful to spread your IZ and EC coverage, and the fact that AI doesn't go hard for it only adds value.
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) – 22
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22 (21+1) For me, the best CS. It nets so much culture and gold... and is useful in virtually any game.
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14 (17-3) I really liked this one when the game was released. However, I don't rely on fresh water that much anymore and it seems risky to rely on this CS for housing. Can be quite a bad situation if it gets conquered/you lose suzerainty.
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) – 22
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 20 - 3 = 17 (Was my favorite prior to the update but sadly so much weaker now that the trade routes are gone)
Geneva (Scientific) - 20
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 17
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 18 + 1 = 19 (Hard to make use of but it creates an interesting risk/reward dynamic and can have a huge impact in culture games)
Kumasi (Cultural) – 21
La Venta (Religious) – 12
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 17
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 17
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 14
Yerevan (Religious) – 22
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Looks like several were skipped. Using Siptah's and adding Eliminator Sr's votes to it.

Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 21
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 21 (20+1) A 15% buff to Science? Uh, yes please. Sure I need to be a peace. Like maybe after I've just ended a war where I liberated this CS.
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 17
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 11 (14-3) When a city state requires you to google what the heck it's description means, it needs to go.
Yerevan (Religious) – 22
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22 (21 + 1) - extra amenities + production? Gimme two. The downside is that the AI seems to love to attack it.
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 21
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 14 (17 - 13) - suzerain bonus is not too great (and the vanilla one was even worse), and militaristic CS envoy bonus is also useless for most of the game when peaceful.
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 11
Yerevan (Religious) – 22
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 24
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 21
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 14
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 8 11 - 3 , Yep down-voting this because of a badly constructed description, plus it takes ages to increase alliance levels.
Yerevan (Religious) – 23 22+1 Way too powerful, especially with that priest allowing 2 upgrades per apostle.

Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25 = 24 + 1. This makes coast tiles decent and coastal resource tiles really strong.
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 21
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 11 = 14 - 3. It's worthless to get loyalty from encampment buildings because by the time you build the building in a city with loyalty issues, it will already have flipped.
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 8
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
I'd like to point out that we're being very slow. The Deity AI would have eliminated three quarters of these City States by now. :)

Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 22 (21 + 1) A nice boost for peaceful play.
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 20
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 8 (11 - 3) Military City States tie with Industrial City States for the least useful envoy bonuses, and Preslav's suzerain bonus is the weakest of the Military City States. Useful only if you conquer a city with intact Encampment Buildings, and even then only situationally and temporarily.
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 8
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21 (20 + 1) Since one strategic resource is all you need for upgrades or for purchase/construction in your best military cities, Hattusa essentially means you'll never suffer for missing out on strategic resources. This can be a huge deal in the tech periods when resource based units are dominant.
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 5 (8 - 3) Two loyalty is rarely enough to make a substantial difference, especially if you lack any short term flexibility about where to apply it.
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 8 The description doesn't seem particularly confusing to me: if your best alliance is level two, for instance, your Theater Squares get double adjacency bonuses. It is probably on the weak side, though. Theater Squares are the hardest districts to get adjacency bonuses for (and arguably the districts for which they're least important), and other CS like Kumasi and Nan Madol will probably net you more culture.
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 18+1=19 - I'll have to give it some more points to keep it at least with 20 points. As I said, I love building wonders, so this a great CS for me.
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 5-3=2 - The loyalty bonus from this won't help much, and it requires me to build something I don't need in most of my games to get its effect.
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 8
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20[ (19 + 1) - Finding this early is great
Carthage (Militaristic) - 17
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 20
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 2
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 5 (8 - 3) - Way too situational and it should have a much better reward since it has the additional condition of alliance requirements. Maybe if it gave extra gp points
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14 (17-3) --- “Land combat units are 20% cheaper to purchase with gold for each Encampment district building in that city.” Nice for a pinch, but not exactly something you want to plan your game around.
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21 (20+1) --- Gold+amenities both take the edge off what could otherwise be a challenging situation.
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 2
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 5
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 23
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