City-state elimination thread

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Antananarivo (Cultural) - 22
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 15
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Preslav (Militaristic) - 0 (-3) Eliminated Not that useful as other military states)
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 5
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 24 (23+1) I like amenities.
Thanks for the correction Jerusalem. Shows you how much I play religious victories :) And it's still worthless...

Antananarivo (Cultural) - 23 (22+1) If this CS is in my culture game I heavily invest every time. And if it falls I will slaughter those who so dared.
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 12 (15-3) - Useful on a particular map only.. and marginally so at that. The AI sucks at military.. it does protect vs barb caravels though. I just don't think the emissary investment returns that much value. I'd even bank the emissaries rather than put more than 1 in this
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 5
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 24
Last edited:
Thanks for the correction Jerusalem. Shows you how much I play religious victories :) And it's still worthless...

Antananarivo (Cultural) - 23 (22+1) If this CS is in my culture game I heavily invest every time. And if it falls I will slaughter those who so dared.
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 14 (15-1) - Useful on a particular map only.. and marginally so at that. The AI sucks at military.. it does protect vs barb caravels though. I just don't think the emissary investment returns that much value. I'd even bank the emissaries rather than put more than 1 in this
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 5
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 24
You are supposed to subtract 3 from Lisbon.
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 23
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 22
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9 = 12-3 - It's difficult to use this ability strategically. Of course barb plundering is annoying but it's not something that heavily affects my strategy. Also, you don't know when Lisbon saves you, so it's really hard to know how much it pays off.
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 5
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25 = 24 + 1 - In any game amenities are great and sometimes can be a real hassle to get enough of. Zanzibar = wunderbar!
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 23
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23 (22 + 1) - Rather cool one to have for a peaceful player like me.
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 19
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 2 (5 - 3) - There are plenty cultural CS with better suzerain bonus.
Yerevan (Religious) – 23
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 23
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 16 (19-3) The bonus sounds really great, but I always fail to get a lot out of it. I guess it can be quite powerful if you find it in the very early game, but otherwise...
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 2
Yerevan (Religious) – 24 (23+1) Almost as cool as Kumasi. And in combination with the Cardinal... It makes religious victory so easy.
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 23
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 14
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15 + 1 = 16 Combine this with Magnus and it regains some of its advantage back
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Vilnius (Cultural) - 2 - 3 = ELIMINATED Too confusing and even then, the bonus is weak
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24 (23 + 1) If you're going culture, you're going to get a bunch of Great Writers, Artists, Musicians, so this synergizes nicely. Takes a while to get going, but once it does, it speeds up the race through the Civics tree, including to Cultural Heritage, which doubles the value of those Great Writers etc.
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 11
Kabul (Militaristic) - 21
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11 (14 - 3) This is a "bonus" I don't want. Housing without amenities can cause problems if not properly managed.
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8 (11-3) Passive religion spread is too weak and just doesn't get the job done. Not to mention if you're focusing religion you already have anything within spread range of your own holy sites converted anyway, making this mostly useless. If you're not focusing religion, this is entirely useless as you probably don't have one to spread anyway.
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22 (21+1) Just finished a game where I had suz of Kabul the whole game. Not only did my troops get level 4 super quick, but Kabul actually took out a Zulu city that I thought I'd have to cross the world to save them from. These guys are the best.
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25

Just reposting this link so it's handy on this page for anyone who needs it:
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 20
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 6 (9-3) - I do not need to get a head
Lisbon (Trade) - 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 23 (22+1) - not only science ... lots of clever people
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 22
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 17 (20 - 3) Given the importance of tech and other prerequisites (and the possibility of Great Engineer rushes), 15% is rarely going to change the outcome of a wonder race. And wonders are a small enough part of your overall production (in competitive games) that a discount on them isn't a huge deal in terms of pure resources.
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23 (22 + 1) This can give a major head start to all your new cities, and the ability to rush buy walls (not possible by any other means) is potentially game saving.
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) - 20
Auckland (Industrial) - 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 17+1=18 - There are still worse wonders to go, and as I said, I love to build wonders. I build ton of them. They aren't "small part of my production".
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 22
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 9-3=6 - I'm afraid I don't even remember my traders getting raided on sea even without Lisbon.
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17 (20-3) Foreign trade routes gain +1 gold for each luxury resource @ destination. Oh, yeah, there is that.
Auckland (Industrial) – 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 22
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 23 (22+1) --- Leverages commercial hubs for a potent early/mid game culture boost.
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 6
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Come on everyone! We have to eliminate them before Barbarossa does :D

Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17
Auckland (Industrial) – 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 20
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 23 (22 + 1) - This one always seems good to me since I very rarely harvest bonuses
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 23
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 3 (6 - 3) - Have to agree, this bonus doesn't mean much in most games
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17
Auckland (Industrial) – 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 21 (20+1) - Not critical but still can be a significant boost to your lagging science in a culture game. Can't believe it hasn't been upvoted yet.
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 23
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 23
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Lisbon (Trade) - 0 (3-3) - ELIMINATED - Wish the AI was better on naval maps. There is hope that this will be useful in the future.
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17
Auckland (Industrial) – 25 + 1 = 26 (Makes all your coastal cities so much better. Love finding it in my games.)
Babylon (Scientific) - 21
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 23
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 23
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 16
Kumasi (Cultural) – 23
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11 - 3 = 8 (I normally don't have many cities that don't have the fresh water bonus anyway, so it's useless most of the time.)
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17
Auckland (Industrial) – 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 21
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 23
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 24 (23 + 1) Science is king, a 15% boost to Science is powerful indeed. Plus I like to play peacefully.
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 13 (16 -3 ) Very situational, you never know when you'll discover a natural wonder and whether you'll be Suzerain when that happens. Plus I don't go for Religious Victory, so faith isn't useful for me.
Kumasi (Cultural) – 23
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 11
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17
Auckland (Industrial) – 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 21
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 23
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 24
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 13
Kumasi (Cultural) – 24 (23+1) Early game culture is very powerful in R&F, and and early suz on Kumasi can get your culture rolling without much investment. Nan Madol and Antananarivo are better later, but due to the snowball effect, I'd much rather see Kumasi first.
La Venta (Religious) – 9
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 8 (11-3) I almost always settle on fresh water anyway, and I don't want to rely on such a volatile source for my housing anyway.
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 23
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17
Auckland (Industrial) – 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 21
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 23
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 24
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 13
Kumasi (Cultural) – 24
La Venta (Religious) – 6 (9 - 3) - There are better uses for the tiles rather than them heads.
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 8
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 24 (23 + 1) - Culture from Harbors never hurts. Paired with Auckland makes some nice ports.
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 25
Antananarivo (Cultural) - 24
Antioch (Trade) – 17
Auckland (Industrial) – 25
Babylon (Scientific) - 21
Bandar Brunei (Trade) - 17
Buenos Aires (Industrial) - 23
Brussels (Industrial) - 18
Carthage (Militaristic) – 14
Geneva (Scientific) - 24
Granada (Militaristic) - 17
Hattusa (Scientific) - 21
Hong Kong (Industrial) - 18
Jerusalem (Religious) – 8
Kabul (Militaristic) - 22
Kandy (Religious) - 13
Kumasi (Cultural) – 24
La Venta (Religious) – 6
Mohenjo Daro (Cultural) - 5 (8 - 3) Just not a fan of their Suzerain effect.
Muskat (Trade) – 21
Nan Madol (Cultural) - 24
Palenque (Scientific) - 20
Stockholm (Scientific) - 22
Toronto (Industrial) - 15
Valetta (Militaristic) - 23
Yerevan (Religious) – 24
Zanzibar (Trade) - 26 (25 + 1) Early game, mid game, late game, 12 extra Amenities are always useful.
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