First, Thanks Andrew for a wonderful comment.So, the question (that I'm posing, not answering) is this: is the Civ player a kind of godlike world-spirit, guiding a group of people who don't know they're a unity towards their destiny, inspiring the construction of wonders and guiding the people towards scientific inquiry; or more of a ruler, moving troops here and there and commanding construction? And, of course, with the bottom line being that the game has to be fun, how do we deal with this question?
I'm absolutely the in the former camp, I'm inspiring a people and telling their story.
Civ isn't a game to be won, it's a canvas with which to paint a picture of a fictional people on earth #xxxxxxx37
Why I'm so excited for VII, is that it allows for big changes and challenges through out the run time, straight through to the end.
There is magic in it that has endured for me for over 25 years, it never gets old. Just give me one more turn.
Edit: This is the guessing thread so back on topic: I think Held in Reserve comment refers to a leader that could have been revealed earlier Era wise, so I'm going with Genghis Khan