Civ VII Weekly Reveal Guessing Thread

I wonder what the focus will be... will it go into greater depth on a specific Age? Jump around a lot? Maybe it'll be a sort of Q&A thing, where they have a bunch of saves they'll use to answer questions from chat or whichever website?
Yeah, I'm really curious about it. Maybe showing in more detail lots of things they just passed by throughout the whole game. I hope they see common questions asked here and answer some of them there.
I suppose this means we'll be getting a First Look on Thursday, as usual? Fredrick will likely come with Prussia and Himiko with Meiji, so I suppose José Rizal is the most likely choice, due to a lack of super-strong association with any civ?
I'm thinking Thursday will either be Rizal or Napoleon. But I suspect Napoleon will be held till closer to launch to entice 2K account hookups.
I can't imagine any livestream before Feb 11 would have the DLC included. Especially now that the release build went gold, there's no more need to decide which version to play for the stream. They'll want to show off the release version as best as they can.
Having the day 0 DLC (Napoleon, the personas) would probably be good. And it would be a time for them to reveal what is in the other DLC (not in gameplay, but just in the process)
Having the day 0 DLC (Napoleon, the personas) would probably be good. And it would be a time for them to reveal what is in the other DLC (not in gameplay, but just in the process)
This is a bit nitpicky, but, I don't know that I would call any of that "DLC". It's not as confusing as the trend of calling everything DLC, even when it's an expansion. Heck, I think I've seen people unironically call releases "DLC" and that's beyond confusing.

Anyways, short version is I agree that Napoleon and other day 0 content might appear in such a stream. I'm referring specifically to Crossroads of the World and Right to Rule as DLC I would not expect to see in dev streams just yet.
I'm thinking Thursday will either be Rizal or Napoleon. But I suspect Napoleon will be held till closer to launch to entice 2K account hookups.
I think Napoleon is the capstone FL now, for the same reason. I'd guess Himiko or Fred are next, with the Meiji/Prussia reveal to go alongside with it.

I suspect Rizal and whoever of Himiko/Fred isn't revealed next, get their First Looks next week (instead of a separate Game Guide, like last week).

And then we end with the Mughal Game Guide and Napoleon First Look in launch week.
This is a bit nitpicky, but, I don't know that I would call any of that "DLC". It's not as confusing as the trend of calling everything DLC, even when it's an expansion. Heck, I think I've seen people unironically call releases "DLC" and that's beyond confusing.

Anyways, short version is I agree that Napoleon and other day 0 content might appear in such a stream. I'm referring specifically to Crossroads of the World and Right to Rule as DLC I would not expect to see in dev streams just yet.
I wouldn’t expect to see gameplay of Crossroads/Right to Rule in a stream, I could see revealing what civs/leaders are in those.

So what I think will be in the dev stream

-Victory gameplay
-Napoleon and the special edition Personas gameplay
-Devs talking about what civs/leaders will be in the DLC (Crossroads and Rule)
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