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Civilization 5 Raves Thread

Long time lurker here. Just thought I'd share. I was playing civ 5 recently and I realized that I prefer hexes and 1upt and limited strategic resources. With the limited resources there's not unit spam and often I'd find myself just building units and waiting for the next technology to be discovered or for something to happen. I wasn't a warmonger but when there were no buildings to make I spammed units. Although I do miss lots of stuff from civ 4 like the missing techs espionage and religion. I also like the economy, now you can't build every building in the game. It's too bad they streamlined the game WAY too much. But I also haven't played civ 4 in the longest time too. Maybe I'll try civ 4 again.

Moderator Action: Post moved to Raves thread.
Personally I left Civ IV when V came out. Civ IV was a good game, no doubt, but is a thing of the past for me. Now I only hope that Civ V will be patched beyond belief, so it can be the game that it was expected to be. Looks good with the latest patch update, but it has a loong way to go.
I love social policies. Choices sooner compared to civics, more choices in total, and integration into a victory condition.
I love faster movement speed, zones of control, and ranged units from the beginning of the game. Defending in your own territory becomes feasible now.
I love that forts are more than just healing stations on the edge of your territory. Drop a ranged unit in there and you deal with it's melee weakness while blocking off a choke point.
I love 1UPT and the tactical arrangement of troops and coordination of combat it brings. Combat doesn't end at the attack-move of a stack of doom. I manage a grand army of troops now, not a single stack shown by one unit with a size counter under it.
I love the natural terrain that hexes allow. No more flat, blocky continents.
I love that civilizations are unique now beyond a unit and building. Unique abilities far surpass a pair of attributes from the same pool shared amongst all civs.
I love the natural growth of cities and the ability to shape that growth through buying tiles. I can take a direct role in expanding a frontier city near my opponent's borders to acquire resources in time or close up my borders to prevent units from slipping between cities.
I love the graphics.
I love the style of the UI. I just love that the UI has a style now beyond utilitarian.
I love that roads have a cost now. Costless is choiceless, and in Civ4 more often than not roads just turned into a way to keep your workers occupied until a new city needed to be connected.
I love the limited strategic resources and the trading, city-state bribery, and warfare that can come from trying to acquire them, particularly if you find their locations before the enemy exploits them. I especially love it when I play as Persia and manage to snag the Iron away from Rome before their Legionnaires get built.
I love embarkation. Getting rid of yet another unit stack is a big plus.

It took me 2 years to get through 4 1/2 games of Civ4 (3 in the original, and 1 in BTS plus one game I couldn't stomach the blandness of expansion enough to finish), and I've already finished 8 in Civ5. Definitely a good investment. I'm looking forward to the new stuff coming the patches and expansions ahead (and maybe even DLC if I itchy for new stuff just for the sake of new stuff in Civ5).
It's pretty. That's literally probably it.
I started playing the game a few days ago, and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised. I like it! Maybe it's just that New Game Smell or the Nice Shiny Buttons (or possibly the fact that I didn't experience it pre-patch), but I'm genuinely enjoying it, and suffering badly from One More Turn syndrome.
CiV is awesome! At first it was hard to accustom myself to the new ideas and game engine, but now, having already played several times, I'm enjoying the game more and more, even with all the bugs we already know.

In particular I love the battles and the limit of 1 unit per hex.

This game is very very good at the moment and will be even better if the future patches offer the right solutions.
Ahhhhh, what a relief -- a positive comment by the OP... followed by some of the usual negativity we've been getting for sooooooo many weeks here.
Moderator Action: Thread merged into the raves thread, the negative comment was merged into the rants thread.

Quite simple, if you hate *ANYTHING* about CiV please go the perfectly suitable Rants thread here. Specially created for a gathering of people sharing similar opinions.

But when the extremely rare but precious posts magically appears in this Forum such as what jpboia wanted to share with us above, let us enjoy peacefully all & every optimistic comments for what they are - a mood boost rather than a bashing fest.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned is:

* Barbarians

I really like the way they spawn now and what they do

I also love this game.I think the strategy war aspect makes me like it the most since i love wargames.I hope they come out with a great exspansion pack to make this game even better.
Civ5 is my first foray back into TBS since Civ2, so just about all of the concepts are new to me.

Here are my favorites
- 1UPT tatics: I love setting up flank, general and terrain bonuses. Range units are also sweet.
- Empire limitations: I love how your empire is capped on size and progression based on what happiness and economy you can support.
- Luxury resources: I love how it encourages trading and interaction with other civs.
- Strategic resources: No Iron? Building a city on the other side of the map, War, begging... I've resorted to all of these.
- New Victory conditions: I know many/all of these were introduced in Civ3 and Civ4 but this being my first time playing with them... I like the options they open up.
I like all the things already mentioned such as hexes, 1upt, graphics, embarkment, range attacks, etc.

Adding to this...

I really like the City States!

I really like the whole puppet or raze decision when taking an enemy city.

I absolutely LOVE the new leader and unit animations, these are the best!

I also like having to move spaceship parts to your capital to add to the ship. This was one thing that has made for a few incredibly close games! I had to worry about bringing a part across the ocean to win a tech vic.

I like the actual through the years pace of Civ V. This is so much better and seems to be right on.

I also like the increased costs of unit maintenance.

I also like global happiness, its much less headaches.

Buying tiles, this is just great!

I love the added importance of gold. Its fun to be able to really spend my gold and go shopping for a change. :)

I like the social policies, after playing for a while and coming up with strategies for them I loved it.

The smooth rocking interface is priceless! This was one thing that was annoying with some of the other Civ games. Huge improvement!

Last, I love the more fun feeling Civ V has. For example... more game, less work but still very big and complex. ;)
It's just soo good - no, it's fabulous. :love:

Moderator Action: Merged into the raves thread. The_J
It still could use some improving but that's no excuse to withhold love. HANDS ARE UP! :rockon:
I'll take the bait.

We all love Civ. People wouldn't be here talking about it every day if they simply didn't care. People wouldn't be frustrated over this if it didn't matter to them.

Simple fact of the matter is, happy thoughts don't change anything. They don't fix anything. Remember, the issues here aren't simply about the game's design compared to Civ4. It's that the game in several key areas does not function on any meaningful level, including multiplayer and AI.

If this were just a matter of people disagreeing with design decisions, I'd say, well good for these people for standing up for it. But what is there to stand up for when the game doesn't work?

So yes, I love the game. But that doesn't mean I'll excuse or accept its failures.
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